This Is Your Sign | Belief Reprogramming Meditation for Manifestation

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Use this meditation for each thing you are manifesting. This Belief Programming Meditation is designed to clear resistance, and rewire your brain and beliefs to begin attracting and manifesting with ease. It will change the way you see things once and for all. And you will quite literally feel all of the blockages you've experienced begin to fall away as new beliefs begin to take form! Using affirmations, mindset and energetic work, along with autosuggestion- this meditation will allow you to begin to manifest at record speed.
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Mary Kate


Day 2 of the 7 day schedule and I am teary and snotty nosed after listening to this. I don't know where the longheld belief that I am not worthy sprung from but I could feel myself releasing it halfway thru the meditation. I indeed are expecting to receive more that is for my highest good. Thank you MK! There was a definite shift.


i listen to this meditation every single day, multiple times a day, it’s truly been so empowering and has guided me to manifest all of my dreams, thank you so incredibly much, I am so grateful ❤️


Mary Kate, I have to tell you about something that happened to me after finding this video a few months ago and hopefully it will inspire someone else to continue.
I was playing around with Manifestation and attraction at the time with little things so I was bringing a $5 bill.
After I finished with this meditation the song, Pennies from Heaven came on the radio. I laughed and said, " pennies I am worthy of quarters!" Laughed and said how cool it would be to see that happen and let it go.
When I got to the grocery store it was packed except for the 3 parking spaces way hour in the lot. One was under a shaded tree which was great because it's around 100 degrees here. I was so thankful and as I walked around the front of my car prepared for the long sweaty walk the next 2 parking spots were literally littered with QUARTERS!!!!
Like $30.00!!!
As I picked them all up no one even looked at me and no car attempted to try and park there. As I was walking towards the store both spots became full!
I use it now for bigger things and I do get what I want!! Thank you!!!


Day 2 of the 7 day schedule. This is an amazing meditation. Thank you. I could see the energy flowing in the meditation. I am going to receive $100, 000.00 or more. I know that this is coming soon. Thank You for this Meditation Mary Kate. I am grateful for you and your channel.♥️❤️


Day 2 of the 7 day schedule and i know I'm worthy of having my dream job and i can feel it already ❤Thanks Mary Kate for this powerful manifestation thats happening ❤


Thank you! I enjoyed this. Here for day 2 of the 7 day challenge!!


I use this meditation as a part of the 7 day schedule Mary Kate created and today (after the third week) it clicked. I can finally see that my reality is simply what I choose to see and program. I really appreciate you, Mary Kate. You are the only one that was able to break my own imagine in my own world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I just had an out of body experience today. I was aware of myself, but I could say exactly what you were saying as you were saying it. I didn't have to repeat what you were saying because I already knew what you were going to say. I have never had this experience before and just loved every minute of it! I will be listening to this every day from here on out! Thank you @mkmagicmindset!


I love all of your meditations, but THIS one… this one has created so many miracles for me every time I listen to it. Thank you!!


I won’t deny it, your practices are working. I’ve experimented with various meditations, but recently I tried this one, It’s as if blessings have started to flow freely since then. For instance, I received a $20 tip for simply delivering luggage a few feet from where I originally found it. There have been other instances where I received unexpected blessings as well. I’m committed to doing my best and maintaining consistency with these blessings and meditations. I just wanted to express my gratitude.


Mary Kate, congrats on 301 K subscribers. I remember following you from 2 cup manifesting technique and you wanted to manifest 100 K. You have come a long way, girl. Way to go!!


The entire process has been nothing short of miraculous !


Thank you MK I started the 7 day manifestation and for me it's day 2 it's awesome thank you the frequency of the universe.bless you dearest one


My cats came to lay down and listen. They are master manifestors!


On day 2. Powerful meditation. I feel more confident in bringing my dream job to me. Thank you.


Your meditations have changed my life - I’ve been listening to them for about a year now and I’m so glad I discovered you


I am choosing to manifest a passing score on my praxis math 5733 exam 😌


Wow this meditation is flawless ✨️
Well done Mary everytime I hear this I get better and better everyday to Manifesting what I desire. Thank you so much your an "Angel" 😇


Day 1 of manifesting schedule. This meditation was so relaxing and I feel absolutely wonderful.🥰