Speech and language therapy dosage for optimal post-stroke aphasia recovery

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Myzoon Ali, PhD, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK, comments on the importance of dosage, intensity, and frequency of language therapy for aphasia after stroke. As part of the RELEASE (Rehabilitation and recovery of people with aphasia after Stroke) project, Dr Ali looked into therapy-related factors that predicted recovery. Data from nearly 1000 patients showed that the greatest gains in overall language and comprehension were associated with 20 to 50 hours therapy dosage (total hours). Greatest overall language ability, functional communication, and auditory comprehension gains were associated with 2 to 4 and 9+ hours/week. These data indicate that increasing the amount of interaction a patient receives with a therapist is critical to optimize speech and language therapy for maximal recovery. This interview took place during the European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) in Munich, Germany.

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