How to Change a Car Battery (Step-by-Step Guide)

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Learn how to change a car battery step by step using a 2009 Hyundai Sonata. I’ll show you how to safely remove and replace the battery, clean the terminals, and save money by doing it yourself!

How to Change a Car Battery

Remove the negative cable first
Remove the positive cable second
Remove the mount
Remove the battery
Put in the new battery
Replace the mount
Remove the plastic sleeve from the positive post
Replace the positive cable
Remove the plastic sleeve from the negative post
Replace the negative cable


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About Dad How Do I: Welcome to the official "Dad, how do I?" YouTube Channel! Here you will find "How To" videos by a dad who has raised 2 adults (and we still talk). I will do my best to provide useful , practical content to many basic tasks that everyone should know how to do. On this channel, you will find a variety of content like How To's, Story times, Dad Chats, and more! Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!

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This video is produced by “Dad, how do I?” and it is provided for informational, educational, entertainment purposes only. Some of these projects, materials, and techniques may not be appropriate for all ages or skill levels. “Dad, how do I?” does not make any claims of the safety of the projects, techniques, or resources listed on this site including this video, and will not take responsibility of what you do with the information provided by this site. Viewers must be aware by doing DIY projects on their homes or vehicles, they are doing it at their own risk and “Dad, how do I?” cannot be held liable if they cause any damage to their homes or vehicles. “Dad, how do I?” assumes no liability for property damage or personal injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. “Dad, how do I?” recommends safe practices when working with tools seen or implied in this or any other video on my channel. Due to factors beyond the control of “Dad, how do I?“, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not “Dad, how do I?”.
Рекомендации по теме

My dad passed away on 07.09.2024. Your videos have been very helpful. I look forward to more videos.


I’m a fairly new dad, 2.5 & 4 months.

My dad passed when I was 8, and while I’m super techy your channel relieves the anxiety that I won’t be able to help my children with my weaker areas that involve more hands-on tasks. Thank you for this channel.


The last time I changed my battery four years ago, my dad was standing over me (I’m sure he would have loved to help more, but he was so weak from chemo). He died three years ago. While I know I can do this myself, I knew it was smart to watch a refresher on the order to do things. Thanks for filling in for my dad. He’s grateful for you for watching over his little girl when he can’t.

(He always encouraged us to do things. He grew up a farm kid so had to do much and made sure his kids—both sons and daughters—could take care of themselves. Just like you’re helping all your Internet kids do things!)


the fact that he tells us how to do stuff when he never had a father figure just shows how passionate this man is to teach people stuff.

your a GOAT man, keep it up.


My dad was present but not really around to teach me these things so thank you. He was present but absent at the same time. I know some people will give me hate for this, but I rather he wasn’t around at all.


This is perfect timing! My car battery is on it's last leg and I have to replace it soon. Thank you so much!


I was abandoned by my father since I was born… but this kinda helped me see another experience. Thanks, Digital Dad! 😄


Hmm might go ahead and try and save myself $100 next time I need a battery change. Thanks for this! Your explanations are always detailed and encouraging.


My Dad had dementia and we basically lost him 5 years ago. He taught me so much. I miss being able to call him and ask about these things. He was a man that could do anything when it came to cars, construction and all things “handy man”.


Thank you so much. My dad was never here for me. I'm now 22 and he lives not far away from me but he never asks about how am I. Ofc he never teached me how to do anything. But you did so much for me, just being there for all of us. Thank you ❤❤❤


Thanks for looking out for us, Dad! Love you! 🥰🌹❤️


Keep in mind newer and not so newer cars (mine is 2017) have battery monitoring, so you have to know how to reset that. Just search YouTube and usually you’ll find ways to do it, doesn’t have to be reset by the dealer or another repair shop.


My dad died in 2014, all of our family left us after that happened and I've had to figure out life without a male figure. Now 23, I found your channel and I just want to say thank you. This helps a lot. 🙏


❤ I'm 51 yrs. old and I thought I knew how to replace a battery UNTIL I watched your video. THANK YOU SIR! God bless you. 🙏


You are a hero, children who don't have a father can watch your videos so they can do this or that thing.And you help many people, I want you to live a great and good life. When you die you will be remembered not as a simple person but as a hero you need to go to heaven


Thank You, Your Voice is very calming and encouraging. Thank you from a girlie girl with no Dad who needs her battery changed. I feel I can do it now. God Bless you & everyone else too :-)


I grew up with an abusive father before we cut him out of my life and I never really had a figure besides my mum to teach me life skills like this, so thank you dad for helping us❤


I wish I had a dad like you in my life when I was growing up


In my toyota, if I disconnect the battery without preserving power to the computer I will lose all settings on my car computer. This includes some settings that can only be done by the dealer. You need something like an ECU memory saver that has a small battery just to keep the computer memory intact.


Tip from Ukraine: even bad car battery can be useful. It still can store enough energy to charge your gadgets(laptop, smartphone etc.) a lot of times in case of blackout. All you need is relatively cheep outlet charger and inverter.
