How to travel with two passports | Benefits of Dual Citizenship USA and Mexico

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This video apply to those who have Dual Citizenship (Mexican and USA American). In this video Jenny will cover what how to travel with two passports and we will also cover the benefits of having two passports. We will provide tips on how to travel to in and out of Mexico.

If you were born in USA and have mexican heritage make sure to check out our three part series to learn how to obtain your Mexican citizenship. We show you step by step how to get citizenship through your parents.

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If you’re here because you have (or will have!) 2 passports and want to know what to expect when traveling, I hope this video is helpful. If this doesn’t apply to you but you’re here anyway because you support this channel, you’re my favorite kind of people! 💖 thanks for watching!


So glad I found your channel. Being Mexican American myself with dual citizenship, immediately felt relatable. Subscribed!


Literally, THE BEST explanation for how to travel with two passports. Gracias!


Just for some info: you dont have to put the Mexican passport on the airline website to pass through Mexican lane on the airport, Just have your Mexican passport ready to be presented to the inmigration officer


Great advice - I had forgot about the entry fees into other countries, $100 to visit Brazil 🇧🇷 = yikes 😱. I once had an officer stop me in Costa Rica and as he looked at my passport, he asked where’s the rest of my name ? I told him I only have 2 names, first and last name, he said everybody has 4 names here, I told him in the U.S. most people have only 2 names - luckily another tourist overheard our conversation and showed the officer her passport ( which only had 2 names ) after that he let me go about my business 😃


Good to know. I’m traveling on 2 passports but I’m US-Japan, also with 2 different last names. This gets even more complicated with the COVID rules. Thank you for the video.


This would feel so nuts to have to deal with an extra challenge, particularly in this crazy time going in between the countries. But this is going to help people. Awesome.


01:14 🛂 Mistakes to avoid when traveling with two passports: Bring both passports and use the information from your Mexican passport when purchasing airline tickets.
03:10 📝 Foreigners need to complete an entry form when entering Mexico, while Mexican nationals don't.
03:38 💍 Married women in the US don't need to update their Mexican passport with their married name.
04:39 😅 Funny story: Always bring both passports to avoid confusion, like mistakenly presenting the wrong one.
05:59 🛫 What to expect when re-entering the US: Hand over both passports and explain any name differences.


Thank you for the information I’m now a Mexican National and the advice you provided will help me tremendously.


Oh, that foreigner form, now makes sense.
My brother, who's not a Mexican National told me about it. He lost his the first he went, since he didn't think he would need it. He missed a flight and couldn't leave until the following day.
I didn't know what he was talking about, since I never get one.
It's because I'm also a Mexican Citizen.


Regarding married names, we USED to do it, but not in the same way as the US. In the US the woman drops her surname and takes her husband's surname. In Mexico, the woman would drop her maternal surname, keep her paternal surname, and add "De (husband's surname)."

As you can see, slightly more complicated. Thankfully we've progressed and have stopped expecting that women change their names. It's still optional, but who wants to deal with that process?


Another enjoyable content of you. Looks beautiful.
Thank you touring and sharing with us.
Have a great week


I have this same issue with my Canadian and American passports each country needs its own. Thank you for advice!


That final scene was so funny! I love your headache saving, to the point, practical advice. Saved your vid! Liked. Subscribed. Thank you!


So helpful! Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise with us!


Thanks for making this video! I always get confused on what passport to use and in what order when going to Mexico


So my mother has dual citizenship. We booked her flight with her name as written in the Mexican passport. When she arrived to the PV airport to return to the US, they asked for her US travel document (i.e. visa, green card). As she gave the airline her US passport, they saw the last names didn't match and they made this whole drama and did not want to let my mother catch her flight because of it. We had to fight with the airline to let her get her flight. Perhaps because they wanted to make sure that she had the proper documents to enter in the US. Otherwise, the airline can get sued by the US government for letting passengers travel with inadequate documents. I knew for certain that she was not gonna have an issue at US customs so long as she has a US passport, but she was so scared that they wouldn't let her in because of the name mismatch given how the airline intimidated her about it.


Thanks for the video, I've traveled multiple times to Mexico since attaining dual citizenship and I've never used my Mexican passport to get in Mexico. I think I will try it next week


"I didn't know you guys were pochos" haha 😆 😂 🤣 😅 I literally spit out my water I had been drinking!! Great video subscribed after seeing you dual citizenship passport.


I enjoy all your videos. This is a great one, thank you. ❤
