Benjamin Marauder .22 Air Rifle + 50 & 100 Yard Accuracy TEST + FULL REVIEW - Regulated PCP Airgun

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This video is a review, setup, and maintenance guide for the Benjamin Marauder Regulated .22 PCP air rifle, pellet gun, airgun.

Gen2 Marauder .25 full review:

Everything you ever wanted to know about refilling an airgun video:

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"Only accurate guns are interesting". I don't remember who said that but in general, I agree.


I JUST got my Benjamin Marauder regulated .22 today and so far, so good ! Super backyard friendly. Very accurate, cycles easily, and most of all FUN !!


One of the best presentations of any review I have seen.


Crosman was the beginning of my airgun career, First gun was a 760 pumpmaster then eventually on to my first PCP with the Benjamin discovery and then the Marauder.. Now that i’ve owned Daystate and FX airguns Regulators in my guns are an absolute necessity and to hear you guys are getting into the regulator game seriously strikes my interest.. Tips on how to draw in all parts of the airgun community 1. reasonable pricing 2. consistency/reliability in your guns 3. Adjustability for power without wasted Air 4. Amazing customer service 5. lothar walther all the things


They need to tune the regulated ones for more power. Like have it as an option. Non-Regulated, regulated for Field target, and Regulated for hunting. The regulator should be adjustable.


Still the best nuts and bolts reviews on the tube. I have field target etc. available but time puts me and my kids firmly in plinking and hunting territory. Great to see those kind of refinements in the Marauder at that price point.


I think this is definitely a step in the right direction for Crosman. Agree this should be a 30 ft. lb. gun. Would also be nice to have a .20 cal LW barrel option. If Crosman did that I would probably have to buy another Marauder. Thanks Steve for making us airgunners another very informative video. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this channel.


When I bought this gun I thought I had the last word in pellet rifles, until I discovered the Air Venturi Avenger. Now I have a new love that has the Marauder sitting in my gun rack taking a back seat to my Avenger.


I own more than one crossman and Benjamin Rifle. I waited years to buy the Marauder after shooting pumps and barrel breaks with my kids. The marauder was the gold standard for PCP precharged guns. I was so excited when I finally bought this gun with the match barrel in the wood stock in 22 caliber. I also order the JTS Airacuda at the same time. The first day I could not get the Marauder to hold the charge. I pulled the stock and found that the air gauge oring was damaged and had to replace it. Still holding out hope for this gun and looking forward to zeroing the scope in. The magazine malfunctioned and now I'm rebuilding another part of the gun 25 rounds into the first round. I believe in the Crossman & Benjamin but. The airacuda was $200 dollars less and was flawless out of the box. The plastic trigger guard and the magazines make the gun look cheap. Please do a better job with your products and I would not buy this gun again. Being negative and honest is not the same thing.


Great review on my first and favorite PCP rifle. I have a low end 2nd gen Marauder non regulated and can tell you that after about 1500 shots the rifle just found her sweet spot. I just have the regular barrel and not the special one mentioned on the video. On a good day I get consistent 10 shot groupings within a 3" bullseye at 100 yds. Most importantly, I can terminate the pesky squirrels in my yard at that yardage that have chewed into my attic and shorted wiring in my garage. HEAD SHOT!!


I just recently purchased my first PCP air rifle. I have been using the cheap break barrel versions for years and have a lot to learn. I have a Gen 1 marauder (I think) and have shot about 800 to 1000 rounds through it. I am very impressed with the adjustments that can be made as well as the noise level. I have a lot to learn and I appreciate your video.


I have the unregulated. 25 cal because i wanted the power. I love to destroy items i find going out in the trash. The old school tv's are a blast to work down to a pile of debris lol. I will blow out the screws and the case will fall of then i start shooting knobs, capacitors and whatever else. Its like having hundreds of bullseye to shoot. No worries about clean up, its all done in a large 3/4 inch wood box in my range. Am i crazy? I don't know, i just have fun with my gun.


I see so many comments about what Crosman is doing wrong, but let me tell you what Crosman is doing right and why I love these guns so much even when I could afford a more expensive rifle.Firstly, we have the foster fitting.Secondly, we have a guage that doesn't require looking down the barrel to read.I am American, and there is something I like about American support 2 states away from me, and excellent customer service it is.Thirdly, the sound of this new field target .22 is even quieter than my .22 synrod, which is substantially quieter than my .25's.All are more quiet than a certain ethnic breal barrel i once made the mistake of purchasing.I think Steve, you're right and Crosman knows we're using a lot of these in the backyards! I have 4 Mrods in total, and i love em all.One final thought about what i love about this new field target.22 is its $10 Lifetime warranty.Who else does that?? Thanks, Crosman I'm a fan for life.


A regulator on the Marauder series is a welcome addition. But in my opinion they've made a mistake in the course of integrating it in the Marauder design. Like Steve said, this is a hunting and recreation rifle. Let's get real, no serious FT competitor will ever choose the Marauder for competitive shooting. What Crosman should do is increase the reg setting to more power (less shots of course) and perhaps market the rifle under a different, less embarrassing name ;) That being said, I love regulated rifles and own only such, so thumbs up, Crosman! Just don't get ahead of yourselves with a Marauder, please.


Great review Steve! Walther barrel, regulator and PoWer Wheel = Beast Mode!!!. Make it happen Crosman


So it looks like they kept a lot of what made the Marauder great and added and improved in other areas. While I know you mentioned you really wish they would lighten up on that first stage, I could not help but notice that regulated version you had should have had the hammer spring reduced to eliminate one of my biggest gripes with the MROD and that is cocking effort. You appeared to have to muscle through cocking the Marauder in some spots in the video. As you mentioned in the video and already know, a regulated rifle means the internal valve requires less force to overcome the lower regulated air pressure which in turn equals less hammer energy required to open the valve per shot. I guess the user can always back the preload off and achieve this lighter cocking effort. Thank you once again Steve for producing another awesome video review, keep up the great work.


Steve have you ever considered making a review with more than 1 rifle in the same class and price bracket to give a comparison. Your reviews are so in depth and expertly filmed it would be good to see a side by side shot out. Keep up the good work.


Love the fact that they addressed the .22 barrel issues and it works so well with their own factory ammo. Now I would hope they might develop a heavier pellet in .22 say in the 18 grain area for us hunters! And a lightweight skeletonized stock ! That would be a true game changer... All in all great video Steve and hats off to Crosman for the upgrades and new options...

James from Michigan,


I'm hooked on pcp, my next airgun is the gen 2 Marauder. I Like the non ping sound it makes. Thanks for this great review Steve!


For .22, 20-22 FPE makes a lot of sense for back yard pesting, it's not overkill. But no one shoots .22 in field target, and most hunters (aside from back yard) would rather have it shooting 18 gr. @ 850-900, as Steve said. Maybe Crosman knows we do a lot more backyard pesting than hunting afield...?

Tune the regulated .177 for field target at about 19 FPE.

I agree with your comments on not making the first stage heavy. You already put the legalese printing all over the gun, at least take advantage of it and give it a good trigger. The box and manual also are covered with warnings. GET YOUR LAWYER UNDER CONTROL. YOU'RE AN AIRGUN COMPANY, FOR CHRISSAKES!

The stock still looks cheap, especially that cobbled-together cheepiece. Ah well, the aftermarket will take care of us there, if Crosman won't.

I was REALLY glad to see Crosman will be making the Crosman barrels in-house. No more excuses for barrel lottery, right? I can't wait to see a face-off between a production Crosman-barreled Marauder and the Walther-barreled one. It was a GREAT idea to offer both, and try to prove that Crosman can do it as well as Walther, if they can just get quality control sorted. Crosman does a great job taking care of its customers, but it is REALLY frustrating to get a much-anticipated airgun, then have to ship it back to them and be without it for a week and a half. (thinking about my P-Rod, which had a junk barrel from the factory and showed a huge improvement when I got an older factory barrel)

Next step is to give this same treatment to the P-Rod and make a .177 P-Rod.

You're going in the right direction if you keep doing this sort of thing and stop making the low quality $100 break-barrels.
