Stephen Law - What is Ultimate Reality?

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What is the deepest nature of things? Our world is complex, filled with so much stuff. But down below, what’s most fundamental, what is ultimate reality? Is there anything nonphysical? Anything spiritual? Or only the physical world? Many feel certain of their belief, on each side of controversial question.

Stephen Law is an English philosopher who is the Director of the Certificate in Higher and Education and Director of Philosophy at The Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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That was the best one yet! I agree wholeheartedly. "I suspect you need some linguistic therapy." Was spot-on!


That was ultimately the shortest CTT-video😂.


Stephen has nailed it. It’s a poorly posed question.


Ultimate Reality is reflection. Consciousness experiencing consciousness experiencing consciousness experiencing consciousness ad infinitum.


There is something rather than nothing. There is that which is perceived and which constantly changes and there is awareness, which one could say, is the changeless aspect which perceives the changing world.
Reality is all of it.


Reality at its foundation, its essense, must be the most universal quality there is, as everything roles out of it and is part of it!


Dude basically said what I wanted to tell every student I would TA in grad school "please go sit down and figure out what you are even saying before coming back up to my desk"


There are many things that are derived from / constist of other things. The questions is if there are things that are not derived from other things and if so, what they are. That's the question about "ultimate reality". And it's a legitimate question that cannot be answered or successfully eliminated by referring to Wittgenstein and just claiming some sort of confusion about the concept of "reality".


*"...What is Ultimate Reality?..."* Somewhere within the context of the *"ALL-THAT-IS"* there truly must exist answers to all of our questions. However, in the meantime, what I consider to be the ultimate question, which is: *"...why is there something as opposed to nothing?..."* is so perplexing that I often wonder if even God (if such a Being exists) knows the answer.


What we call reality is a manifestation of the relative state. Patterns of change in relative states comprise our conscious experience.


Why is the guest being somehow dodgy? Well, I think because he is a physicalistic philosopher. Ultimate Reality simply means the most fundamental, the one and only thing from which all other things sprang.
What then could be wrong with the question, 'What is Ultimate Reality?' Why would one need a linguistic therapy for asking that question?


'Being' is an elementary concept - it cannot be defined by means of more basic concepts. Everything, including non-being, has being in common. Thus, being is unevadable. So, it is the ultimate reality. Being, as the most abstract thing, is equal to Nothing.


Reality : reel, i.e. movie reel, motion, motion picture(s), a play: reel-ity, Real-ity. Reality is inevitable, constantly in motion, changing, transitory, but what is That, which always is, immutable, that which All of reality rests on, like the axel of a wheel.


And his family resemblance concepts must exist somewhere. I mean aggressively rejecting such a simple question is so stupid.


Most philosophers evade ultimate Reality


This video make me Lough so hard at the end😂😂😂. Don't get me rong, Lough in a good way


You can't "Wittgenstein" your way out of this one, that is just lame. We need the rest of this clip that is surely remaining!


Death is the ultimate reality because when someone or something truly closed to you dies it will leave you well awakened by it.


Reality is relative to the observer. In any mathematically possible universe with observers, that universe is the observers' reality.


Read some Plato and Paul Tillich. Reality is the ground of being. All that rises from it comes into existence and eventually decays and dies. The source of all objective being can not be an object. In other words, it can't be a thing with Cartesian spatial-temporal existence, or it too would be a thing or object that had a source, and therefore could not be the ground of being. The ground of being must be anticedent to objective being. Therefore, it can not be objectively defined or observed.

Ultimate reality, like beautiful and love, can only be perceived by the Soul; it is beyond the grasp of empirical observation.

In the Vedic writing it is approached through the method of dis-objectification called Neti-Neti. In Greek, it is Apophasis. In Latin, it is Via Negativa. It is the lost art of retroduction. It is the method of dis-objectifying that which is purely subjective. It is beyond the Ego.

For the Plato, it is the Nous, the Logos. It is the tireless unflinchingly witness that is the seat of one's subjective nature. The Eye of Osiris. In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, it is the Logos which he defined as the Light that illuminates all men.

The retroductive process leads one to the Ultimate ontological Truths. They are true because it can be no other way.

Understand this, and you will understand the mystery of the double slit experiment. The objective world comes into existence when it is observed. The subjective observer defines it's being.

Consciousness is primordial. Matter is emergent. This is an ontological Truth. It can be no other way.
