The True Meaning of Azazel from the Hebrew Biblical Record. A New Years Knowledge.

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The Ancient Writings They Don't Want You to Know About.
Learn Biblical Hebrew the Easy Way
Biblical Poetry that lost it's meaning to ''translation''
Hidden Secret Knowledge of Ancient Alchemical Poetry. Reading Ancient Language and Ratting Out the Jackals.
A quickie on language and then some on Poly Ticks.

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Thank you. I love this. In my heart I felt you believed because of your gift and “ they “ visit you . I have similar feelings and experiences. I do not have the experience you have with studying the language. I like your share about your neice and the shave / Gillette. I like the “blue “ lazazel and blue bloods. I did not know O- does well on mountain tops. You are always teaching me something interesting. How is it we can have that blood when no one in the family does is a curious thing to me? I will meditate for more answers and I end up falling asleep too. Happy New Year. Glad I found it was led to your “videos you issue “ just as good as a book . Letting the troubles go in the blue is wise .


Great video friend.
Question, if I may.
Could you give me a brief rundown of how the different "tacs" or punctuation if you will that determine whether or not to read a group of characters both ways?
Thank you for your time and work.


(9:23) Interesting how you say that Azazel in the Hebrew always starts with a letter L. Notice the pronunciation of the letter L is (el). As in ELohim, Elshaddai, michaEL, raphaEL, uriEL, and gabriEL. Also concerning the methods of the scapegoat. You mention using a balloon. The stories I have heard or read were that the Jews would somehow place their confessed sins on a goat and either release the goat into the wild, or push the goat off of a cliff. In hopes that the goat would never return. If the goat never returned then their sins were forgiven or forgotten... not sure. But if the goat returned then that would be a very bad sign... I assume. By the way EL is supposedly a big deal in freemasonry according to other sources that I've come across...
