Finding Freedom from Addiction (Part 1) - Dr. Gregory Jantz

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Dr. Gregory Jantz helps define what an addiction is, contrasting it with other practices that don’t interfere with daily living, and what drives people to addiction. He discusses various forms of common addictions, such as opioids, eating disorders, sexual or relationship addictions, and technology. He talks about some of the dynamics of addiction in the Christian community, such as shame, accountability and the importance of receiving God’s love and forgiveness. He also tackles the tough questions about intervention for family members who refuse to seek help.


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Outstanding information and exposing the why and what the addicted person is experiencing, feeling etc....It all stems from wounded hearts, hurt, trauma that is un-dealt with. SO TRUE that it must be exposed and brought to the LIGHT for freedom! The addicted on must admit they need help, this is the FIRST step in order to be free. And it is OKAY TO SAY, I NEED HELP. No need to feel shame. There is more strength in admitting your weakness than hiding it. The body of Christ is there to help and support one another. The enemy wants to keep people isolated because he knows, there is power in healthy community.


What help is there for those of us who aren't the addicted but the spouse, the child, the parent of the one who is battling addictions?


Great program!
40% have addictions? Hmm... what if you add the addiction to the cell phone? My guess is, it is much higher.


I liked the message of the program and there were some great things said, but I thought it was a little too light hearted, personally. As someone who has a family member with an addiction it was a little hard to see so much giggling about it. I'm sure it was just to lighten a tough subject, but it's serious for those of us who deal with it.
Thanks for your message.


Great program last night, but focus on the family Canada having issues,
You guys need to not do that again.some people have to go to work early.
I listen to it at 7:00 at night. What time do you listen to this show?
(P.s. it sometimes off if I listen ahead of schedule.)
