Virtually frictionless — virtual material probe sheds light on the friction gap, Fraunhofer IWM

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Ensuring that power plants operate without breaking down and that vehicles
run energy-efficiently ultimately depends on just a few atoms. A virtual material probe makes it possible to see, and therefore control, tribological processes at the atomic level. Prof. Dr. Matthias Scherge und Prof. Dr. Michael Moseler from the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM together with Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Otschik from EagleBurgmann is being awarded the Stifterverband Science Prize 2022 (worth 50,000 euros) for this development.

For the past 15 years, the Stifterverband has awarded this prize to research projects in applied research that demonstrate scientific excellence, where Fraunhofer institutes work together with industry or other research organizations.

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