3 NEW BEST CHAMPIONS to ONE TRICK for EVERY Role - Season 14 - League of Legends

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When choosing a champ to one trick you shouldn't look at the current meta, since it changes. Prioritize a champion that you love to play and has a good kit in general, so it's gonna stay relevant no matter the meta. Even better if it has room for skill expression, since the skill floor/ceiling doesn't really matter for a one trick. You should eventually get good at the champ if you're spamming it non stop


Before you ruin my placements, know that you have to learn the champ before one-tricking them


As an Aphelios OTP he is actually so underrated as a one-trick. There is so much skill expression and nobody in low elo knows what he does, so most of the enemies will underestimate your power. He even has a low ban rate. He might be one of the hardest champs to learn but its well worth it!


I was confused at first but now I get it: Agency, Fun, and skill expression so that you can reliably carry your team and get out of low elo. Great vid 😊


They forgot to mention that laning on Qiyana is rough as shit into a lot of matchups


So glad to see Viego getting his love, he’s who made me fall in love with this game and I’ve been playing him ever since so seeing him get his rec is great


As a Camille OTP I can confidently say she is horrible right now and a horrible champ to one trick.


the only two top champs i’ve been grinding the past few patches are sett and akali. Sett feels so broken with the new bruiser/tank items, while akali is overall just a strong pick for top since she does so much dmg and the shroud is fantastic for lane control and now that the path from jungle is bigger, her escape tools are even more important.

i ran into a wukong and decided to add him to the list because man his early game is very strong. if you know how to play the monkey, then i def recommend him with new items!


That Camille and Irelia recomendations XD


As A Akshan main it's awesome buttery gameplay when you swing around reviving teammates and killing enemies is just bliss, but even if you master him and is a mechanically good player, hope you don't come across fizz, because you will cry.


I'm gonna mention Kalista, the fact that she's currently sitting above 50% winrate with her difficulty level while also hovering around a 3% pickrate shows she's definitely strong right now and if you now how to play her you should expect to see a much higher winrate.


Be careful with picking Viego. It's hard to 1v9 with him. Half of your power comes from the passive, and if your team is not very good, you might not get one in a teamfight.


Kled PSA: Stacking bonus HP items is inting on Kled. It messes up the ratio of your HP when your dismounted.

No hp items, kled is about 55% of you max hp. With bruiser/tank items he's closer to 15-20%. With the abundance of %missing HP dmg in the game from items and champs, dismounted kled gets bursted when you stack hp. There are other issues but to save characters this is the main one.

SoulMario made a great vid on the topic recently


Ekko mid gang, so good to finally see him top tier in mid after so long.


My OTP for the Season is Udyr jng, he has a versatile kit and i can adapt build to each game, he has everything but a dash wich helped me imptove my movement a ton dodging those lux qs and running enemies down or opening the gates


presence of mind is better than triumph for irelia especially with the new q being 4 times as fast ( for combo: q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q e r q e q a w flash q auto)


did you just recommend jinx for soloQ in season 14?


Why are they recommending Rapid Fire Cannon on Jinx? The extended range on the first shot doesn't affect her rockets.


I always had problems with finding my main, however I actually found it in Season 14 and it was exactly Viego. It was mainly due to LolElekktro, a well known Viego player. I did suck at this champion earlier since I found him relatively hard, but after deciding to give it a go once again, my first games went great and nothing has really changed, I didn't really improve that much. Yet, I got like 64% winrate on him with around 25 games.


Im a main ezreal, but trying to play adc right now its very annoying, you get one shot by rengar, k6, leblanc, akali. I think its time to become a mid laner.
