Entitled kid wanted to pet my dog!🐶😈

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" Entitled kid wanted to pet my dog. Got more than what he asked for. Earlier today, my neighbor and I were at the park with her dog. We headed over to the dog park area where we usually hang out with other dog owners. Out of nowhere, this kid, probably about seven years old, comes running up while we're chatting and starts bombarding us with questions like, Is this your dog and what's its name?

My neighbor doesn't tell him the dog's name though. Then the kid starts jumping between, I have a dog and I want a dog, clearly still figuring out the difference between reality and fantasy. He goes on and on about how he knows everything there is to know about dogs, and how good he is at taking care of them.

Honestly, we just wanted him to go away, but it's a public part, so we didn't say anything. He keeps asking to pet and hold the dog, because, according to him, it's so cute each time. My neighbor says no. This all happened in just a few minutes. While this is going on, his mom finally strolls up. She sees her kid asking to pet the dog and being told no, and what does she do?

She reaches down, picks up the dog, and starts handing him over to her son, saying he can pet the dog if he wants. This all happened so fast my neighbor didn't have time to react, but her dog sure did. The little guy had a serious case of diarrhea and let loose all over the mom and her obnoxious kid. The mom immediately drops the dog and starts screeching.

Her kid is covered in poop and starts crying."
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To be honest it was the moms fault the kid didn't really know better


He is a 7 year old, calling a 7 year old entitled and show off is immaturity. Believe it or not they are genuinely proud what they know or think they know and understand almost nothing about the adult shit. Mom is the entitled one here.


Entitled mom, not entitled kid.
He’s just an excited 7 year old boy who loves dogs. This isn’t really odd or even inappropriate behavior for a 7 year old.
It isn’t OP or dog owners fault either. But if they would have explained to the boy, sorry not right now, or doggo isn’t feeling well, instead of just ignoring him maybe this could have been avoided. Before entitled mom came over and picked the dog up.


No it’s not entitled for a seven year old to be excited seeing the dog. Op didn’t communicate anything to the kid. Mom was pretty whack though. Oh and it’s concerning they were happy the boy cried
