Can we hatch just female chicks?

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Most people want laying hens, but when we hatch baby chicks, about half of them turn out to be roosters. Is it possible to hatch only female chicks? Well, maybe ...
These are the links to my other videos mentioned in this one:
Why are eggs egg-shaped?
What makes a chicken a hen or a rooster? - the genetics
How to make colour-coded chicks so you can tell the boys from the girls at hatching
For more fascinating facts, hints and tips about caring for your chickens, and the sheer pleasure of chickens, subscribe to my channel: Chickens in my garden - New Zealand
These are the links to my other videos mentioned in this one:
Why are eggs egg-shaped?
What makes a chicken a hen or a rooster? - the genetics
How to make colour-coded chicks so you can tell the boys from the girls at hatching
For more fascinating facts, hints and tips about caring for your chickens, and the sheer pleasure of chickens, subscribe to my channel: Chickens in my garden - New Zealand
Can we hatch just female chicks?
Can You Hatch ONLY Hens?
ARE MY QUAIL EGGS MALE OR FEMALE? (+ how I hatch my quail!!)
How to Hatch Chicken Eggs (Part 6) Chicks are Hatching and going into the Brooder!
How Chicken hatch eggs and how newly hatched chicks look
Can One Chicken Hatch 43 Eggs?
How to Sex Baby Chicks! Did we hatch hens or roos?
LIVE Home Stream: Meet My Baby Quails!
How To Hatch Chicken Eggs in an Incubator - Start to Finish
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