J-20 Mighty Dragon vs F-22 Raptor - which would win?

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J-20 Mighty Dragon vs F-22 Raptor - which would win?
Both aircraft are impressive feats of engineering and are designed to penetrate and dominate enemy’s airspace. They are equipped with state-of-the-art avionics, sensors and are armed with wide array of weaponry. Let’s take a closer look at these two engineering marvels, compare their capabilities and determine: Can China’s Mighty Dragon really outmatch the United States’ Raptor? The J-20’s wingspan is about 43ft and length is 70ft. China is thought to have between 150 to 208 J-20s in active service. The aircraft is powered by a pair of turbofan engines generating 66,000 pounds of thrust, which can push the aircraft to a top speed of Mach 2. The F-22 Raptor, on the other hand, has a wingspan of 45ft and a length of 62ft. So far, 195 Raptors have been built for the US airforce. The top speed of the aircraft is Mach 2.25, while it can super cruise at maximum speed of Mach 1.82. The latest variant of J-20 is fitted with domestically built WS-10 engines. Featuring 3D thrust vectoring nozzles, these engines enhance the aircraft’s maneuverability by a considerable margin. The J-20 is outfitted with canards for better maneuverability at high angels of attack or during a stall. Both aircraft have thrust to weight ratio greater than 1, which could be a decisive factor during a dogfight. For the mighty dragon to effectively take on F-22 Raptor, the domestically built engines must perform as claimed. The J-20’s design focuses on frontal aspect stealth, while the engine nozzles severely increase the aircraft’s RCS. However, the leading-edge root extensions and DSI intakes maximize the stealth capabilities. The exterior of the aircraft is coated with radar observant material. On the contrary, the U.S. have significant experience of designing & operating stealth aircraft for decades. The F-22’s RCS is estimated to be about 0.001 square feet. Both J-20 and F-22 are equipped with state of the art avionics and sensor suites that allow them to detect and track multiple targets at long ranges. The J-20 is equipped with domestically built Aesa radar, details of which are classified. The aircraft can detect stealth targets with the help of Distributed Aperture System. This sensor combines the radar input with IR image for better situational awareness. On the other hand, F-22 is mounted with APG-77 Aesa radar, which can detect a 11sqft target from 150mi, while in narrow beams it can even detect from 250mi. The bottom line is that F-22 avionics are so advance that it can even perform the role of a "mini-Awacs". The J-20 has three weapon bays. The main bay can carry 4 long range air-to-air missiles like PL-15 and PL-12. The PL-15 can engage targets from 186mi. The aircraft is outfitted with 4 external hardpoints. The J-20 is not armed with an internal autocannon. Chinese are experimenting to arm the mighty dragon with laser weapons and hypersonic missiles. Similarly, the Raptor has three weapon bays. The main bay is armed with 6 long-range missiles, while the side bays can accommodate short range air-to-air missiles. The primary missiles of the Raptor are Aim-120 and the Aim-9 Sidewinder, with planned integration of the Aim-260 with range up to 124mi. For detailed conclusion, watch the complete video.

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Dear God. Dog fights are part of aviation history today. Locate target >>> identify target >>> shoot down with long range self guiding missile.


F-22 = Best aircraft ever built. Period.


The j-20 isn’t beating the F-35 in air to air combat according to the Air Force. If it can’t beat the F-35, the J-20 gets annihilated by the Raptor.


I would've thought the primary factor is the one you can't answer. Namely, who sees who first.


air to air engagements are not a guarantee no matter what. In the right circumstances even a mig 21 can shoot down a f35. china is focusing on long range bvr and using awacs to guild those missiles while the f22 is made for more close encounters. it's all situational


The J20 is a Dragon according to its stats, but the F22 Raptor is like an Eagle merged with the killer speed and agility of a Penegrine Falcon. The F22 is based on the strength, speed and agility of an Eagle and a Falcon the Kings of the skies in the order of creation.

The F22 has a higher chance over the the J20 Dragon based on its stats


Are you serious with this comparison, the J20 isn’t even stealthy, it’s avionics, and radar, are a generation behind the Raptors’s latest tech, the new Raytheon Sparrow/ AMRAM, has better guidance and speed, , , , COME ON


Raptors are real and dragons are fantasy... much like any Chinese ambitions of defeating the F-22.


There is nothing that can be compared to the F22 on this planet!!


The SU-57 would be a bigger threat then the J20 to the F22.


Each battle situation is different so you have to be able to maneuver as appropriate. The f-22 sounds like it can do that and we have more time/sorties under our belt which i think gives us an important edge.


You must also take into account the experience of the pilot.


china have enough most advanced missiles to shot down entire U.S aircraft 10 times 🤣🤣🇨🇳🇷🇺❤️


Raptors are Outmatched in numbers, but in stealth, Raptor has the winning edge.


J 20 is only good at dropping fortune cookies from the air.


One question can answer everything about China. If you had to put you and your family had to jump out of an airplane, would you rather all wear a parachute made in China or made in America?


How people say K20 is on par with the F-22 when the f22 is very classified and nobody knows anything about it. USA never tells the real capability of their precious weapons they downgraded when in actuality it can do more than what the spec sheet tells you


J20 no way near capabilities F22 has also j20 never shoot missiles that everybody can see, other hand F22 shot down Chinese balloon 🎈 that was impressive.!


I love seeing wumaos raiding the entire comment section


J-20, Mighty dragon is developing now and not finished yet. It has a canards to increase its RCS and less stealthy. It has a radar rather than F-22. J-20 is much bigger than F-22 and its aviation, mobility is rather than F-22. J-20 has less powerful engine rather than F-22. J-20 is a junk rather than a F-22.
