Janet Devlin - Speak (Live @ A&B2 Studio)

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I thought that time would make this song easier to sing but as for right now, it hasn’t. Having your trust broken by someone in such a way will always hurt. This doesn’t mean that I’m owned by what happened, I’m not. But the beauty of music is being able to sing about your pain and share it with the world. I can do this now because I’m ready to speak.

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"Now there's blood on the roses, a broken bouquet, the flowers are dying, they shrivel in shame."

That is one of the most beautiful and intense lines of a song I have heard in long time.


Im from Florida. I would take that guy on a fishing trip to the Everglades and leave solo. Our little secret! Love you Janet.


I remember when I first heard this song during my battle with alcohol. It was so beautiful and I could relate so much I had it on repeat. I desperately wanted to share it with everyone, but I wasn't ready to speak...
Then I got pregnant and was clean for 13 months after I had given birth and finished breastfeeding, before I relapsed, as we all do! I quickly realised that this was not the life for me anymore. I couldn't stand the lying, the sneaking around, the worry of finding new stores to go to as I was ashamed of buying far too much alcohol almost every 2nd day. But most importantly, I couldn't do that to my son, I couldn't risk his health and safety if I wasn't thinking clearly one day. I haven't touched a drop since! Thank you for this beautiful song Janet, it reminded me that no matter who you are, we are all fighting some battle...and those battles can be won! <3


I’m 54, wasn’t until this year that I made the connection between when I started drinking at 13 and it was the same time I was sexually assaulted. It was like a light finally being turned on.
This September 11th will be 1 year sober/clean.
You’re an inspiration lady. ❤️


I loved this song as soon as I first heard it, which was at The Union Chapel last night. It is such a powerful song, no woman should have to suffer this type of crime. It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear the song, but I just can't stop listening to it. Janet has such a beautiful voice, and is a beautiful person. Signed books and had photos after the show too. I can't wait for the next tour. Janet, you have come such a long way since your X-Factor days, keep up the great work.


The story behind this song and the way you sing it will make any room its sung in go instantly quiet


Still dumbfounded how you can make a song so beautiful and assuasive out of such a difficult and horrible experience, you truly are gifted my friend! 🖤


Amazed at how you can take such a traumatic event and turn it into something so powerfully inspirational. I feel guilty thinking that this song is so beautiful, I wish that it did not happen to you but are happy that you are making such strides in your recovery. May you continue to be happy and healthy.
Changing the subject, I'm really falling in love with this new video style, so intimate, like you are just singing to one person, just love it.
Jim does a great job as well. Have a lovely weekend guys.


Your a one strong ass woman!! Everything about your story my god 🙏 you should be so proud of yourself for coming through everything you have ! And being where yer at the day and the person you are! I take my hat off to ya! 💫You talked about AA your hands down the best AA meeting I've ever attended 💙 old soul


Contradictory feelings with this song. You sing it beautifully, infact perfectly but the words are heart rending. Beauty and pain. ❤️♥️👌👍


Oh my god. Janet, I've used to love your music several years ago but then big troubles started in my life so I forgot about everything. And now, today, I'm here again, listening to your songs and they remaind me old good times when I was happier than now. It's embarrassing I haven't listened to you for such a long time, there are many changes I've missed. Anyway, love you just the way it was before)


How is this not a number 1. Beautiful and tragic song.


, hi Jan this is Beautiful just like you special lady, Wow your voice .. . And i love your Album sweetheart xx x❤️ .... bless you for being so BEAUTIFUL..


So much pain in there Janet. May God bless you my child. Stay strong...


Listening. What a beautiful way to still someone to listen.


Out of all the performances that I have seen, which I am a true fan...it is about time that you sang a song with which you let your voice ring true through the song without the pauses of fluctuating of your voice up, down, soft, moderate & h


OMFG ... Sending shivers down my spines. Making me tear up. Like instantly as soon as she opened her mouth. JESUS.


Es macht immer wieder Spaß deine besondere Stimme zu hören


I heard this song only recently and can feel the pain in your voice. You have an amazing voice.


Jesus christ. So powerful. And there are so many people who can relate to these words. 🌹 Go forth and bloom Janet devlin... Go forth and bloom. You deserve to!
