Shocking! Scientists JUST FOUND clues to origin of life on Asteroid samples

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According to experts, asteroid dust gathered by a Japanese space probe contained organic material, indicating that some of the building blocks of life on Earth may have evolved in space. After a six-year voyage to the celestial body 300 million kilometres distant, pristine material from the asteroid Ryugu was returned to Earth in 2020. However, scientists are just now beginning to uncover its mysteries in limited experiments on 5.4 grammes (0.2 ounces) of dust and black, microscopic pebbles.
In one paper released on Friday, a team of academics led by Okayama University in western Japan claimed to have uncovered "amino acids and other organic materials that might provide clues to the origin of life on Earth."
The team said they found 23 different types of amino acids while examining the sample collected by Japan's Hayabusa-2 probe in 2019. The dust and rocks were stirred up when the fridge-sized spacecraft fired an "impactor" into the asteroid.
"The Ryugu sample has the most primitive characteristics of any natural sample available to mankind, including meteorites," the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said in a statement.
Part of the material is thought to have been formed roughly five million years after the origin of the solar system and has not been heated past 100 degrees Celsius (210 degrees Fahrenheit).
According to another research published in the journal Science in the United States, the substance has "a chemical composition that more closely reflects the Sun's photosphere than other natural samples."
Kensei Kobayashi, an astrobiology expert and professor emeritus at Yokohama National University said "Scientists have been questioning how organic matter—including amino acids—was created or where it came from, and the fact that amino acids were discovered in the sample offers a reason to think that amino acids were brought to Earth from outer space,".
Another mainstream theory about the origin of amino acids is that they were created in Earth's primitive atmosphere through lightning strikes, for example, after Earth cooled down.
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Narrated by:
Max Culina

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Рекомендации по теме

100c is the same 212F Both are the boiling point of water.


What a joke! The same amino acid was abundant on Earth, but when found in an asteroid, bingo; that is the origin of life.


What if the planets light years away from us is just the planets starting, but the light is so far away far us its just the beginning of that planet, what if we are there inperson theres actually life?
Like if aliens light years away from us saw our earth they will see the dinasour or dinasours going extinct


A god found in a book if you believe, then if one is to assume there is a creator, evolution teaches us this creator is imbued in everything we see, while those who ascribe to a biblical creator are looking for a head with a body attached. The theory of evolution came from the tree of knowledge and why biblical followers forbid its acceptance. We are writing the book of creation through scientific discoveries. This is the force feared by the biblical god because this knowledge is more powerful. We are nearing the moment when the bed sheet this god wears will reveal he has no clothes.


Good moments. The samples were just grabbed by landed with a single jump and it took off. Great image 👌


23 different types of amino acids?? Name them please.


Amino acids are everywhere it will never explain how life started or complex DNA formed. We were created, period. James Gates Jr proved we were created to boot.
