11 things that don't make ANY sense in SCP: Containment Breach

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Sometimes there are things you see in video games that make you go, "wait a minute, this doesn't make any sense." That's why today we're going to be going over the top 11 things that don't make ANY sense in SCP: Containment Breach.

Music used in the video (in order of appearance):
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - Gerudo Valley
Donkey Kong Country - Jungle Hijinx
Trauma Center DS 2 - Gentle Breeze
Dr. Mario - Theme Song
Mario Pant - Creative Exercise

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Games featured in this video:
►SCP: Containment Breach
►SCP: Secret Laboratory

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Hope you all enjoyed the video! Let me know anything YOU thought of that doesn’t really make any sense in SCP: Containment Breach 👇


SCPs aren't meant to be "teammates" in SCP CB, its everyone for themselves, the reason why 173 can open doors is because it is accidentally touching the door button, instead of 079 opening it for him. 079's only goal is to escape by uploading his code into a stronger computer then uploading himself into more things like the internet. The reason why he helps you is because you disabled his remote door control systems in the security center in entrance so he cannot control the facility anymore. You make a deal with 079 to unlock the gates to let you escape.


The lore of the game is that all the sites were attacked by the Chaos Insurgency, this forces the Foundation to move all the SCPs to the facility of the game which was designed to be easy to breach and infiltrate by the CI. SCP-079 doesn't team up with you because he wants to, he does it because you disabled his door control which basically contains him to a degree. 939 being in the basement is because again this facility isn't designed for containment so some SCPs have to be stored in odd places. 035 is a danger to 682 because he wants to use him as a vessel, 079 is buddies with 682 so he doesn't want this to happen. There is multiple SCPs that are allowed to roam sites or be used by staff, 294 doesn't need to be contained so long as staff are responsible with its use. As for the only bathroom, well there is multiple rooms that are out of the players reach so for all we know there could be more bathrooms and containment chambers that we cannot access.


the reason why heavy containment zone is connected to entrance is actually on purpose because the site was made by chaos insurgents, and theres lore on this in game with documents in game about a "modular site project". basically the site was designed to fail to make it easier for chaos insurgency to raid


If you read the files, SCP-294 had always been placed in the cafeteria. Since it was thought to be a coffee machine that doesn't need to be restocked, anyone was allowed to use it until an incident involving a cup of joe. Since then, only level 2 staff are allowed to use it and it is guarded by 2 security guards just in case.


SCP 294 is usually guarded by 2 security guards. Infact, in the document, SCP 294 is stored in a staff break room. It makes sense why it doesn't have it's own containment unit.


SCP-294 IS stationed in a break room. Though usually there are two guards guarding it. But I won't blame them for leaving their post during a breach scenario.


the reason why 173 is in light is cuz its not that hard to recontain it if you have an entire squad with you.


8:86 The SCP foundation actually has business cards(AKA keycards) and they actually have pizza parties every time they contain a anomaly, survive a chaos raid with no casualties, ect.


To explain one of your questions, SCP’s aren’t classified by danger but by “ease of containment.”

So 173 is Euclid and in Light since he’s somewhat easy to contain since you just have to look at him and cage him and he can’t really leave his cell as there’s no way to, so it’s quite easy

But 106 is in Keter since his cell has to be constantly maintained, high security, and the fact that due to his powers he can just easily walk out. All that means hard or expensive containment which means higher rank


The site was doomed anyway because it wasnt a permament site for all the SCPs. Other sites were unable to hold these SCPs so they had to put em all here.
The site was also infiltraited by Chaos insurgency for a while. Also 079 and 682 get along well with another, so it may have taken him time to find his cell, and free him.
The 939's were down there in holding cells, which were opened and thus let free.


I need to cover some things up here as a SCP fan:
1. Yeah you are right on this one.
2. Light Containment is where the Class D (the main character is a Class D) are kept. It is put further away from entrance because the game developer wants the game to be harder, making it so you are FORCED to go through Heavy Containment, otherwise the only threat would really be MTF and SCP 173, making the game really easy.
3. SCP 173 is stored in light containment because it is easy to contain and rarely breaches. The only way it could get out is by someone opening the door or a test gone wrong.
4. If someone was to communicate or interact with SCP 079, it could lead to HUGE problems. You see, its containment is specially designed so 079 can't interact with the facility. If he got normal containment, 079 could just hack the security cameras, mess with the lights and open the doors to every door in the facility. In fact, the whole reason the mass containment breach happened is because a Chaos Insurgent spy interacted with 079 and got him to open the doors to all the SCP's doors, which is why 173 got out in the first cutscene.
5. The SCP 939 instances were there at the start of the breach. They were being transported to the site in specially designed containers for them, and broke out of them whilst all the panic of the other SCPs breaches indued.
6. SCP 079 had intentions of killing ALL the personal, not just the main character. He then discovers the main character's use when you meet up with him and teams up with you.
7. SCP 079 isn't going to waste time on SCP 035, because he knows that MTF or Security Personal are going to easily gun him down. However, SCP 173 can't just be shot and done with, same with pretty much every other SCP.
8. SCP 079 may be able to open doors, but he can't see people who are anomalous and people who are not. The main character looks like any other normal human being.
9. Ok. I am pretty sure that SCP 682 can break through concrete if he can bring down a helicopter with his tail and plus (I am not sure if this is true) there is a door in the roof that MTF use to drop him in his containment if he breaches.
10. I am pretty sure that survivors of the main containment breach of all the SCPs got a Class D to go in the femur breaker in an attempt to re-contain SCP 106, but left as a random SCP attacked them, leaving the Class D by himself.
11. Like I said above, they raised the cube in preparation for the re-containment.
12. It literally says on the sign next to it. It is guarded by two security, which have fled because of the mass containment breach. SCP 294 is used to get unlimited drinks, hence why it is in the cafeteria.
13. The Tesla gate is for SCPs and Class D escaping. There have been files that say about SCPs that have walked into the tesla gates and the big amount of efficiency.
14. It's for decoration.
15. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Of course they are going to have a logo! For a guy who talks about logic, he seems to be lacking some of it himself.
16. Good point. Pretty sure the staff just unload in their pants.
16 points instead of 11. Yes, I did spend some of my life writing this chunky comment, because it infuriates me that this guy is making fun of SCP containment breach for the 'lack of logic', yet he can't see the reason why they need a logo! Tip: Do your research before you post a video on youtube.


6:43 I think it’s because it’s not SCP-106’s containment chamber 𝘺𝘦𝘵. Since, if I remember correctly, 106 goes through walls and leaves behind a kind of corrosive sludge. It’s less “going through walls” and more “breaking down the walls”, i.e. once he breaks out of his chamber, that chamber is now useless. It’s more likely the containment chamber we use in-game is the secondary chamber the Foundation tried to use to recontain 106 again before all hell breaks loose


"Why is there a logo for the scp foundation?"

o5-1: for a little sprinkle of razzle dazzle you see


682’s chamber has a big door on top for recontainment, they tranquilize him and then airlift him back to site-19. Once that happens the door opens and they drop him back into his acid bath.


Not all SCPs are evil. Really an SCP is anything paranormal. Whetever it be an immortal lizard who can shapeshift, teleport to different dimensions...or a hyper cute, Orange blob just wanting to help anyone and anything. And if someone is fine, they just get hyper euphoric. Even 682 cant really resist 999.


I’ve always wondered why they don’t use sprinklers to clean up 173’s containment chamber rather than using D class


Love how everything noted in this video is just not knowing the lore lmao


The 939's were probably brought there recently and they didn't have a containment cell for them. So they kept them in cages, but they managed to brake out. Only explanation I can give


An SCP's object class goes off of containment difficulty and not danger level
