Titanfall 2: You can't Blame the Release Date Anymore...

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Love this game, praying there'll be a third


Couldn't agree more. I have begged and pleaded with friends to give this game a try and they all just shrug it off and stay on battlefield's dick. Battlefield is the most boring, sluggish, clunky shooter I have ever played. Don't understand why people love it so much


This video is amazing, you did a great job with this!


I bought this on a sale and have to say, daaamn. This is the most polished and well executed fps I have seen in a long time. Investing a lot of hours into at the moment. TF2 deserves a great amount of gamer love and support! Just hope my prime titan monny reaches the devs and they can bring us more amazing stuff and give up


COD players don't release Titanfall is made by the creators of COD (much like Rock Band was made by the creators of Guitar Hero, yet GH got more sales despite being much inferior)

COD players and other "pros" don't want to play TItanfall as they get trounced by a TF player and then leave because they can't get their killstreaks etc.

For some reason people have a real stigma with mechs. I have a friend who just hates them because and there's no way to sway that view.

The reasons mentioned by you are also very valid. People KNOW this game is great but won't touch it ... just like Rock Band back in the day. I think its a case of "my friend bought COD so I want to as well" instead of " my friend bought COD but I got Titanfall and I realised jst how much better it is and now my friend bought a copy"

Some people say that because its a sequal people stayed away because of being beaten by pro (talk about a glass jaw) instead of I don't know ... play it and get better? I got frustrated when playing at first as the rust had to come off but then after 2 hours I was fully enjoying it again. I love TF.

I dunno its such a bizarre and interesting topic to talk about.

I originally bought TF1 on Xbox 360 simply as it was one of the last big games for the system, I was the only one of my friends to get it.

I fell in love with it, the music, the designs, the characters it just struck a chord with me perfectly.

Pre ordered TF2 and happily buying the camo DLC packs (nice cheap price for a bunch of camo's usable on pilots, titands and weapons) and even purchased Tone's warpaint (which I have to admit DO cost a but too much but it looks so good lol) I am happy to do so to support the game. I hope the next game follows the same trend.

Recently Tekken 7 has done the same thing with regression, giving less overall in the package and offering a season pass to pad it out instead of giving us a full product to start with. Fun game but lacking in areas.


I was blown away by how good the campaign in the game was, I only wish my friends still played the game but it's doable solo


thank you for this video. Period. Like I highly respect you for this. You deserved my sub.


A call to arms if I've ever heard one.


thanks. been waiting for this for ages.


To be fair, The original Titanfall had way more sales at launch than Titanfall 2 at launch and in Titanfall there was paid for DLC which nobody really cared about and if you're saying that gamers think that each CoD game is the same, people probably think the second Titanfall is exactly the same as the first one.


Love this, all you say is the truth, I've had Titan fall 2 since last Christmas and still play, got cod bo3 the other day, IT WAS BORING AF compared to Titan fall 2 I love Tf2 because of everything in this video and more!


Truth is if this was released one month earlier I would of bought it and would probably still be playing it but from past experience I find if I get to a shooter game a few months late I find it really hard to get into everyone already knows the maps and have all the best stuff that's why I did not bother with it that goes for any shooter with me if I don't pick it up day one or week one I won't pick it up at all.


> calls me a "fucking weeb" for playing anime hentai games
> plays Ronin


There are products that have ridiculous number of ad views that doesn't resonate to sales. They can view it, but it doesn't mean that they want to buy it. For example T-Mobile has been advertising way more than the other 2 major carries, however they aren't near being number one. People talk about wanting lower cellular service, but don't make it to T-Mobile. The only problem I have with that is the views/sales comparison. TF2 proved two things. Launches matter, and some people weren't very interested in giant robots.


Subscribed. It's always refreshing to see an argument that's both passionate and articulated. I do believe though that if the hypocritical gamers who demand things Titanfall 2 has but didn't ever purchased despite having the time and money, did buy it and support it, the numbers wouldn't be that much higher. At the end of the day, those who rant in comments, forums, or videos, are a fraction of the overall consumer base. As you say, this story wouldn't have suddenly changed were EA to be out of the picture. Its sales were a combination of the release date, lackluster impressions of the Tech Test, T1 being relatively forgotten by the masses, and the low expectations of FPS campaigns, and sequels. I know that when I first saw the campaign at E3 I shrugged, assumed it'd be four hours of corridor shooting without an ounce of style or storytelling ability. This was a good watch! See you on the Battlefield.


really good video man, you're exactly right.

gamers really let titanfall down.

only thing I'd disagree with is the idea that the release date doesn't still have a lingering impact.

I think it still does. the most important time for a game to click as a community and grow is on launch and Titanfall didn't have that opportunity. it's really hard for a game to come back and grow if it's launch was off.

and at this point, all those low numbers and sales are turn offs for potential new players because quite frankly people want to feel a part of something. like they are involved with something bigger and a vast large community does that.

Titanfall doesn't, and it's just a viscous cycle of unfortunate truths that have damaged this game.

I still have hope for 3 though, and I hope you keep making videos about it because this was a really effective piece.


"There's no shame in it!"
"Unless their anime, hentai games then there's absolute shame."
Y-yeah! ._. Yeah...


gamers need to start avoiding bandwagons.


true. If this video got more like and more views, it could actually make it to those gamer hypocrites you're giving a crap about.
Speaking of DLC, in 2 days their releasing a new titan, a new map, a new execution, two new prime titans, and probably a lot more, Respawn deserves a star for that.


Hell yes!.... loved this video.

2016 is the first time I didn't buy COD for YEARS. I played the multiplayer BETA, wasn't that interested and will probably only buy the game when it drops to around the £ 15.00 p mark for the single player.

TF2 though... like For Honor... I love. Both get hate. Both are the overlooked gems in their fields.

Preach on brother!
