Mass Effect 3 Turian Fleet Fighting the Reapers HD

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Audio static fixed, just clip from my 2nd play through of ME3, recorded a lot today and will be uploading and playing more over the next few days.
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I think the worst moment was in the beginning when you are leaving Earth, and you see the remains of an Alliance fleet falling to the surface.


Everybody talks about how how the turians stand no chance at all against the Reapers, and while they are a completely and utterly outmatched, let's not forget in the Miracle of Palaven. Unlike Earth and Thessia, which fell in short order, the turians were actually able to hold their ground, if only barely, against the Reapers.


It sucks how the space battle are short :(


A fleet of hundreds of Turian ships vs 5 Reapers. This fight is already decided😥


Damn strongest fleet in the galaxy? Needs to work on their aim!


Reaper weapons that project dense elements heated to critical point at extremely high mass within a mass effect field set to such a high mass that gamma radiation projected from the elements is red shifted, hence the red colour, slicing through the best shield technology the galaxy has to offer. Rather then using lasers and energy technologies like the Turians and anyone else.
It really puts into perspective the might of the Turian fleet that they were able to wage war with the reapers, rather then fall into constant retreat and deciding which elements of your fleet to leave behind and use to distract the destroyers. It also puts into perspective the desperation of the strongest fleet into the galaxy; that they were okay with facing at the Reapers with Palaven behind them. How many square kilometres of Turian city got turned to ash by Turian Dreadnought fire?


With all that hard work leading up to ME3, it's really hard to watch the Turians just get annihilated. Reapers are definitely worse than the Borg. No assimilation, or life in another form. Heartless extermination.


From this vantage point, the battle was pretty much a stalemate, but I think most races were able to hold there own on the ground. None of them would have made it indefinitely but I do believe every race slowed the reapers invasion of the Galaxy substantially at least on the ground.


@MartialArtsMaster Initially the Asari held out with hit and run attacks, but as soon as the reapers concentrated it fell just as quickly as earth. While on Palaven the Reapers eventually got control of most of the space above Palaven after a fleet campaign more costly than any previous cycle (several Reaper dreadnoughts were lost in a single fleet engagement). But organized resistance never ceased on the ground even though the Turians had been fighting almost as long as the Humans.


anyone ever do the counting in this clip? there's about several thousand Turian ships, being met by about...4 or 5, I think, Reapers.


I know, and that's shown perfectly well in this video :)

You don't fight the Reapers.
You just throw ships & soldiers at them in hope of delaying their advance.


Well Sovereign was tearing shit up in the final battle of ME1; it was not until you killed Saren's "second form" (which was basically Sovereign taking control of his corpse) that Sovereign died along with it. After that, the ship was left defenseless. If it wasn't for that, my money will be on Sovereign wiping out what's left of the Citadel defense fleet, the alliance reinforcements and the Normandy.


because reapers have so much DNA that harvesting it for an index would be impractical. also mass effect ships do megaton weaponry but with rate of fire easily surpasses any Halo ships damage. and tell me how a forerunner AI is immune to hacking or being talked away from the forerunners if they have 1 mind and a reaper has millions in it.


This cutscene is so short...And why the hell does Bioware mention Turian Dreadnoughts so often and didn't even bother to put them in game is beyond me.



The turians were holding their own on Menae, one of Palaven's moons, not Palaven. That's why the turians wanted the krogans to help RETAKE Palaven instead of merely defending it. Palaven also fell very quickly; it's just that the turians had Menae to flee to, while the Asari had nothing.


Correction: 2nd largest fleet at that time, their biggest fleet was at High Charity.


They probably warped in from colonial planets and patrols, regrouped somewhere and then jumped to palaven to attack back in one massive force.

Whatever had been defending palaven had been whiped out by then, probably for quite a while aswell, considering the ammount of time it would take to group up that many ships from all over the galaxy.


The Krogan never take down the reaper, the thresher maw does. Also, the most important fighting against the reapers in any campaign is done in space.


I know the ME field doesn't block everything a reaper resizing itself to pass through is why i would live through it. also codex is law but when it disproves whats already canon it turns into halo reach with logic being abandoned from what the series was but on. the countdown reaching 0 is youtube look it up. also if that were the numbers game is in reapers favor because of husk, harvest, indoctrination and hacking of AI the reapers have what the flood had plus halo halo has no effect on machine


Probably because Reapers are much tougher than a Collector Ship.
