'rap isn't music', 'marvel bad', and other elderly takes 🙄

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talking a bit about martin scorcese, keith richards of the rolling stones, and the mcu
in-depth commentary videos at @DAngeloWallace
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am i so out of touch??? no, it's the children who are wrong 😤


The glaring irony is that a lot of classical composers and jazz artists would've called The Rolling Stones cheap pop music.


I genuinely wonder if these musicians would say the same things about Abba (which is 100% pop music).


I feel like part of the reason why people are like “ugh older music is so much better current music is trash” kind of overlooks the fact that “older music” has already had the time for the glut of unpopular stuff to be forgotten, leaving only the stuff folks like in their memory. On the other hand, current music is… current. There hasn’t been time to sort out the timeless stuff from the unpopular.


For the Marvel argument, Scorese worded it badly but he's kinda right. A lot of movies are escapism, which isn't bad, but anything run by Disney is so processed that the only artistic elements are like the writers, the acting, the filming and the CGI everything else. It's impressive what the Marvel actors are doing, because they're acting in front of a green screen holding motion tracking shells of props which get their true look from CGI, and there's very little left to go on. Disney and Marvel are, last time I checked, over-using CGI for all special effects because CGI is the last part of the film making process to be unionized, so they're easier to exploit and over-work. The props are CGI, the costumes are CGI, the sets are CGI, etc. As soon as there's an advancement with CGI all past CGI ends up losing quality by comparison, but really good practical effects (costuming, makeup, set building, prop making, etc) usually last longer. Yes, CGI is good for sets that get completely destroyed, costumes with too many moving parts or lights, and fake fires and such, but I feel like there needs to be more of a balance between practical effects and computer effects.
I'm not saying no movies can be escapism, but Disney especially has been focused on live-action remakes, or sequels of already existing franchises. The writer's strike could've had an effect on that, but I honestly believe Disney hasn't made a new idea since before the strike. One of the reasons Barbie and Oppenheimer did so well, was probably because they were both new (to the screen) stories. There are enough writers in the world, and I'm sure a lot of them have new stories and maybe new worlds with characters we haven't seen yet.

Like my issue with Marvel is the fact that Disney/Marvel are studios that are too big to not be coming up with new stories. There are probably hundreds of Marvel characters we haven't seen yet on screen, I think we can shift our focus away from the main like seven characters now, and just get anything new on screen. Scorese is kinda yelling at a cloud in this article, but let's try to avoid an entertainment monopoly forming.


I low key agree with Scorcese on the film industry. It’s not that people want to watch marvel what’s the problem it’s that the way films are made has changed so much. I started loving the marvel films but they got repetitive and empty so fast.
I feel like traditional low brow art forms used to be more spontaneous, more scrappy, more fun. Now everything is polished and pretty boring.
It’s a shame because there are so much more fun stories if they didn’t polish everything to the max to make it marketable for the highest amount of people.


D’angelo you SNAPPED on that ending song. You’ve got such a pleasant tone to your voice - speaking and singing!! The talent is overflowing.


High key……we need a D’Angelo album drop STAT. That was a total bop 😂


Okay, but Scorsese only talked about marvel *once* four years ago during an interview when he was *literally* asked to give his opinion. Can people have opinions and just be. The man had to write an OpEd just to justify his opinion about *marvel* like he denied the holocaust or something. Besides, Marvel is having a tough time holding on to its audience, even the comic lovers. There are dozens of articles on “superhero fatigue”. So maybe he wasn’t so “out of touch” lol.


Okay why is nobody talking about how smooth that song was???? you did a great job man holy smokes


Theaters not showing certain movies to make room for bigger blockbusters is pretty true and has happened. Theres a pretty well-known story that back in 2015 Quentin Tarantino had a deal with a theater to have a buncha showings his new movie that year, but Disney pushed his movie out of the theater to make way for The Force Awakens. They basically threatened the theater that they'd lose out on any future business with Disney if they didn't give up those showings of Tarantino's movie to make way for Star Wars. Now yeah, boohoo big director Quentin Tarantino didn't get as many showings of his movie as he was promised, but if even his movies can get treated that way what chance do smaller directors have? What power could they ever hold over big corporations and their 5 bajillion dollar blockbuster slop.


Marty knows his history, so he knows about the blockbuster period of cinema that lasted decades, way before Marvel. Cinema is cyclical, so what he's saying about the studios lately (specifically Disney) very much is what needs to be discussed regarding his words.


bruh really showed up, filmed 9 videos in one sitting, and dipped 💀


Martin Scorsese isn't wrong tbh Disney forces movie theaters to play their big releases to play in over 50% of their theaters and stay there for up to three weeks. Disney actually did try to push out The Hateful 8 when it came out in 2015 when The Force Awakens came out.


Give it to D’Angelo to surprise us with his musical talents!
You are killing it, can we get more songs like that, paired with your excellent and thoughtful commentary?
Thank you D’Angelo ❤


I think Martin Scorcese is a very smart and adorable short king who's correct roughly 80% of the time. I also personally believe that media literacy is at an all-time low. Just look at Logan Paul's reaction to Nope.


You completely misunderstood Scorsese's point. Marvel has killed the small and mid budget movie and 90% of what we have in cinemas rn is remakes, sequels or adaptations of already popular IP. That stiffles creativity and cinema is worse off as a result. Marty is authentically passionate about cinema and cares about what the state of cinema will be once he's gone.


Martin Scorsese has restored, promoted and financed more diverse world-cinema than literally anyone else in the history of film. Projects and funds he created have directly employed more women and people of color than every Marvel film combined. Empowering underrepresented communities to influence cinema is his life work. He's one the most important figures of modern culture. To reduce any interview of his to "elderly take" is pathetically ignorant. The fact he also happens to be one of the greatest directors of all time is just like his side-hustle.


Scorsese is absolutely correct and im getting the feeling that youre unwilling to properly listen to his perspective. He started directing and getting recognition in the 70s, which was a great time for indie cinema in Hollywood. It was also where the makings of the modern blovkbuster started, with movies like the original Star Wars, but there was equal space for The Exorcist, Mean Streets, Dog Day Afternoon, Taxi Driver etc. He himself is only slightly younger than the entire artform of film and audiovisual art itself. He has seen some shit. His argument is not at all about lowbrow vs highbrow art, because most of his movies ARE lowbrow. His argument is about the future of cinema and Hollywood possibly being shaped by franchises and big budget mainstream films instead of singular and comolete visions of work. He is completely right about the fact that Marvel movies actively harm the reach and business of smaller films. Even a film like Everything Everywhere All At Once could not be seen in many countries and rural America because theatres could only run the latest Spiderman movie and had no space for it. This negatively impacts both audiences and filmmakers in the long run! His opinion cannot be compared to the ignorant and racist comments of some out of touch musician, because he ISNT out of touch. He has been in this industry for most of his lifetime. He is still an integral part of it. And even this late in his career after having gained international acclaim and relevance, he could not find a single person willing to finace The Irishman (a film being made in the most Scorcese genre of gangster crime films, starring some of the biggest, most notorious actors to have worked in this genre) until Netflix picked it up. If someone on the level of Martin Scorcese can face these problems, what about the newer filmmakers and artists?
Also, what is this statement at 16:20 all about?? "I just want to move past art having to mean something"?? You can have your meaningless movies all you want, but those meaningless movies are blocking the accessibility and reach of movies that DO mean something and are made by people who actually ARE passionate about what theyre doing and what they have to say.


I was a rock snob when I was a teenager. I thought only rock music was 'real' music and all pop was empty and dumb. Luckily I grew out of that and realized there's artists in every genre I like for a lot of different moods. It's awesome to have a broad scala of genres to listen to. :) Love that this dude never outgrew this 'only rock is real music' phase.
