Dr. Mark Cucuzzella presentation: The Magic of Zone 2 training to Improve your Health and Your Life

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Low Carb Denver 2023, Health & Nutrition Conference. Watch this entire presentation as Dr. Mark Cucuzzella discusses: The Magic of Zone 2 training to Improve your Health and Your Life. We are releasing this important content for free. We trust you will find it to be educational and visually engaging. Please subscribe to this YouTube channel.

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Maffetone method is basically you train breathing thru nose and mouth shut. You build a bigger engine, as Dr C likes to say. He's right. You're slower at first but man you get really fast after you adapt. You are faster but it does not feel like you're working harder.


Always such an enthusiast for health. Health over fitness, health over fads, over hacks, overall.


Any one know we're to find the full presentation (has he presented it without being cut off) or if the slide package available any were?


Im almost doing in zone 3 running what i was doing in zone 4 six months ago, and more of it.


slides around minute 17:00 reminds me of what Peter Attia has been focusing on in recent years.


The fascinating thing is Snell took over 3hrs to do the 22mile loop initially then he got it down to about 2hrs 7min from memory. Pulse dropped heaps too to high 30s from massive left ventricle stimulus at appropriate paces.


What about shoes for trail running in ultras? Appreciate your content. Good stuff 👏. At 57, i am trying to increase my mileage and not injure myself while hitting the trails and doing a couple ultra races each yr. Thank you


In a lydiard based pyramidal system the 1st 10-12wks can be 90-95% zone 1 & 2 with 5-10% zone3 (1 run a wk in zone3 for about 30-60min into a 10hr run program) . Fartlek is only like 8x10sec worth so doesnt matter. So 90-95% time based can be done for 12wks with tremendous results. Cheers


If sitting around all day, get that 30 minutes zone 2 (no more than a heart rate of 180-age). If way out of shape, not even that. So, if 50, 180-50= max HR of 130. Do something that you can hold between 120 and 130. Really don’t want to be going above that 130. Messes with the plan. Different stressors calling that glucose burning up.


Is anyone else confused between this approach and the very firm belief in *just* hard training by Bart Kay? Any views on who is right?


U don’t train the heart u in plug the pipes. Heart gets stronger or it works less to get the blood back to the heart after sending it out??


Everyone is making 'zone2" videos now😅


I'm starting to think you can't have strength and hypertrophy and zone 2 simultaneously.


It is a lot of stuff, i would wish for a little more enlightening science though. Type 1 and Type 2 muscle fiber. aha! isn't this not just a simplified concept to teach about muscle fiber. There is maybe no such fiber.
