123: Former Full Preterist Sam Frost Speaks Out (DTE #11)

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0:00 Intro
1:35 PCUSA Elder
8:02 Our Eschatological Positions
8:55 Personal Religious Evolution
13:27 Embracing Partial Preterism
21:47 Exposure to Full Preterism
31:33 Doug Wilson, Jeff Durbin, Gary Demar
41:01 Is Full Preterism Damnable Heresy?
50:22 Partial Preterism Can't Last
54:18 New Bodies in Heaven
56:48 The New Earth
59:33 Leaving Full Preterism
1:07:41 Preterism Leading to Other False Views
1:11:02 Relationship Conflicts Since Leaving
1:13:35 Current Influence of Full Preterism
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Special thanks to Do Theology for interviewing Dr. Frost. Thanks for sharing your personal experiences and insights, Dr. Frost. It is always educational. Blessings


Thank you for this interview. I was given an understanding of Preterism because of it that I can now study and use in dealing with my 73 year old friend and Sunday School teacher.

Your video is an answer to my prayer in dealing with a preterist who concealed his doctrine, married into my church and after 20 years worked his way into being a Sunday School teacher of adults in our 60-80 year old class (where my husband and I are members).

The teacher is comfortable now and is adding bits and pieces of commentary into our Baptist Sunday School lessons each week. He wonders why we are losing members who are going into other baptist churches.

When confronting his habit of skipping clarifying scripture or leaving out portions of scriptures, or trying to say it means something else, he blatantly says we’ll have to agree to disagree. And tries to move on. Of course he does this when it’s clear he is denying the clear message that is supported by other scriptures (and is taught by our Pastor. The pastor is new and unaware at present. I am sure God placed me in that class 18 months ago to deal with the situation with love, tact and prayer.

I pray he removes himself or allows God to speak to his heart and gives him a desire to search scriptures for truth and drop his entrenched beliefs outside of the clear word of God in scripture. You can see he has an agenda to spread preterism, but most in the class at present don’t pick up on it. God be glorified!


This was a great interview! Thank you so much for allowing your guest to speak so freely.


Is Samuel frost completely out of partial preterism as well? It seemed he was saying that. I've found most PP struggle to give any actual passages that speak of a yet future bodily return of Christ. They try so hard to argue for partial preterism, that they run out of texts for the final coming since all the texts seem to be speaking of the same thing... Rev 19 is connected with matthew 24-25 which are connected with 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians, Rev, Acts 1, etc. To consistently apply all the timing texts in the NT will result in full preterism.


I appreciate this interview a lot. We read the Bible with our kids almost every night, and now that they’re getting older one thing we’re doing is exposing them to a lot of the ideas that are floating around in “Christianity.” We’re active members in an OPC church that we love, so we get great expository preaching and there’s a hefty amount of fellowship (as tends to happen in a small church).

I knew a little about Preterism but I realized in this interview I didn’t know very much at all. Thanks for posting it.


The Bible concept of “progressive revelation” demonstrates the relationship between “promise” and “fulfillment” related to the “total context” of Scripture that must be taken into consideration. The temporal “time indicators” are concrete statements that simply cannot be ignored and explained away.


I'm at the 53 minute mark and I don't get it. Sam was just speaking about Matthew 24 and "the end." But if I go to BibleHub and look at 24:14 for instance, all commentaries are pretty much unanimous that the end of the old covenant age is a valid interpretation as opposed to the end of the world. How then can Sam say that no one in church history every saw it that way when examples of that are plenty? In the "end" of 1.Cor.15:24 those very same commentaries see a totally different end; what we could call the end of history, end of all things, etc. Why does Sam think that the proposition of "two ends" is so laughable when that exact proposition has the force of multiple trusted and revered classical Bible commentators behind it? I don't get it. I'm a preterist proper, not hyper, and I affirm the bodily resurrection of the dead as a non-negotiable essential per 1.Cor.15.


I feel for the interviewer. It's hard to interview someone who likes to hear himself talk.


As a pre mill believer I’m always attracted more to post mill than Amil.
Post mill sees Christ having an earthly reign and physical kingdom.
I don’t agree with post mill but it makes more sense to me than Amil


How do you host an interview for 80min and not have the guest expound the biblical texts in defense of their view and critiquing opposing views? Still not sure what position Dr Frost holds, and why. Truly disappointing for lack of content. Please do better next time. Thanks.


I so appreciate this video because I have also been wrestling with preterist- dispensationalist range for decades. Not urgently but it’s always there as a layperson/ Elder.
I’ve settled for partial preterist
I tend to ponder that since the end of Jewish age it’s possible the dead are raised glorified and seeing Jesus as He is ( like Moses and Elijah in Luke 9), and thatGod will bring with Him those that sleep in Christ at the end of history to collect the believers on earth …. I believe Matthew’s account that some dead saints also rose physically at Christs resurrection carries a huge significance, along with Jesus correcting the Sadducee’s on resurrection that “God is God of the living.”
Couldn’t go full preterist because there has to be an end to sin and death and spiritualizing 2 thes 1, and 2 Peter along with fire from heaven destroying GogMagog at end of amillenial construct, leaves one agnostic…. Therefore the elements melting by fire can’t be disregarded.
Like Adam who died in his spirit only to later die physically as well, I’m perfectly fine with the reverse.
We believers are spiritually raised as new creations, only to be physically redeemed along with the (Romans 8) whole creation at the end of history …. Thus Paradise on earth restored
No contradiction with “ not one jot or tittle removed until all is fulfilled “. For all is fulfilled in the opposite of man’s fall.
Again I’m still speculative on the nature of the risen saints since, well the beginning going all the way back to Elijah and Enoch which I believe were quickened and made perfectly glorified.
However, I’m not dogmatic on it …. Similar to Chalcedon 451ad
Boundaries must be applied in pursuit of comprehension lest we become too far off the reservation.
We apprehend the hypostatic union like the Trinity, like Armenianism/ Calvinism


The Ethiopian Church does include Josephus in their Bible. Technically not Josephus but essentially Josephus, the book of Josippon. I'm not arguing it should be there, but it does show that Christians have valued it immensely and we shouldn't scorn the interpretations that are based on it.


Good interview. I will say, however, that I don’t agree that “the end” in 1 Corinthians 15:24 is connected with anything in Matthew 24 though, or even anything mentioned in any book not written by Paul.


I simply can't be convinced by the preterist position. I not against it like I am ready to knock it down. It just doesn't make enough sense.


Full preterism is heresy but teaching that the return of literal animal sacrifices for reconciliation of sin is not? 🤡


So, Frost acknowledges that if one honors the time statements of the Bible they will be preterists. So, he just arbitrarily rejects, distorts, perverts the time indicators.


Jeremy, why do you think full preterism is growing so rapidly?


This is the most uninformed man with Dr before his name I have ever heard speak it is a pain to listen to him not because he appeals to logic reason and scripture but because when’s he’s backed into a corner he retreats to feelings, no one cares about your feelings Dr Frost the point of all of this is to draw out the truth, this man has clearly missed the mark.


Sullivan is "reformed?" Partial prets are basically only appealing to creeds? uh...ever listened to Dr. Talbot's 88 sermons on Realized Preterism? "Partial" wasn't used in the 90s? Ever read Sproul's "Last Days...."? Sam is getting sloppier and sloppier.


James Stewart Russell got it right. Unfortunately, most modern full prets are not of the James Stewart Russell - pre-millennial approach.
