Developing with Docker - Docker in Practice || Docker Tutorial 8

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Once you've learnt the basic concepts, it's important to see how Docker is actually used in practice or in real world development so to say.
In this video I show you how to work with Docker containers when developing applications. So, this will be a demo of developing a simple UI with JavaScript and Nodejs in the backend and connecting it with a Docker Container with a Mongodb database

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S 🐳
0:00 - Intro
0:14 - Pre-Requisites
0:55 - what we will do in this video
3:30 - 2nd part: MongoDB and Mongo Express Set-Up with Docker
5:00 - Docker Network concept and demo (docker-compose uses docker network under the hood, in the next video(s) I will show you how to do it with docker-compose)
15:33 - 3rd part: Connect Node Server with MongoDB container

"Docker in Practice" series:

You can check out my videos for the Pre-Requisites:

For any questions/issues/feedback, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

This video is the 8th of a complete series for beginners, where I explain the basic concepts and also show you demo's like deploying your containerized application. At the end of this tutorial you will fully understand Docker and Kubernetes.

💡 Only interested in Docker?

#docker #whatisdocker #dockertutorials #devops #techworldwithnana

The complete step-by-step guide to Docker and Kubernetes will include the following content:

🐳 D O C K E R
- Container concept
- Why docker? (image vs. traditional DevOps)
- Install docker on different operating systems
- 8 basic commands you need to know
- Docker vs. Virtual Machine
- Docker in Practice: Overview of whole development process with Docker (development, continuous delivery, deployment)
- Develop an application with Docker
- Docker Compose
- Dockerfile
- Private Repository
- Deploying your containerized application
- Docker Volumes from theory to practice

✵ K U B E R N E T E S
- Main Kubernetes components (including Pod, Service, Ingress, Volumes, ConfigMap, Secrets, Deployment, StatefulSet)
- Kubernetes architecture for beginners (master, slave nodes & processes)
- Understand how does K8s REALLY work? Main Concepts of how to use K8s
- Minikube, Kubectl - set up the cluster and connect to it
- Kubectl main commands - Demo
- Configuration file (YAML) - syntax
- Kubernetes Namespaces
- Communication between the pods - basic networking concepts in Kubernetes
- K8s Deployment in practice - example application deployment (pod + service + Ingress + secret)


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Legal Notice:
Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein. This video is not accredited, certified, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Docker, Inc.
Рекомендации по теме

Greetings from Serbia. Thank your for this course. It has simple and very clear explanations for all the concepts (from basic to much more complex) which are sometimes very hard to undestand when we read it from other sources(books, sites et.).


0:14 - Pre-Requisites
0:55 - what we will do in this video
1:44 - *1st part:* The JavaScript App (HTML, JavaScript Frontend, Node.js Backend)
3:30 - *2nd part:* MongoDB and Mongo Express Set-Up with Docker
5:00 - Docker Network concept and demo (docker-compose uses docker network under the hood, in the next video(s) I will show you how to do it with docker-compose)
15:33 - *3rd part:* Connect Node Server with MongoDB container

👉🏼 For any questions/issues/feedback, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
👉🏼 Also please let me know what you want to learn about Docker & Kubernetes.

Also please don't forget to subscribe and give me a thumbs up if you liked my video 🤓


Great Simulation indeed! I have fully tested your scenario. It absolutely working fine with no errors. Thank for the great effort made so far and grab the abstract picture of the series.


This is a mind-blowing video — in so many levels.
Thank you !!! <3


you are that much good in teaching that i got your channel recommendation from chatgpt and yes i found it correct your teaching style is excellent


I am enthusiastic devotee of your videos becoz you show in practice labs what you explain which clarifies most of ours doubts. Thank you so much! Keep continue :)


I really like your concise but comprehensive way of presentation.


Thanks a lot for this series, Nana. Everything very well explained and demonstrated. Thanks again and all the best!


The good thing about ur tutorial is u always make it in terms of start to end :) it’s makes things complete and satisfy one’s search 😇🥰


It was a litter hard to pass to the next video because of "JS ERROR", after install all of this(git, nodejs, npm), the solution was just install NPM INSTALL EXPRESS and the node server.js start successfully. Great Video thank you.


So being totally new to this stuff, i had my problems figuring out that i have to adjust the "server.js" file with an editor like notepad ++ and adjust the lines 18, 26, 29, 25(where var response should be defined !), 48, 51.
I do not know whether it was on purpose to teach me how to figure out myself or by accident either way, Thank you for your great tutorial! managed to get it working.
PS: Thank you so much :) you really are doing great !!


Thank you so much Nana for putting up this wonderful video. i am a novice with JS. I just need a little clarification form anyone who understands JS and have tried out this video.

After downloading this souce code, and running all the necessary npm install and node server.js i supposed to get a black screen on the browser page despite seeing "app listening on port 3000!" on my terminal?

on checking the style written on the html page, i saw
#container {
display: none;
does it mean the content of the index.html should'nt be displayed?


Great video, helped me a lot! Following your info I managed to create my own docker + react environment, thanks!


First of all Thanks. Just one question have you run node part within same docker network or, or have you run node part in localhost and node automatically connected to mongo?


Hi Nana I appreciate you for sharing your knowledge with us, Great job! Coming to the point it would be helpful for us if you can make a video on how to run the JS application . Thank you,


Hi, Can anyone tell when I am running this web app on my ide(VS Code) by copying the code in index.html file, server.js file, package.json file, and package-lock.json file and creating these files why I am not able to run the web app on my localhost.There is no error but the screen is blank


The stand alone nodejs UI can access the mongodb. When creating nodejs container from my-app image the container starts with 'app listening on port 3000!' terminal message. But localhost:3000 display empty page. Nothing is displayed in logs.


Hey, thanks for the video! The tutorials are just amazing! Can you tell the customizations you have in your terminal?


Hi, Could you please do a video on how to bring communication on containers running on multiple hosts?


Hi, Nana. Which version of linux are you using? . Could you please tell me the details to setup linux on windows. I am using redhat enterprise linux from aws ec2.getting many issues while doing
