My Experience - VFS Global Bangladesh | What to do at VFS Global | How to Collect UK Student Visa

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Welcome to VFS Global - What happens at the Visa Application Centre | On the day of your appointment: Aim to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment - Making the visa process easier than ever.

Documents Required for VFS Serial Wise (Main Applicant):
★ Visa Application Form (VFS don't keep it but sometimes they want to check)
▪️ Appointment Confirmation (with barcode)
▪️ Documents Checklist
▪️ CAS Letter
▪️ English Test Certificate as Mentioned CAS (IELTS/MOI)
▪️ All Academic Certificates and Transcript (main copy)
▪️ Bank Statement and Solvency Certificate
▪️ Financial Permission Letter and Birth Certificate (if bank account from student parent's)
▪️ TB Test Certificate
▪️ Job Experience Letters/CV
▪️ Passport Photocopy (color)

You must attend the appointment for your visa application. You cannot send someone in your place.

Only applicants, caregivers and those accompanying children under 18 years are permitted to enter the Visa Application Centre.

Bring a printed copy of your visa application, as well as a valid passport or travel document with at least 2 pages that are blank on both sides.

Bring all supporting documentation (originals and copies)
If you haven’t paid your visa fee online, you can pay your fees once you get to the centre.

At the centre, you will also need to submit your fingerprints and photograph. This is known as biometric information collection. A digital finger scanner collects images of all 10 digits, and you will have a digital photo taken. The digital fingerprint scanner uses no inks, liquids or chemicals and will not mark your skin.

Your digital photograph must be taken with full face and without sunglasses or tinted spectacles, or head covering unless it is worn for religious or medical reasons. Your face should be clearly visible with no hair across the eyes.

Ensure your fingertips are free from any forms of decoration such as mehndi, cuts, abrasions or other markings as these may affect your ability to provide acceptable finger scans.

If you are applying for a visa on behalf of a child under 5 years old, they must also attend an appointment, but don’t have to provide their fingerprint information.
Children under 18 years old need to be accompanied by an adult and this cannot be a member of VFS Global staff.

If you miss your appointment on the scheduled day, you will need to book a new appointment after 24 hours from your original appointment date.
Without biometrics information, your visa application will not be processed.

Without biometrics information, your visa application will not be processed. Your fingerprint scan and facial scan will be captured.

A digital fingerprint scanner will collect images of all 10 fingers, and at the same time a digital photo will be captured. This is a quick, discreet and non-intrusive process.

Your digital photograph must show your full face. You cannot wear sunglasses, tinted spectacles, or a head covering unless it is worn for religious or ethical reasons.

If you have temporary injuries on your fingers, you’re advised to wait until your injuries have healed.

Ensure your fingertips are free from any forms of temporary body decoration like mehndi as it interferes with the working of the scanner.

If you have applied for a Schengen Visa in the last 5 years, you will not need to submit biometric data as you will have already done so.

Applicants who are under 12 do not need to submit full biometric data, but will need to have a facial scan.

Citizens who hold diplomatic passports and heads of state do not require a visa and will not need to submit biometric data.

For an applicant between the ages of 12 and 17, a parent or legal guardian will be asked to give consent and be present when fingerprints are collected.

Exemptions to Biometrics
You will be exempted from the obligation of biometric data (fingerprints) if:
You are under 5 years of age.

Applicants wishing to use this IT service can contact VFS at:

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Bro এই ভিডিওটা করার জন্য আপনাকে অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ 🥰🥰🥰?
কিছুটা অভিজ্ঞতা হয়েছে! এই ভিডিওটা দেখে!
অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা আপনার জন্য।


Information debar jonno donnobat bhaiya 🤗


vaia ekta question chilo..plz answer me.. Ami biometric er time e vfs e premium service niyechilam.. Ekhn passport submit korar time eo ki abr premium service nite hole tk dite hbe??


Very informative...
Thanks a lot for uploading this video.
& Congratulations sir...


ভাই আগে কি ফিঙ্গার দিতে হয় তার তার পরে কি ভিসা হয় ভাই একটু জানেবেন ❤️


Fingerprint deyar din shate r kono documents nitey hobe?? Ami skilled woker visa te uk te try korechi.. cos letter peyechi … visa service standard likha achey form a… fingerprint koyek din por.. shate r ki ki documents ditey hobe??? Kono documents submission kora lage?


আমি পাসপোর্ট করতে পারিনাই ইন্টারভিউ তে ইউ এস এম্বাসীর থেকে সময় দেওয়া হয়েছে এখন পাসপোর্ট এইগুলো কোথায় জমা দিবো ?


Khub valo laglo vai...deke apnar video question? Vai.. student visa sara ki onno koro visar kaj ei babe Hoy ... UK er jonno????


Vaia vfs a passport joma rekhe dile ki next a embassy face korte hoye naki ..?? Naki vfs theke direct visa dibe ...plz plz vaia reply diyen ..


Vaia vfs e online form fillup kore submit korchi hoccena netherland er ...retry dekhacche bar bar eki dekhacche. Ekhn ki korbo???


Vhai appointment miss korasi AJ 09:30 taw silo. Akhon ajk pora gala ki parbo naki 24 ghonta reschedule kora nibo
Suggestions dan


Last portion a jeta bollen file joma deyar din passport a seal mere dibe and je taka ta joma diyechien setar rct diye dibe...Eta kun taka ta visa jeta seta naki others kichu ache....Ektu janale upokar hoto..


Vai courier e ki asholei padhay passport? Amar kach theke tow premium bole 8.5k rekhe dilo na bolateo.


will the keep all the papers of mine or shathe shathe back kore dibe?


আসসালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ভাইয়া, আমি নেদারল্যান্ডস এর একজন ব্যাক্তির সাথে খুব ভালো সম্পর্ক, আমাকে ছোট ভাই এর মতো দেখে, খুব রেস্পেক্ট করে, সে বলছে আমাকে সাহায্য করবে নেদারল্যান্ডস যাওয়াতে, কিন্তু ভিসা নাকি নিজ দেশ থেকে করতে হয়, উনি রেস্পন্সিবল থাকবে, ভাই এখন আপনি যদি এই সম্পর্কে আমাকে একটু হেল্প করতেন, মানে কিভাবে কি করলে ভালো হবে, কোথায় যোগাযোগ করতে হবে ইত্যাদি।
কারণ আমার এ সম্পর্কে ধারনা খুবই কম।আমি আপনার সব ভিডিও দেখি ভাইয়া, প্লিজ


Amar Akta question answer please
Ami embassy face Kore ashchi 7th December 2022 ora amar passport amk diye dey r Questionnaire dey jeta 7 days er moddhe mail Korte bole....ami Kore dei....
Akhon kotha hocche ami kivabe visa application VFS centre e submit korbo??? Naki amk wait Korte hocche ora janabe????


ভাইয়া আপনার ভিডিওটি অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে এরকম সুন্দর ভিডিও দিবেন তবে আমি এক বছর পরে দেখছি এতদিনে দেখি নাই ভাইয়া বলছিলাম কিভাবে আমি এপ্লাই করব যদি একটু বলে দিতেন কোন একটা ভিডিওতে 😢


Amr passport signature capital latter a but ami vfs biometric signature a small latter a signature diye dichi ate ki kunu pblm hobe.
Juma Akhter


Vaiya i have a question. Apnar ki credibility interview hoyeche? And uk te student visay ki kono interview neya hoy?


Baiya ami biometric dawar jonno vfs e appointment niyachilam account creat kora & June 1 e amr bio update hoya gece but ajk jokhon oi same account log in korta chai tokhon account Invalid dekhacca. Etar Reassion Vaiya ?
