RP Race Performance YFZ450r Oil Breather Box Install

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Today I am installing the RP Race Performance Oil Catch Can / Breather Box on my 2021 Yamaha YFZ450r. I'll walk you through the easy installation of this product along with my thoughts after a day of riding at the motocross track. If you would like to see the rest of the footage from TenMile MX be sure to subscribe. We will be posting weekly videos every Wednesday at 7pm ET!

This product fixes the problem without a doubt! I rode a total of 5 15-20 minute sessions at the track and had no problems at all. Usually after the 2nd moto there would be oil starting to make its way out of the AIS delete kit. By the end of the day I would usually need to top off the oil. Now I have a piece of mind knowing I can ride all day without having to worry about checking the oil all the time.

Link to purchase:

Quick install oil return tank
Prevent oil lost at high RPM
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Sweet review man 🤙🤙 I’ve got the stainless rp intake and exhaust . So now it’s time for the oil return 🤟🤟


Sweet review! I just ordered mine with rp intake and full system exhaust to pair with my new vortex ecu! Question, does the breather kit come with hoses and hardware? It’s not shown on their website. Ty


you should only need to take off the rear 10mm to get the gas tank off.. it slides off in the front


Doesn't this make any one nervous about breaking the bolt it uses on the motor?


what did you do with your old breather box are you still using it
