React vs Angular! What to learn in 2019?

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**For a twist, keep watching till end!
React and Angular are two most popular frameworks being used these days. Here's my opinion on what to learn as your first/second framework in 2019.

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Here are some resources to start learning Angular or React:


Difference between framework and library is actually much simpler.
You invoke the library code from your code and in contrast it is framework that will execute your code within itself.
Your code ->Library code
Framework->Your code


I've been learning Angular and so far I love it. Sure, it has a learning curve, but once you get past it, everything becomes familiar and easy.


Some notes:
AirBnb stopped with react-native in favor of native, they wrote 6 blogs why.
Angular and React are on par in respects to job opportunities.


Codedamn, Angular folks did say that they would be making frequent versions as they had a roadmap/schedule the wanted to follow. But as of version 5 or 6, they are:
- mostly under the hood performance improvements
- designed so that moving forward, future upgrades will not break code (as early as v5 as far as I know), things can be upgraded from the cli with fewer hassle.

Got a C/Java background but doing more front end stuff? Angular.
Enjoy staying in a more JS looking code, only adding libraries when you need, not having your productivity halted because TypeScript came out of nowhere and sat on you? ReactJS.
Not sure what to pick but want to understand features that MVC offers? VueJS.
You can't go wrong with these in 2019 I think.


I have used all three. The thing that matters more than anything else is the patterns you use to structure your apps. They all look very similar when you organise things. I prefer Angular because all the choices are made for me and I just need to focus on making a product. I use Redux in Angular and my Angular projects often look the same as my React projects - I just don't need to pick a router, HTTP client, set up typescript.

There are some things in React that I love. I actually really like JSX and React with TypeScript is quite nice


Why not all? Programmers have no life :p


If you work in a team, Typescript will be very helpful in making sure your code is less prone to bugs and even typos. Thing is, you can use it even for React, not just Angular, so that's great.

Btw, excellent video. Nicely structured and good content.


I disagree redux is a framework for state management and frameworks like angular shouldn't come already built in. React needs redux without redux react is nothing in where if you didn't have redux angular can stand on it's on. Redux is just a good library for both. Plus with Ivy in angular 7 just fast as react so why even use React in virtual dom. With react you have to install redux and some other libary to handle routing and other library to handle test bout time you patch it together you might as well use angular.


Saitama told me I should I watch this video out of all the other React vs Angular videos


hello, for a chat website, angular or react ? and why ?


One of the biggest confusions among businesses is regarding the choice of framework and they are unable to pick the one between AngularJS and ReactJS. Both of these JavaScript frameworks are universally preferred for enhanced web development services, which can augment diverse business needs.

Anyways, read the below. This might help.

Sourav Basak
Namaste UI


With the upcoming of a new feature called Hooks, the future of React will be on functional programming, i.e. function components. React team say that they don't plan to remove Class, but for new codes, they recommend using functions, not classes, in order to take advantage of Hooks.
As a beginner who still like class and getting used to its lifecycle methods, I feel quite disappointed by this. That's why I think I am going to spend time to learn Angular next year too, since I see Angular use classes for creating components.
However, because I have decided to use React for real project, I have to continue on using React and begin to learn Hooks.


You are saying a lot of “I am not a fan of this that”, “ is not fair but still do it”. Why would you even start comparing in the first place if you hate to do so


I love to drink coffee and scream at my cat.


The last slide has a typo change 'it isn't *good*' to "it isn't *going*”


"A Framework should provide state management out of the box".

First off React is releasing in it's next release.... Hooks which are in fact simply... Redux in React Core.

However, out of the box both Angular and React only have simple state management for local components, in fact React has the better option of the two with `setState`. setState has been part of React since the beginning and now will work directly with Hooks. This makes React the best SPA Framework to do any type of state management in hands down.

Angular requires rxjs to do the subscription stuff you speak about, correct?

React is becoming framework I argue that it already is.


Can you believe i was the kind of developer who started with angular but learnt React at the end 😁😂

Angular was not a cup of my tea.


We should do a podcast on this. It would be easier to have several developers talk about this in a podcast episode.


Great points about Virtual DOM, lot's of great information here!
