Are Aliens Actually Demons?

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Numerous people around the world claim to have seen UFOs or experienced interactions with aliens. An unbiased assessment of the evidence shows that _something_ is certainly going on, and even the US government is now open about the fact that they are investigating!

Is there a viable, naturalistic explanation? Are aliens physically visiting Earth—and if so, why? Or does the evidence point to a more supernatural explanation? Are these ‘aliens’ being completely honest with experiencers? And why do they seem so interested in, yet bothered by, Jesus Christ?

Join UFO-researcher and speaker, Gary Bates, for an enlightening and genuinely helpful discussion on the alien/UFO phenomenon.

00:00 Teaser
00:50 Introduction: The US government is now openly investigating UAPs
03:32 A very wide-spread phenomenon
05:05 The critical role of worldview in interpreting the UFO/alien phenomenon
06:29 July 2023: US Congressional Hearing on UFOs; why now?
09:02 The evolutionary worldview leads people to believe in aliens
10:35 UFO-type sightings are not new; only the ‘advanced alien’ manifestation is
13:01 September 2023: Mummified ‘alien’ corpses presented in the Mexican parliament?
15:02 Another mummified ‘alien’? The ‘Atacama Alien’
18:40 What about UFO sightings which _can’t_ be naturally explained?
20:56 ‘Advanced technology’ is an insufficient explanation
23:50 The ‘extraterrestrial hypothesis’ doesn’t work – _because physics_
30:01 The ‘interdimensional hypothesis’ is the only viable option
33:58 Alien abductions
37:01 The Bible explains these ‘interdimensional’ occurrences
38:37 Commonalities between abduction experiences
41:16 The religious nature of abduction experiences
43:17 So, _what are_ these ‘aliens’, and where are they from?
45:38 ‘Aliens’ don’t like Jesus. Why?
48:31 Fallen angels!?
49:53 Help for experiencers
56:00 A closing message for experiencers
58:22 Get the bonus interview: 60-second answers




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Рекомендации по теме

I asked a Christian girl I started dating in 1983 what she thought about UFO's. Without missing a beat, she said "It's all demonic." I had to think about that for awhile until it sunk in and I still believe she's right.


I'm Indigenous. I've heard the Elders call aliens star people, and the star people are fallen angels. The fallen angels are demons.


I rented a room once and the previous room renter, had painted all the walls black. I asked the landlord if I could paint them white and I did...months down the road I was sleeping when I awoke to a feeling of being lifted up and a pain like a thousand knives tearing me apart...I was floating up to the ceiling and also feeling like there were beings around me and they were not positive ...I screamed out "Jesus help me, Jesus help me"... immediately I was going in the opposite direction and being let down very gently....when I was on the bed again I had function over my body again, sat up and thought, what the heck just had always believed in aliens before that without a doubt...this troubled me for years....and then I had heard that aliens were demons...I didn't really think that but took a re-look at my belief and realized, it was true...I have been a Christian since 1988 when I took Jesus as my Lord and Savior and thought ....being ex military, I thought if aliens were real...why do they only go to governments to make treaties...? If benevolent why not land in John Doe's yard and let themselves be known to all...? Not just a corrupt government...? I can tell you this with all honesty....I was going to be abducted that night and if it happened I probably would not have believed in God and Jesus any longer.... However if these malevolent beings had to obey the power of Jesus when I called out to him....THEY ARE DEMONS....!


I grew up in a house of prayer. When I was 6-7 I experienced a portal opening up in my wall and something calling me to go in. But even as a young child I knew that what it was was not of God. Years later I was watching a testimony of a non Christian explaining an alien abduction that happened to them. The account closely resembled my experience except she decided to go in the portal and saw alien creatures that tried convincing her that they loved her and were her family. We have to be aware that the enemy will do anything to deceive us into a belief. Even if it means creating a reality that is false. A few years later a co-worker (Christian) explained that she herself felt as though her home was haunted. Same experiences. But now as an adult she understands that what she was experiencing was an oppression of demonic forces wanting her to believe that her home was haunted when in actuality the enemy had no power over her home. Haunted ghosts, alien abductions are all smoke and mirrors from the prince of deception and lies to convince you otherwise.


Suffered with sleep paralysis and seeing hands coming towards me until I called out the name of Jesus. That is real power.


Calling on the name of Jesus Christ is key, His name is Too Powerful 😮


Bible tells us that things will get worse and worse and people will call good things bad, and bad things good.


Demons playing dress up; ghosts, aliens, Bigfoot, etc..


Evil angels and demons are plentiful in the government


Ufos in Mexico have been filmed bending, morphing, splitting into pieces, merging, disappearing into thin air. .this is not the behaviour of nuts and bolts craft.


Ancient books on the occult depict demons as looking like Greys...that is not a coincidence.


I just gotta say, I came up with this theory as a kid and was shocked later when other people thought the same.


When it comes to a UFO crashing such as Roswell, what amazes me is that beings so advanced can leave their world, travel through space, avoid all potential disasters, only to get here without the technology to keep from crashing!
I’m sorry but that just doesn’t compute Will Robinson!


God's angels in the Bible were able to change their appearance so it's plausible to assume that fallen angels can do likewise.


I've experienced 4 paranormal Demonic experiences, each time I shouted loudly in the name of Jesus get out of my aura get out of my house and they did!


I was obsessed with aliens before Christ saved me.


Calling on Jesus to take care of these unfortunate exp stopped it for me too! Thank you Jesus!!!


Happened to me more times than I can count, where i call on Jesus Christ the other entities leave.


Art Bell was a gem. We miss him dearly 😢


I read on an old book on aliens that all this people having these horrible experiences had one thing in common. They all had at one point in their lives dealt with the occult. How true is that? I didn't hear this mentioned in the video!!!
