Inside the Sinaloa Cartel: Secrets of Mexico's Drug Empire | Java Documentary

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Whether it’s opium, cocaine, marijuana or fentanyl, trafficking drugs earns the Sinaloa cartel an estimated three to twelve billion dollars per year. It’s a huge business, with more than 200,000 people in the region of Sinaloa alone, working directly or indirectly for organized crime.

We gained exceptional access to several factions of the Sinaloa cartel. In the heart of a clandestine laboratory, the “cooks” showed us how drugs are manufactured and then concealed in vehicles to enter the United States illegally. An important leader of the cartel, protected by his heavily armed men, also agreed to meet with us and explain how the organization works for us.

Hired killers, like El Guero, show us their daily life as a sicario. Before each new mission, he prays to the goddess of death. As an offering, he offers him bullets, with the names of the people he is to kill on them. In the poor neighborhoods of Culiacan, money from drug traffickers turns heads, like Jamilet’s. The young woman does everything possible to seduce a drug lord as a means out of poverty.

Among adolescents, too, joining the cartel is a dream. Many boys like Luis, 17, are ready to drop out of school to become a hit man. But tragedies are numerous. In the last 15 years, the drug war has claimed the lives of more than 230,000 people in Mexico. 2019 broke all records with 35,000 murders. These tragedies make funeral directors happy: Santos runs from crime scene to crime scene trying to get funeral contracts.

With more than 50,000 people ‘disappeared’, Isabel is a “researcher of corpses”. This morning, an informant slipped her the plan of a mass grave under her door, a new perilous mission begins…

This documentary was produced by Ligne de Front and directed by Vincent Prado. It was first released in 2020.


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📍Whether it’s opium, cocaine, marijuana or fentanyl, trafficking drugs earns the Sinaloa cartel an estimated three to twelve billion dollars per year. It’s a huge business, with more than 200, 000 people in the region of Sinaloa alone, working directly or indirectly for organized crime.

We gained exceptional access to several factions of the Sinaloa cartel. In the heart of a clandestine laboratory, the “cooks” showed us how drugs are manufactured and then concealed in vehicles to enter the United States illegally. An important leader of the cartel, protected by his heavily armed men, also agreed to meet with us and explain how the organization works for us.


Man I haven’t seen a cartel doc like this in awhile…this is quality


Everyone’s son is innocent and an angel when they’re dead, but when alive they wreaked havoc on earth.


If there was ever a reason not to take drugs… this is it


Funeral director competition is the most brutal thing ive ever seen


They do this for money but they're still living poor. Only the higher ups are living good, smh . They die for crumbs.


The last mother her speech has me tears…as sons we take our moms for granted…


The mothers singing happy birthday to their sons broke my heart. Started shedding a tear. It's so sad not knowing where your son is buried. 🥹😢


“We just pray that we get home safe and sound” as they take that from ppl daily.


Funeral services salesman has to be one of the slimmest career paths you can take 😂


Great mini documentary I’m Mexican came to USA in 72 my parents worked hard brought 10 of us legally my dad live to 100 my mom is 88 we are 14 siblings I feel for all this beautiful women its unconditional love thank you new subscribers


My grandma and her family fled Sinaloa back in the 1960s when organized crime was starting to get bad. To this day, none of my aunts and uncles have ever gone back. 😬


Best part of being bilingual is I can watch this and under stand what they say not what YouTube decides to put in the caption 😂👍👍


It’s so emotional to see mothers look for their deceased sons 😢


That girl is about to finish high school and instead of thinking about college getting a career. Traveling or friends, she is drinking and going to clubs to find a narco. Lack of opportunities 😢I hope she finds a better future.


Why does the narrator sound like he documenting a “ animal planet “ series lol 😂


i quit using, buying drugs because i don't want another mother crying 🙏✝️


The broken mothers searching for their sons was brutal to watch. I can’t imagine loosing my son in such a horrific manner. I pray for Mexico and its innocent people. I pray those mothers and families will be able to find peace and justice someday. God bless your country and the people who are fighting for freedom and justice 🕊️🙏🏼
The people who made this video are very brave. You’re doing great work and bringing light to a dark topic.


Thats so sad for that young guy trying to get into the narco for the wellbeing of his family. Without realizing gettting lost in that world would cause his family more pain :(


