How to Leverage Data Science to Improve Micro-Mobility Use

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Why would people refrain from using micro-mobility devices such as electric bikes and scooters? What kind of trips does micro-mobility replace? How can we optimise a micro-mobility system to maximise its impact?

In this webinar, Diogo Valente Polónia and João Matos from the sustainability research group Holin will take us through a practical case on how data science can be leveraged to answer all these questions and provide a data-driven strategy to increase the usage and impact of micro-mobility solutions. They've developed a Python-based methodology that includes Geospatial Indexing, Feature Engineering, Predictive Scoring, and Score Optimization, to solve sustainability issues just like this one.

They'll demonstrate how to use geospatial data, paired with demographic and mobility data to prediction CO2 emissions saved with a specific micro-mobility trip and the propensity of people to transition to a certain micro-mobility solution, and, finally, how optimise placement of micro-mobility devices for maximum environmental impact (and not necessarily usage).

At each step, they'll dive into how each technique works, and how to make the best use of Python’s one-stop-shop for Machine Learning, Geospatial Analytics, Optimization Algorithms, and Visualisation Tools using Datalore.
#datascience #datalore


João Matos

João is a Masters student of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Porto. He is passionate about travelling, having lived in 5 different countries. He is currently living in Boston, doing research for his master’s thesis at MIT. As a Biomedical Engineer to-be, he wants to bring AI and clinical data together to improve healthcare and people’s quality of life. Driven by delivering a good impact with his analytical and technical skills, he is also interested in solving sustainability and societal issues. In the past year, alongside his teammates, he won a couple of datathons with challenges that tackled some of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Diogo Valente Polónia

Diogo is finishing his Master's in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Porto. On a mission to optimise for learning, he has participated in all kinds of projects, from engineering case study competitions and datathons, achieving winning positions both nationally and internationally, to presiding a junior association and interning in different companies. He's currently in Santiago de Chile for his last semester before his Master Thesis, to focus on social and environmental policy analysis and data-driven decision-making. He's always looking for ways to apply business, analytical and technical concepts to solve social or environmental issues.
Рекомендации по теме

I wonder if the emissions of collecting the scooters for charging and charging itself (if it uses non-renewable electricity source) was taken into account.
Edit: Oh, Diogo mentions these points at the end of the video, so awareness is there, that's nice to hear, many micro-mobility providers tend to gloss it over.
