The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 18th 2020 all voice messages

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00:00 0617z
01:13 0638z
02:23 0727z
03:40 0743z
04:57 0832z
06:16 0837z
07:25 0905z
08:34 1020z
09:42 1027z
11:19 1030z
12:28 1058z
14:22 1106z
15:45 1308z
00:00 0617z
01:13 0638z
02:23 0727z
03:40 0743z
04:57 0832z
06:16 0837z
07:25 0905z
08:34 1020z
09:42 1027z
11:19 1030z
12:28 1058z
14:22 1106z
15:45 1308z
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 18th 2020 all voice messages
The Buzzer UVB 76 4625Khz 18/11/2020 голосовые сообщения
The Buzzer/UVB-76 (18.11.2020 11:21 UTC) Voice Message
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 18, 2021 Voice messages
UVB-76 18th of Febuary 2020 (pitch note change)
The Buzzer UVB 76 - 4625 khz SSB.
UVB-76 The Buzzer 4625 KHz
UVB 76 4625 KHZ 18
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) Jan. 27th 2020 11:29UTC small breakdown
UVB-76/The Buzzer Print Amogus January 13, 2022 23:04 UTC
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 16th, 2020 11:35UTC Voice message
The Buzzer UVB 76 4625Khz 16.11.2020 11:10MSK голосовое сообщение
The Buzzer/UVB-76 (4625 kHz) 2 voice messages May 4, 2023.
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 25+26, 2021 Voice messages
UVB-76 'The Buzzer' - 4625khz (12-1-2013, 18:15UTC)
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) October 19th 2020 10:47UTC Voice message
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) Feb. 17th 2020 12:41UTC Voice message (During breakdown)
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 1, 2021 Voice messages
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) November 23th 2020 all Voice messages + Breakdowns
The Buzzer/UVB-76 Voice Message (November 25, 2020 10:24 UTC)
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) December 24, 2020 12:42UTC Voice message
The Buzzer/UVB-76(4625Khz) December 13th 2020 18:33UTC Voice message
'The Buzzer' UVB-76 4625 kHz copied in Oxford UK with a different audio tone
UVB-76 The Buzzer 4625khz USB 04/11/2017 00:42 UTC