Cate Blanchett & Michelle Yeoh | Actors on Actors

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In their Actors on Actors conversation Michelle Yeoh ('Everything Everywhere All at Once') and Cate Blanchett ('Tar') discuss Michelle's expansive career and how she prepared for her multi-dimensional role. Cate dives deep into how she crafted the persona of Tar and why she is dying to work with Michelle Yeoh.

Variety Actors on Actors presented by Amazon Studios

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Whoever chose this pairing should get a raise.


Whoever put these two legends together deserves a raise. We all needed this conversation. Thank you!!


michelle's confidence while saying that they gonna work together MA'AM DON'T PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS LIKE THAT


I think Michelle Yeoh winning the Oscar would have a lot more of a poetic meaning beyond representation. She took an indie film and elevated it to heights that no critic could have forecasted. Here is a 60 year old actress in a film balancing drama, action and comedy in such an operatic, profound way. The film is an unabashed love letter to an iconic career that I hope many revisit.


Such an amazing contrast. Blanchett has the unflinching confidence of a generational actress while Yeoh has the humility of someone under-appreciated her whole career. But despite their different paths, they both immediately recognize each other's talents.


Only Cate Blanchett could be in a conversation with someone and make it all about the other person and not herself. What a legend!


The way Blanchett retrospects Yeoh's career with specific references and great observations... she could easily be an amazing film journalist doing GREAT INTERVIEWS. Also the way she brings her 3 TAR costars in the conversation... It's not just a job for her is it? Both are stunning and great btw


As an Asian American, I grew up watching both actresses. Cate in all of the LOTR and Indiana Jones movies and I remember watching Michelle in a lot of my parent’s old Kung Fu movies and Chinese dramas. Seeing them in the same room talking about their legacy and careers is such an jarring but also amazing feeling.


“you have this luminous glow like someone follows you with a light” YES THIS EXACTLY THIS 😭😭 Cate is just naturally angelic


Michelle Yeoh undersells her ballet experience. She didn't just go to *a* school for ballet in England; she went to *the* Royal school. It's just a pity that back when she attended (which must've been at least 40 years ago), racism in ballet would have prevented her from having a career in the Western world. You can see her ballet training in her posture and the way she moves, the elegant way she gestures with her hands. I know that Cate has ballet training as well. They make such an elegant pair, and they should totally play a pair of smooth criminals in a heist film. Preferably with Jamie Lee Curtis as the mastermind.


this is just 40 minutes and 46 seconds of cate blanchett and michelle yeoh fangirling over each other


THIS IS MY MULTIVERSE! two of the greatest actors alive talking about two of the best movies of the year!!!


Two absolute legends, both delivering career best performances this year in Tár and Everything Everywhere All At Once.


Shame on Hollywood for not giving Michelle more lead roles. She's such a great actor


I love Cate fangirling out at Michelle so hard. What a fantastic pairing. I’d love to see them in a film together


Michelle Yeoh is poised to win in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” for best actress at the Oscars. She had won the Boston critics, New York Film Critics online, Toronto, Palm Spring, Santa Barbara film festivals, National Board of Review, And other precursors. Well deserved.


Not sure if many people know, Michelle Yeoh did her own stunts in Jackie Chan's Police Story 3 - riding a motorbike onto the roof of a moving train in Kuala Lumpur. She's freaking amazing.


Cate Blanchett's level of understanding and asking genuine questions is amazing to behold. When she brought out insight (Complex humanity and fragility @17:35) about her character Lydia Tar and Evelyn, even Michelle Yeoh found it interesting. She's really engaged in Michelle's world

Blanchett has given the best performance this year IMO. Lydia Tar was definitely not an easy characterisation but Cate Blanchett knocked it out of the park.


these two have a very similar aura. strong, powerful, magnetic woman that just radiate elegance. whoever thought of combining these two needs a raise. and whoever puts them in a movie together will win ALL THE AWARDS


I'm just in love with how blunt and honest Michelle Yeoh is when she describes people or tells stories. She rarely sugarcoats anything... and in an industry that's known for a lot of smoke and mirrors, it's just super impressive.
