Revisiting Top 5 Tarot Decks Tag #top5tarotdecks

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Today I'm revisiting my top 5 Tarot decks, a tag I originally did 3 years ago.
What do these decks mean to me as a reader?
I feel my top 5 is solidifying more and more; my staples/ my main decks, mood decks, my weirdo's and always go-to’s.
Does anybody else see their personality, life, values and goals in the decks they love most?


My name is Anna and I'm a Tarot reader from Amsterdam, I upload in English and in Dutch, once in a blue moon in French.
All of my videos are about- or related to Tarot and have a strong "explore and decide for yourself"-quality, so if you're into that, don't forget to subscribe.

Contact me to book a reading:

xx - Anna

#top5tarotdecks #favoritetarotdecks #maindecks
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I watched a video the other day where you said “you read cards- when you read cards, you read cards.” and I can’t get it out of my head.


I love that your videos are about reading tarot and not just decks 😅


Amazing video - you totally right - make content you like to watch yourself ❤ I’m going to apply this 💜


Loved this Anna its the perfect combination of tarot imagery and tarot talk love it ❤


Hi Anna! Oh wow, this is a blast from the past. The long dead corpse of "Top 5 Decks I Can't Live Without" has been resurrected by you!
I feel like I must revisit this myself now, funnily I often think on what my top 5 would be these days but it's so tricky now I have so many more tarot decks that I work with and love/am connected with.
I loved your selection and I managed to guess each one, which is a testimony to how passionately you have spoken about these decks in your videos.
I'm grateful that you did speak about Thoth because it 100% got me interested in the deck, something I wouldn't have done before. I've learned now to never say never, right?
Super loved you describing the Thoth as "Huge".
I'd guess that the Crow's Magick replaced the Pole Ka and the Rital Tarot replaced the Wildwood?
This was fun! Thank you for doing another VR.

P.S. I'm love your nail polish colour!


Really enjoy listening to your Tarot insights! That was very enlightening! Thank you 😁💕✨


No surprises here yet always good to hear you wax lyrical about your fav decks Anna.


I can really feel your passion and love for Tarot in this! Such a thoughtful video. Really enjoyed it. 🙏♥️


Thanks Anna
Always nice listening to you ❤


I loved listening to your Very Anna (TM) thoughts on these. 😉 That's what makes this fun, right? 😁 So... I would hazard a guess that Wildwood became Ritual and Pole Ka became Crow's Magick. Am I right? ...and btw you know I'm still losing my mind salivating over the Paradoxical Trionfi. I have full-on reasons and ideas for it... I'll get there! 😭


I really enjoyed this video! I'm fairly new around here so it was great to hear your thoughts on each deck. My tarot studies are all grounded in the RWS system at the moment, so I'm looking to expand to the others and this video definitely gave me some inspiration!


Both the Rider Waite and the Thoth are based on Book T. You can find Book T in The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie. When Waite made the deck, his goal was to make a deck that the masses could accept without revealing Book T. He put some blinds in the deck because of his vows, and dumbed it down. Crowley did not care. He had a slightly different view of Book T. And incorporated these ‘takes’ into the Thoth deck. So everything leads us back of course to Book T. We know that Mathers added some clarification, but we also know that Book T is much older. For those who don’t know, Book T; the “T” stands for Tetragrammaton, not tarot. Most Golden Dawn groups, to my knowledge will suggest either the Wang deck, Rider Waite deck or the Thoth deck for members starting in neophyte. Those being the closest to Book T.


Love the revisit! I love ritual tarot too, def my top five. Love it so much I ordered new edition just for that lust card 😂


Hi Anna, really enjoyed this one. By the way the Ritual tarot you showed I believe is the first edition second printing (better card stock with a box). The second edition has the different backs and the lust card.


completely understand what you say about being a "misfit".


Your videos make me really happy! Lots of love from Northern Ireland xxx ☘️🐈‍⬛❤️


When I started by Tarot journey in the late 90’s, the online chatter was not to get the US Games version of the Thoth because of the horrible green tint and muddy images and to hunt down the harder to find AGM Muller version (I am in the US so that is why they were harder to find). I finally managed to snag a copy of the far superior AGM version, I still hold true that the “greenie” decks are horrible. But I was so glad they became a thing because I was able to sell it for a hefty profit. If I want a “greenie” Thoth, I will just wear sunglasses when looking at the deck instead. :)


I think Crow's Magic replaced polka and ritual tarot replaced wildwood


I enjoyed this update! I am looking forward to revisiting my top 5 next year sometime after I go through my collection and streamline. Hoping to find another greenie 💚! Thoth was an immediate favorite for me! I have an IG post way back to 2015 😮🖤!


I'm definitely here to hear "content" AND see decks. Nothing wrong with that. We're allowed to be happy with having things. 🤩💙
