Archie Big is Awesome

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Always loved Big in the Archie Sonic Comics - felt it would be a fun topic to go over.

Intro - 0:00
The Early Days - 1:15
Big Resurgence - 5:15
Post Reboot - 10:11
Conclusion - 12:18

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You hit the nail on the head in the first 30 seconds! What defines Big's personality isn't stupidity, it's _simplicity._ He isn't a brave hero standing up against evil, an anti-hero who is indifferent to the world, or anything in-between. He's just a big fuzzy guy with a "go-with-the-flow" worldview. He has only two sweet but simple motives: take his tiny best buddy along on pleasant and peaceful fishing trips and treat those who treat him well with kindness and loyalty regardless of their background. It's the latter motive that sometimes makes him the voice of reason for the rest of the characters whenever things get rough. Among a cast of complex characters living with an even more confusingly complex world, he's the most simple-minded character, and that's why he's one of my top favorites! :^D


You mentioned the "era of hating Sonic's friends" I remember that well. A big thing with Sonic 4 was that it was *just* Sonic & Eggman. I always wondered why there was such a huge backlash to the supporting Sonic cast. I'm glad people have come back around to them!


Big the cat solves a multi species war


i feel like the possible funniest implication of big's answers from the post-super genesis wave is that it's entirely possible that by some miracle he _does_ remember, but just does not care in the slightest about the universal reboot because there's no immediate problem for him to deal with


I love how it's all but outright stated that Big is an absolute unit of muscle that just wants to relax and fish


Big was one of those characters that was hated just because the fandom told you to hate him but he’s always been an awesome, kind hearted cat who just wants to vibe.


This is Big. Big is nice, protects his friends, and likes the simple things in life. Be like Big. (I haven’t even read the Archie run and he is already my favorite character).



"its not nice to attack my friends!"


*blows up silver sonic*

*doesnt explain*



Honestly, given how Ian's personal opinion is that Big is the strongest Mobian in raw power (beating out even Mighty and Bark), he might be strong enough to actually fight the TItan Metal Sonic.


Big’s a great guy. I love him. I do love the fandom joke about him being a god because of his habit appearing out of nowhere, and his great strength.


Big is such a chill dude. I can't believe how so many people were gaslighted by the internet into hating him.


big in archie:
*he will fuck your shit up if he feels like it despite his dopey appearance*
like at 6:59


That assessment of Big as being like Totoro is actually perfect! And personally, the way I've always seen it is that he's kind of the "Sloth" to Cream's "Chunk". (that ref being for all of my fellow 80s kids) And that he's sort of an adopted member of Cream's family. =)


I really like Big’s Big Adventure in IDW comics, where he’s just a himbo that really cares about his friend Froggy, and wants to make sure that Froggy is safe. It’s so horrifying and sad watching Big getting infected while cuddling Zombot Froggy.
All this in a SIDE-COMIC.


Hopefully Big will get some time to shine in IDW soon enough
Honestly, the one interaction I NEED to see is Big with Surge & Kit


Fun fact: He isn't wearing socks in sandals, those are his actual feet.


When I first discovered Big the Cat through SA1, I had a “OMG he just like for real” moment. He was kinda like my hero. Something about a slow thinking, straightforward, big guy with a pet frog and 2 of his best friends being girls just kinda clicked with me


Archie big is the type of character to get a short film like the other side characters that becomes loved by many


I have a friend who isn't a Sonic fan like me, but she absolutely loves Big and Froggie. She sees herself in Big, both being plumpy, both adoring frogs, both preferring to live a simple routineus life, and as an autistic person, she thinks that Big needing time to digest information and being on a slower side in general might be a sign that he's neurodivergent too. As an adult man who had been headcanoning Sonic as having ADHD my whole life because of how much I can relate to him, I can see how some people might like characters like Big - he's relatable to many. Just a simple dude who likes being by himself, fishing with his amphibious buddy, staying out of trouble; not a dumbass by any means, just slow on the intake and non-agressive.


One thing I would find hilarious to see is Big the cat meeting Surge & Kitsunami.
They’re such polar opposites, Surge and Kit’s lives are chock full of stress, chaos and trauma, being hypnotized, manipulated and controlled by villains who want to use them for their own benefit… while Big just fishes and chills.
I feel like Surge would absolutely dislike him, but Kit wouldn’t mind him that much and maybe even like Big.

Either way, I know it won’t happen, but I’d love to see it
