What to do when neighbor keeps bothering you and comes over uninvited

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I would avoid, avoid, avoid! first of all, try to be outside when you know he won't be around. And also, put a lock on your gate! That will give him the message. And if this nosy neighbor keeps bugging you and coming over unannounced, you'll need to have a talk with him. Simply say, "I enjoy chatting with you, but my time is so limited. And I need to get this yard work done. I hope you understand."
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My roommate and I recently moved to a new apartment complex. One day while we were at the apartment laundromat my roommate started talking to this elderly woman. Soon after that this neighbor started coming over unannounced every single day and early in the morning. We started not answering the door and now we see her walk past our apartment all the time like she's just checking to see if we're outside. She never used to do that. I wish my roommate hadn't been friendly with her but we didn't know she would be like this. I think it's better to just not get too friendly with neighbors or not at all.


I'm meaner, I am a civil person up to a point, but don't go past that point. I will not be a polite person if you invade my space. My friends know this about me, my family knows this, and heaven help strange neighbors who don't know this because I will give you a giant clue right off. I paint, write and I am an introvert and need solitude. I will not tolerate insufferable bores who try to hijack my life. Many have tried, they have all failed. Being polite does not work with these people, just tell them to go away and leave you alone because that's the way you prefer it. It's painfully blunt, but it's honest. Don't wait till you snap to say it, just say it right off, at the start. It's an honest way to deal with these types of humans.


What if they don't get multiple hints? I've politely said "Okay well I have to get back to my stuff" and have gotten rude passive aggressive responses or rude chuckles. I've done the avoiding thing, it doesn't work. I can't enjoy my front yard.


Sometimes being all sweet an nice doesn't work because all they hear is "I and not the "You need to back off.". I live in an Apartment and We have a neighbour "Meddling Myrtle" who is always sticking her nose in other People's business, opening their door and walking in, or knocking until they answer.
I had to tell her to back off and close my door in her face, tell her "NO!" when she kept on hugging Me and NOT being respectful, and asking me "What did you buy at that place?". Now she goes for a "walk" and bothers a Neighbour down the street and has invited herself into her place. As mean as this sounds, I hope the Woman calls the Police on this woman or at least finds out where she lives, meets her Son and tells him.
She may be harmless, I just don't trust her or like her at all and I know a LOT of my Neighbours feel the same way. They say she's lonely, well, she's done that to herself.


Why are people so intrusive that I am here ?


My neighbor does exactly the same thing and sneaks up behind me while I’m doing outside work. It’s very frustrating. And he likes to talk for literally hours and I can’t get a word in to tell him that I’m busy. It’s so frustrating and it makes it hard for me to speak up when all he does is run his mouth.


Our strange neighbours used to immediately go inside if we were outdoors doing our yardwork. Now we are working out there.... If we happen to look up we nod or say Hello and continue on. So not like we're intruding or chatting them up. The husband will stay outdoors now but becomes visibly agitated going so far as water hosing us while we're weeding trimming near our shared property line. She won't come out at all. We now actually try to do our yardwork in evenings. They do same to neighbours on other side. Their 2 'now' adult children exactly same. Never had any friends their age visiting. The grandparents show up twice a year otherwise zero visitors even though born raised here. If they are all of a sudden friendly..you instantly know they want something from you.


I have a similar problem. One of my neighbors verbally attacked me and got in my face (saying racist things) and ever since then I just try to avoid her as much as possible, I do yardwork when I know she's not out and I haven't had to deal with her since.


Bad advice.

Be straight forward, nice, and tell them NO. Don't avoid them. Set the boundaries directly in person. Especially if they can't take a hint.

No means no. Stop means stop. Be confident. Be nice. Be firm.


Man I am probably late to be commenting since this video got posted but I got a good story:
A family of adults seem to never leave their place, like as if they got no job to go to, and they only come out when they hear me open my apartment door.
They rudely block my parking spots in order to make me walk longer ways. Every single time I leave or come back they be sitting outside on their phone (snitching) on me to their friends IN FRONT OF ME CLEAR VIEW.

I also get catcalled at times. It literally is a 24/7 problem. They hate my Asian ass... but at least I dress nice whenever I go to water my plants while they stare. It is sad that they teach their kids to be rude and come walk up my stairs when they think I don't see them. ZERO MANNERS.

Oh yeah, another neighbor asked if they could borrow my kitchen knife .... they never returned it.



I live in an apartment building and my neighbor lives next door. She's constantly ringing my cell and my door bell and inquiring about where I've been. Twice she's asked me to deposit a check into my checking account for some lame reasons. I really don't trust her . Just recently she refused to call the ambulance for another resident here in our building. She left the poor guy lying on the garage floor because she was worried about being late for work. Unfortunately the guy died. Now I'm beginning to think she's trying to hit on me. I don't want to cuss her out or be mean but I'm fed up with her stalkerish ways and trying to come up with a way to let her know that I don't want her to bother me anymore, I've already blocked her phone number and hope she gets the message.


I'd say man nice to see you but we're having family time now.


I refuse to let neighbors interfere with my peace and privacy. I had one I ended up having to call the cops on
one of them because I had been talking to her for 20 years and it didn't do shit. Her company kept parking in front of my drive and blocking my car. Every time I wanted to go out, I had to crawl up her steps and see who had the car blocking mine, and they just kept on with their visiting and took their sweet time in coming out and moving. Her lawn care person parked a big long truck and trailer with all his equipment every week, the wrong way right in front of my driveway and I got so sick of him.Some people you have to knock in the head to get their attention, because like this moron, they just didn't seem to give a damn. This broad had the nerve to fuss at my 12 year old one day because she "just hated that old fence" we had and wanted it removed. One Saturday morning, 6:30 a.m. (our only day to sleep in), nice pleasant spring morning, window open, birds chirping, fresh air, and we heard old ladies talking right outside our bedroom window. The neighbor was having a yard sale and had stuff UP AGAINST THE SIDE OF OUR HOUSE, RIGHT UNDER THE BEDROOM WINDOW! For a special education teacher, she was a piece of work. Her parents lived behind us, and her father was ALWAYS out on the deck and every time I went out to hang laundry or do yard work, he had to start up a conversation, and I could never get anything done.


unfortunately, one should not have to adjust their schedule. I have an elderly neighbor who is constantly asking to get a ride here or there. I had to start being rude because I have my own things I need to get done and don't have time for the extra trip someplace else then back home. I had done it for him before but after a while, he started constantly asking every day. I would be in the middle of making dinner and he would knock. I would say sure, i will knock on your door when i am finished. 10 minutes later, he would knock you ready?" I finally just told him straight out the way things would be. Unfortunately with some people, you have to be rude to get your point out. I would rather be nice but that doesn't seem to work with some people.


Help any advice welcome. I have a neighbour who lives right next door and she wants to be my friend. She keeps trying to ask me to hang out in my house or hers, to go out, and also for help with hair make up and even asked me to help her decorate her house! We live in a white area and we are both black so she thinks that's why we should be friends I guess I don't know, maybe she's just lonely but I'm not. Always giving me compliments to get things. Oh I like your eyelashes can you do mine? Oh I like your hair can you do mine? Oh you're decorating can you help me do mine? It's actually really off putting the way she does it.I've always given some kinda excuse and I've never done anything she's asked for. But she won't stop asking, I can see we have nothing at all in common and I am in no way attracted to the idea of spending any time with her what so ever. Ive been putting up with this for around a year now. I am always polite to everyone equally and I'm naturally happy and smiling but she's pissing me off. I don't do friendships anymore through choice and bad experiences. I am 42 I have an 18 year old son and I have 2 awesome sister's a plethora of nephew's and cousins. And I am in a long distance relationship so I am not at all lonely. I am also autistic and I love to be alone, I need my familiar smells comfort items and routines. I can't stand adults. Last night she nocked my door with her 10 year old niece to ask me to help do make up and eyelashes. I said no made excuses but she kept on and held me hostage at the door chatting shit. Asking when will we have wine together? I ended up giving her and the little girl eyelashes and false nails just to make her fuck off. I've told her I'm autistic, but I can clearly see she doesn't know what that means....even though she's a fucking nurse 🤯 I've told her I don't do friendships...she's not listening. Last night she somehow she got me to agree to wine at her house sometime....I just wanted to close my door so I said ok yeah yeah yeah. I actually had an autistic meltdown and my sensory processing got worse that night and now I have insomnia cause I'm really disregulated. I feel violated, ignored and targeted. I don't want to be rude cause we live next door to 😩😩😩😩


I think we have the same neighbor but it is the whole family, + the profanity + the barking dogs.


So at 8:00 in the morning and my neighbor revs his car engine also my friend has disabilities and he says dead man walking every time he sees him


After 15 yrs, neighbor lady swooped in as soon as she found my husband had cancer last yr…now I’m really getting tired of her friendliness, she keep bringing over foods etc other week as she knows my spouse is on chemo.. I divulged too much one time e when having coffee with her about an event our grown son was doing and she invited herself and husband.. I really don’t want to be friends with them, neither does my husband.. I’ll make auto not be an open book in the future…I really like my free time when I’m out jus5 for me, as I have to drive my husband everywhere …
I told my husband, if she comes by tell her I’m out running errands. . Anyway..it seems, all of a sudden she feels intrusive to me..


hi to be hoenst, better not to talk on tube about for your neighbour. but say in his face hat you have no interest. without yelling. if there is a big rpoblem he can come to you and all other just hi. i know also this what i am telling now is not working. because they feel and see we are to responsible and to unsure. i also saw when you were talking. i almos thad to laugh about (in a good way). in the meaning i understnad you. because today i was the same hahaha. i relay hate myself i can not walk cool. when i see him i feel not ok. and i also know i have no support from renter. and that makes it i feel so unsure. because i also know its a creap. in mean time i behave myself normal with creaps around but when i am desperate about i call and that moment i sounds like a snake. realy i dont understand why god bring us this kind of human around us. i dont want.


I like that you're whispering this. It makes it seem sexy and kinky. "Crazy in bed, crazy everywhere else."
