Dustin: The First Truly Smart Robotic Vacuum | AI Incorporated

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Dustin is the first domestic application of a visionary technology: VMP. Our versatile mobile platform (VMP) uses SLAM to navigate an environment; any environment. So, forget what you know about regular floor cleaners. Other vacuums' weaknesses are Dustin's strengths.

- Other robotic vacuums mindlessly clean until they encounter an obstacle. Dustin is always aware of his relative location through a combination of SLAM, STC, and machine learning.

Other robotic vacuums are confused by dark carpet due to outdated sensors that rely solely on infrared. Dark carpet is no problem for Dustin; his ToF sensors use multiple techniques to measure an object’s distance.

Other robotic vacuums are deterred by tall rugs and floor transitions. Dustin’s unique chassis design and finely calibrated wheel suspension help him leap over transitions without fear.

Alexa integration keeps your home running in perfect automated synchrony. Just say, “Alexa, ask Dustin to start cleaning,” and she'll pass your message along to Dustin, from one smart device to another.

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