How to Read Local JSON file with List - Swift 5 in Xcode | SwiftUI Tutorial

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In this tutorial, I will show you how to read local JSON file, update or show data in TableView(List) with SwiftUI in Xcode. and in this SwiftUI tutorial for beginners. If you are looking for SwiftUI tutorial video, this is perfect SwiftUI tutorial for you.

This tutorial
Learn how to use JSONDecoder, ObservedObject, ObservableObject and etc. in SwiftUI, Xcode 11, Swift 5

-- Others tutorials --
1. How to create TabBar in SwiftUI

2. How to display WebView and PDF View with SegmentedControl

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Thanks for sharing this code! My Xcode crushed when I run this code and it shows it have a implicitly unwrapped optional in below code:
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path!)
I am just a beginner, many thanks for your reply if you know this answer:) Thx!


I tried it didn't work any advices?


u don`t have to call sync on main thread
