72. Databricks | Pyspark | Interview Question: Explain Plan
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Azure Databricks Learning: Explain Plan
Explain plan describes the internal details about query execution. When a query is submitted for execution, it goes through many internal steps to build efficient execution plan
This video talks more about those internals. This is one of the common interview question and also plays importal role in troubleshooting and optimizing code.
#ExplainPlan #ExecutionPlan, #DatabricksExplainPlan, #PhysicalPlan, #AnalysedPlan, #ParsedPlan, #OptimizedLogicalPlan, #UnresolvedLogicalPlan,#PysparkExplainPlan ,#DatabricksRealtime, #SparkRealTime, #DatabricksInterviewQuestion, #DatabricksInterview, #SparkInterviewQuestion, #SparkInterview, #PysparkInterviewQuestion, #PysparkInterview, #BigdataInterviewQuestion, #BigdataInterviewQuestion, #BigDataInterview, #PysparkPerformanceTuning, #PysparkPerformanceOptimization, #PysparkPerformance, #PysparkOptimization, #PysparkTuning, #DatabricksTutorial, #AzureDatabricks, #Databricks, #Pyspark, #Spark, #AzureDatabricks, #AzureADF, #Databricks, #LearnPyspark, #LearnDataBRicks, #DataBricksTutorial, #azuredatabricks, #notebook, #Databricksforbeginners
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