Kirby Short - Tennis

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Kirby and friends enjoy a casual game of tennis.

audio is from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force season 4 episode "Ezekial"

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Since this video's release, I've received many comments citing King Dedede's age as being over 300 years.

Now, I was quite perplexed by this, as I couldn't recall a single piece of information from any of the Kirby games giving any sort of specific indication of Dedede's age whatsoever. Yet, it would indeed appear that a Google search for Dedede's age will confirm it at 300+ years. Still, we must then ask, since Google is a means to access various sources and not a source in and of itself, where does this claim come from?

The first page that Google pulls up is a Smashboards forum from May 19, 2008. Smashboards is not an entirely reliable source of information about the Kirby series, but perhaps investigating the forum will show us how the information got there. The first post in this forum is from user Nowaytoeatatater, who joined Smashboards on October 28, 2007, and was last active on the website on the 15th of October in the following year. The link they provide to supposedly back up the claim of Dedede's age is that of a YouTube video whose associated channel has since been terminated. In other words, the video no longer exists. So, a dead end, right? Well...

I then took my expedition to Twitter. I shared the perplexing piece of dubious canon with my Twitter followers, hoping to possibly determine whether there had been any piece of official Kirby media or statement from any of the developers to confirm Dedede's age. To my luck, I had been informed that, according to user @kaialone02
, in one episode of the Hoshi no Kābī anime, Dedede celebrates his 300+ year anniversary of coronation. I didn't really feel like finding the exact moment from the exact episode that confirms this, but this particular user has never led me astray before so I'm willing to take their words at face value for now.

So, there we have it. Dedede is officially and canonically over 300 years old. Or is he?

The problem here is, as displayed constantly throughout its several episode run, King Dedede in the anime rarely acts in good faith. He lies, he cheats, and he's just downright mean. Therefore, his gloating of having ruled over Dream Land for three centuries has a high chance of being completely falsified by the character. Additionally, even if the king was telling the truth, it is important to remember that the details and plot points of the Kirby anime often conflict with those of the games, and that something being true to the anime does not necessarily reflect on the main continuity of Kirby. That being said, there doesn't seem to be anything that _disproves_ that King Dedede could be this ancient, so it's really up to the individual to form their own conclusion on the matter based on the information we do have.

tl;dr i am 30 or 40 years old and i do not need this


Pitch should probably get up before that butterfly absorbs him and becomes Morpho Pitch.


Dedede's racket turning into a hammer feels like a super move that came right out of a non-existent kirby tennis game.


“Are you thirty or for—“


How the hell do these extremely adult characters fit these children’s characters so well?

Like Frylock as Meta Knight is amazing. The subtle seriousness is perfect.

Kirby’s innocent nature of Meatwad with Meta Knight as a father figure is adorable.

And for crying out loud Dedede and Shake is the best. Like his voice is what I imagined out of Dedede.

Oh and Bandana Dee as Shake’s son makes the icing on cake. I don’t know how the scenarios fit so well. They just do.


*Waddle Dee talks, Now the whole gang now has a canon voice in my eyes! :D*


I love how you recontextualized the word "shake"


"Please so not undercut me in front of the *child*
I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this."

That sounds pretty Dedede to me.
Also nice job, as always!


It’d be nice if they add Kirby characters in Mario Tennis, honestly!


Waddle-dee: Daddy?
Chef Kawasaki: Next Door



So that’s why Pitch was missing before Star Allies.


I simply love all the little details, like, making Dedede look accurate without his coat and his racket turning into his mechanic hammer.


Dang, the butterfly landed on Pitch...

Looks like he won't make any more cameos in the future, he's about to get the Galacta Knight treatment...


In this canon, dedede is now 30 or 40 years old, just how did he forget


“You hit it over the fence boy I saw it”


I don't know why but Master Shake's voice oddly fits King Dedede.


In all my years of being in both the Aqua Teen and Kirby fandoms, I never would've thought to combine the 2 together, but I am honestly glad to see these little shorts! They just work so well together, and I love how you draw Kirby and his friends; keep up the good work, and I hope you continue to make more of these in the future!


Dedede: the guy who's trying to win but fail
Kirby: friend trying to calm him down
Bandanna Dee: insecure kid
Pitch: the guy that just came in form getting food and got hit by controller
Meta-Knight: me


Is it me
Or this needs to be an actual series


I didn't watched Aqua Teen Force too much, but I'm loving these Kirby animation series based on that show!
