WTF Happened to Buck Rogers in the 25th Century? (1979)

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In 1977, a little movie called Star Wars came out and quickly kicked off a sci-fi craze. Within two years, theatres were packed with Star Wars imitators, which extended to the small screen with Battlestar: Galactica and the show we’re talking about this week on Gone But Not Forgotten Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

Starring Gil Gerard as a 20th-century astronaut who winds up frozen for 500 years, only to awaken in the 25th Century where he does battle with the Draconian battle fleet, who seek to take over earth, the show had an interesting route to the small screen. Based on the classic character featured in comic strips and serials, the pilot film for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was released as a theatrical feature by Universal Pictures several months before the show made its debut. Grossing a very respectable $21 million, all signs pointed towards a long run on TV, but alas, just like its sister show Battlestar: Galactica (also from producer Glen A. Larson), it only ran for two seasons before being cancelled. Join us on this episode of Gone But Not Forgotten as we look back at this campy space classic.





#BuckRogersInThe25thCentury #GilGerard #GoneButNotForgotten
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I loved that series as a young 5 year old, . I was in my mid 40s when I rewatched the series and realized why my dad enjoyed the show so much. God bless Erin Gray!


Two key words that made this show stay on the air:
Erin Gray


Who didn't fall in love with Erin Grey's Wilma Deering.


Gil and Erin were guests at our show a few years ago. They were both quite pleasant. Gil is a very social person and wants an audience from the second he arrives to set up his space until the second he leaves. Erin is a great guest who knows how to work a convention. Her stories are as inspiring as they are interesting. They were great guests.


I met both Gil and Erin about 15 years ago at a memorabilia in Birmingham. Both such lovely people. I got confused with the schedule and missed Gil's photo op. I was so disappointed but Erin ran around and had the photographer come back just for me. I still treasure that photo of me and Gil.


The late 70s and early 80s was such a golden time for sci-fi tv. Thank heavens I was in my early teens to soak up every single one of those fabulous shows. Twas the best time ever to be a kid.


Here in Chile the show was aired around 1981, I was 9 to 10 years old. Princess Ardala and Wilma were my main reasons to watch it. I'm 50 now and they still make my heart flip over 💔😸


I remember being sick from school one week, and my dad rented me the pilot movie, and I watched that thing at least 3 times per day all week long. And of course I loved the show. Buck was 'too cool for school' and Colonel Deering was And Princess Ardala was dreamy. Twiki was funny (i was a kid, ok?) What a great show.


Besides Erin Gray, the female guest list was amazing. Jamie Lee Curtis, Markie Post, Dorothy Stratten, Susan Shoop, Pamela Hensley and Julie Newmar just to name a few. As fine as those women are, no one holds a candle to Mrs. Gray.


I never cease to be amazed by networks that rework a show in the second season only to see it die a slow death. This happened to Space:1999 which had a great first season and a dismal second season. It is like these second seasons are supposed to be solutions searching for a problem.


I loved this show. Bringing Buster Crabbe back for a cameo was the best and smartest thing they ever did. I'd already seen him in B&W as Flash Gordon, but when I watched that episode and my father pointed him out and said "That's Buster Crabbe and he was the original Buck Rogers", I was amazed. A true living legend of sci-fi from the silver-screen era.


I met Erin Gray once at a Comic Con, but she wasn’t a guest there. I told her: “I know you”. She replied, with her arms in her side: “Oh really, from where?”
And then I replied: “Battlestar Galactica” 🤦🏻‍♂️and she screamed
I corrected my mistake and forgot to take a picture with her, which I regret to this day.
She’s such a lovely person.


I went to my first Comicon a few years ago and I was just looking around at all the cool stuff that was going on. This guy came up behind me and asked if I was having fun and I said yea. He talked about going to cons a lot over the years, I said it was my first one. I was having a conversation with this guy for a few minutes before I looked over and realized I was talking to Gil Gerard and right behind him was a table and Erin Gray was sitting there. I never wtf'd so hard in my life. Off in the distance in front of us was Will Wheaton ranting about something. It was awesome lol


I loved the show. I was 10 years old when it came out. It was right in my wheelhouse. I loved Wilma Deering and Buck's charm and campy sweet comedy. Season 2 was stranger for me but I liked Hawk.


Wow late 70s early 80s what a time to be a child. I’m happy I was happy to enjoy all these shows and movies. Just want to mention the amazing series “Space 1999” - hope you’ll find the time to dedicate an episode to it. Cheers….👍🏻


Buck Rogers was the best TV show ever when I was a kid!


One joy of being older is remembering when these shows were on TV and how good they were back then. I remember seeing Star wars when it premiered in Australia in the late 70's and we couldn't believe what we seeing. Shows like Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek were the best things about the TV when I was growing up


One of my favorite shows as a kid.
Sadly, it ended way too soon. If they stayed on the track like season one it would have lasted longer.
Thanks for the memories


My favorite season 2 episode was Oasis with Lenard doing the head thing. Very cool effect for the time! But you hit the nail on the head with Wilma Deering in Season 1 being inspirational and changing the women of science fiction from the accessory or the objective to the co-lead and adventurer. Thanks for the video! It really took me back!


Col Deering was my favorite character, followed by the hawk guy (I loved his "hair"). The dynamic between her and Buck was logical, during the 1st season, as Buck was a clueless, way-behind-the-times man and she was more-or-less his guardian. It was only fair that she was in charge. She was a role model for all the young girls like me watching the show on how equality between the sexes should work. Too bad Gil had a problem with that (which I didn't know until now).
