Empathic civilization

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You could say that I, 
was a paranoid person,
I'd would like to think, 
I'm just a bit too observant.
Of the ways in which 
People's opinions 
And views of the world, 
Are turning,
We are changing,
Forever learning,
And rearranging 
Our old methods
We learn then,
from our old mistakes 
and using them, we fix the present.
The spread of information 
Is wildfire across the globe,
It reaches the deepest, 
Darkest corners.
Our voices all are loud 
And heard.

We're are all hardwired 
For empathy,
It's genetics, 
It's in our brain.
They call them mirror neurons,
We relate to others pain
I can see it everyday now
It's the evolution of the Ego
And yes white males have
Been the downfall,
Since the dawn of time
Believe me. We know
Stop pointing fingers at scape goats though
We have to stop the blame now,
We are all afloat on the same big blue boat.
Please don't just “Tune in and bale out”.

Equality is not something 
that should need to be explained.
Like algebra to a toddler,
It's not that hard,
We are all the same
We all have loved ones 
We all fear death,
We all will cry and
We all take breath,
We all want more 
We all have less
It's all our lies 
It's all our mess.
But don't stress please, 
as it seems, to me, at least, 
That we are not all exactly the same,
We are all totally different,
But we should be seen as 
Equal in: every! way!

I don't support our current path.
But I will never bore
From trying to educate the globe
To work towards a greater cause
Education is the only answer. 
In which we will all win
Equal knowledge for the whole damn globe
Of the equal mess we've gotten in.
We cannot dig ourselves 
Any deeper down this rabbit hole.
We need to start working together.
Towards a greater common goal

Jesus was but just one man
Who was used in many fronts
Who said “love one another,
Treat each other like brothers.
and just don't be a cunt”
But all religious text was then
It was used for power 
But Its words were said
Intent for good.
But what we hear
Was so absurd
And so much further from the truth.
We live in fear.
With eyes and ears 
glued firmly to the fucking news.

We do not support these wars my friends
We will not stand idly by, 
while they fight..
And we'll never know why they let our people
go off so young to die in plight.
And I will never understand 
why we let them all go off to die before,
They can grow old and learn
That wars are not fought, 
With guns or swords.
They are fought with words 
On pen and paper. 
With legalese & Legislation
Behind closed doors
By old dying men 
Who don’t remember
Their intentions.

The greatest trick 
the Devil 
ever pulled
Was a trick 
in which 
we all missed,
The devil is the human ego
And we tell ourselves
He does not exist,
But he rules our lives,

He makes us feel inadequate
And have to
assert your presence
It's The Gall, The Balls
The God. Damn 
Hubris of it all,
It's the level of arrogance that's displayed
That I find quite unprecedented!
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