Senseless Violence

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he was fighting for something he believed in, it does not matter if he is right or wrong. i admire him because of that


Thanks...I've responded to this stuff until my patience is totally exhausted.


From what little I've read about this young man (and it's way early to draw in strong conclusions) was a simple psych case. I know we often say that these people are "crazy" and it's often not a very accurate representation of the person, but this one seems to fit the definition. His ramblings on YouTube and Facebook are revealing.


Their are some of us the feel that more of this might be coming.


I've been thinking about people who go on killing sprees like this, for a story that I am trying to write, and have been trying to put myself in their place to see what it is that motivates this kind of thing. I have a good imagination, have seen a lot of the world, grey up in a poor crime filled area and met real psychopaths but I still can't figure out what it is that motivates a person to go to such extremes. I think it is a mix of things. The recipe eludes me, perhaps that's a good thing.


@2bsirius I've found it generally pointless to reply to the video game violence people, but then I've never left something being pointless as a reason not to do it every now and then.


I have read through the comments left here on why Americans are angry. Two reasons pop immediately into my head-- fear and apathy. We simply do not know at any given time when we lose more power and income. Others don't care because they are just struggling to not be homeless. Those in power depend on our fear and apathy to control many of our reactions.


America is a scary place, a lot of ignorant lunatics with fire arms here... but people are angry everywhere, and always have been.


In this particular case the anger superficially seems to concern bad grammar, the dollar not being tied to the gold (or silver) standard, the U.S. congress's involvement with brain washing and "ratifications"... very, very, sad.


I can only guess that its a lack of class consciousness that makes Americans very angry at things and people that aren't responsible for their problems.


We don't know the motive, he could just be insane.


After reading Jared Lee Loughner's MySpace and YouTube pages it's becoming clear that this young man had serious mental problems that were not being addressed. If anything it may be a statement about people with medical issues falling thru the cracks but to imply that this terrible incident, in itself, is the sign of nation wide anger is abit off track. This guy thought the government was controling grammer and needed to be stopped...among a few other ideas.


Yeah. You should ask the questions what was wrong with that guy? What kind of environmental stimuli produced a mind that made him go rampage? What can we do to prevent future events like this?

I don't think the USA can just wash their hands though. There are many things terribly wrong with your country and blushing and declaring immunity and changing the topic won't make them go away.


I'd suggest that anybody willing to go on a rampage against innocent people is insane.


This is the result of a culture that loves it's guns more then it respects life. The best comparison I can come up were the Student Protests in the UK where Charles & Camilla were caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, the worst that came out of that was Camilla was poked by a stick & both were given a Fright.
Not so in the US of A. Here if you got a bone to pick with somone just go to Walmart & get you a Hog Leg & then take care of business with whoever is pissing you off. Sad


I've had variations of the comments over and over and I think it's absurd.

Look at the culture in which this happened...

It is not just about one aberrant individual who happened to have a gun, and it's a very weak excuse for the violence that pervades all of American culture to claim that it is.


I'm not sure about that. Don't get me wrong, but all you have is an anecdote plus your personal feelings. You might be right, you might be not, but I do not feel that people from the USA would be more aggressive than people from Hungary.


He wasn't particularly angry, he was a classic paranoid schizophrenic. If it's still active, his YouTube account is Classitup10. His videos tell the story.


side note. based on horrible behavior rather than a US v UK comment.
Metro (online Jan 7) a members of a nicely dressed student 'gang's slaughtered a member of another.
i find no difference between child or adult murders beyond the person doing it. the person committing a crime may not have the concept of repercussion that an adult has gains from experience. this may also stem from other issues.
the AP stated the 22YO in AZ was a loner, a druggy and an atheist. makes that the evil trinity. ;)


It is not about anger. This shooter is crazy and or nihlistic. Violent video games likely played a role in the indisciminate nature of his attack.
