Serbia Train Station Collapse Possible Causes Novi Sad

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On November 1, 2024, the street side front canopy roof of the Novi Sad train station in Serbia collapsed, killing 14 people and injuring others. The station's 115–foot–long concrete canopy collapsed onto people walking and sitting underneath. Fourteen people were killed and at least three others were injured. The train station was built in 1964 and had renovations constructed by a Chinese consortium from 2021 through 2024. With allegations flying back and forth as to whether any remodeling was performed on this canopy facade, questions are raised as to what could be the root cause of this tragedy. Possible hypotheses are shown here. Was there an error in the original engineering design of the building? Did the Chinese construction company make a grave mistake?
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Sounds like Shoddy repair work and cost cutting and added cosmetic changes that added weight to a weakened structure.


It doesn't matter when the building was designed. All structures made in Tito's Yugoslavia were made to last. This building was RENOVATED in 2021 and 2024. Now they are saying that only the canopy was not renovated, which is B.S. Buildings are not meant to collapse on their own in peace time, on a sunny afternoon. I think it's Chinese labor plus domestic corruption.


I was in novi sad on October 8th taking the train to Beograd. I visited Serbia after 40 years_ its a beautiful city. That could have been me and my sister. So sad for all those families who lost loved ones.


A father and his two kids 9 and 6 years old died, it is unforgivable.


Ne nagadjaj!Konstruktor je strucno obavio posao pre 60 god i stajala je bez problema!
Ovi sto su renovirali nisu ispostovali sve predvidjene korake struke!


Few months ago the grass was removed and very massive glass and steel frame was added which eventually over extended those cross hanging supporting columns.


I lived in Novi Sad. The original construction didn’t have glass and steel on top top of it. These were added during the reconstruction.


It was just a green carpet on top, but they added heavy glass panels on those openings, and that was never there in the original design. Actually on the new footage first section that fell was on the right, just slightly faster then the rest of it.


Jao tako mi je žao nedužnog naroda. Pozz iz Slavonije.


I'm from Novi Sad, you can notice that the canopy is attached to the roof with those criss-crossing black cables or rods. It was calculated by the guarantor to carry a certain weight, but those who renovated it, put a load on the canopy, it is enough for only one of those black rods or cables to give way, and then everything is pulled out in a chain, and then the canopy of 100 tons falls on people. And to make it worse, they put benches there for people waiting for the bus to sit there.


Već sam odgledao prilog i saslušao isti. Ozbiljan pristup temi, odnosno ovom incidentu. Po struci nisam građivanac, ali vodeći se logikom smatram da je izvođač radova pre rekonstrukcije( renoviranja)trebao da se osvrne na prvobitni projekat i na osnovu istog da analizira šta se može rekonstruisati, kako i u kojoj meri? Isto tako smatram da svaki objekat treba redovno i adakvetno održavati, što podrazumeva i redovan nadzor, proveru istog u celini.


They cleaned up quickly to destroy evidence


As a Mexican, I can imagine there were similar levels of corruption, ignoring reported unevenness. We faced similar anguish in 2021 with the collapse of the Mexico City Metro overpass, which also claimed lives and destroyed families. I hope this tragedy in Serbia sparks meaningful change to protect lives and ensure accountability 🇲🇽❤🇷🇸


The Swiss media wrote, that a Chinese construction company renovated the train station, and that in order to save money, it did a lousy job.


65 milion euros was spent on renovations, and they did not renoveted the canopy, but they did put the new layer of tiles and paint. Making it heavier
than it previously was. Chinese consortium that did the work, is not to blame, they did what was asked of them. Govermant is responsible for this,
they are corupted to the bone, they had enough money to build a new building and somehow all of the money was spent on a facade, without doing a
canope, only critical part of the structure.


Najgore sto moze da se desi jednom narodu je da ima nestrucnu, polupismenu, korumpiranu i bahatu vlast...upravo zbog takve vlasti je, u Novom Sadu, poginulo 14 ljudi, zena i dece, a troje ce, ako prezive, ostati teski invalidi...


What happend was that anchors were sheared of due to excessive weight of added marble and glass construction in excess of 30 tonnes. That and added corruption led to deaths.


I really appreciate you covering this, thank you!


After the collapse Serbia’s prime minister went on tv and immediately denied responsibility, lying and saying there was no work done on this canopy, as part of the station’s remodelling.


Thank you for attention on our country and people, and things we are going through . This was a heavy disaster, 14 died including kids !!! 😥😥😥😢
