- Folding Space - Generative Modular Ambient // 4 Hour Relaxation

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A mostly unattended generative piece on the eurorack, just letting this one run.

This patch only uses 4 main voices. 4ms Ensemble (Vangelis brass), MI Plaits (Synth parts), 2xAcid Rain Chainsaws (Bass and partial chords). Plus, a loop via Lubadh (improvised recording from Wavestate) and the background noise/traffic sample.

#ambientmusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic
Patch Notes:

Main clock from Pamela's New Workout, into Ladik R-110 for the random trigs/gates which are essential to this patch.

(Synth voice - Plaits)Trig 1 goes through a Ladik S-090 Skipper at around 60%, which also is being CV modulated via Modbox with a very slow LFO. Trig 1 is then sent to Sinfonion Arp Clock input, which is also copied out to Delta V envelope generator slow atk/decay (decay modulated gently via one of Ochd's outputs). This envelope controls Plaits output via the built into VCA in Delta V. Sinfonion Arp 1v/Oct Out goes into Plaits (arp set to either random or Brownian). Plaits Timbre is modulated via URA A-Out, Harm by B-Out, and Morph by another channel of Ochd. Plaits also receives fast sine LFO FM for vibrato. Plaits then goes through Belgrad, with v/oct modulated by second channel of Delta V 50%atk, 50%dcy (same Trig 1 activates it), which is also copied to Ochd CV input to modulated Ochd speed everytime the envelope is triggered. Belgrad set to 6th filter, FM on, 60% resonance. Span modulated via slow LFO of Ochd, and FM modulated by fast LFO of Ochd.

(Vangelis lead - 4ms Ensemble) Gate1 from Ladik R-110 into Skipper set around 50% (CV modulated) via slow LFO from Modbox. Output from Skipper goes to Quadigy channel 1 and copied to Trig input on RndStep, copied again to Time Warp Gate input. Quadigy Ch.1 Envelope to Tallin linear input, slow attack/decay. Input into Tallin 4ms Ensemble Out B, Balance set to 70%, Twist, Warp and Cross FM all at 0%. Twist opens up via Ch.2 of Quadigy which is tied to Ch.1's trigger, and also has a slow atk/decay for the synth swell. RndStep Bipolar output (attentuated) goes to Ch.3 on Sinfonion, with Ch.3 Sin output going into Time Warp (for Slew), out from Time Warp into 4ms Ensemble 1v/oct input.

(Chainsaw Bass) Ch.1 Output from Sinfonion provides notes, into Chainsaw 1v/oct input. Chainsaw then into Freak filter (Steiner-Parker model), cutoff modulated via Ch. 4 of Quadigy which is triggered by PNW very slow/divided pulse into Skipper.

(Chainsaw 2-note chords) Sinfonion chord Out 1 and Out 3 to second Chainsaw, then out to dual Cinnamon filters set to low-pass, with soft/slow LFO over cutoff via Batumi.

(Sinfonion Key Change) Sinfonion song set to just two steps = E7 to A Major. In1 on Sinfonion set to advance through steps via Trig. Trig comes from PNW slow/heavily divided gate into another Skipper, then to Sinfonion.

Lubadh plays back improvised recording from the Wavestate.

Recorded direct to DAW

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The machines may be generating the music unattended but it still requires a talented human to assemble them.


Now, this is something awesome: Machines tuned to generate new music sounds like if where four-hours- non-stop of a new Blade Runner soundtrack streamed while is created... I have seen and hear things created by algorithms... That will be lost like tears in the rain.


After paying a fortune for this kit it had damn well better be able to play itself!!! 😆


Today I learned: there is a critical mass of patch cables that you can connect to sound mixers so that sentience will spontaneously emerge and it will start generating its own music.


Goosebumps from the Blade Runner-ness of it all. Wow.


Ah the Vangelis brass...one of the most evocative synth sounds ever.


This is what I'd listen to if I was alone in a small spaceship travelling away from the Earth with nothing but the vastness of the universe in front of me.


Hey man I just wanna say I literally have no idea how many times this has rocked me to sleep since streamed last year. I literally dont know what I'd do on sleepless nights without this specific patch here. Everything works perfectly to drone you off in ambience with a good stereo. Everything fits so perfectly for such a calm relaxing sleep. I've checked hundreds of other and literally nothing compares to this specifically here. Other ones fill me with doubt, or other negative emotions but this is the perfect feeling of hopefulness, mixed with a content calm. In my opinion, this is your absolute magnum opus in terms of Generative Ambience. Phenomenal work, and here's to tons more well rested nights. Seriously, thanks alot State Azure.


I love this kind of stuff the most. It's basically like growing music in a sound garden. You get to enjoy it as much as the next person because you're hearing it for the first time as it's created.

It's fascinating to me that the purest, most organic music is produced by machines.


That there is even a single soul who looks at this and knows what to do will never cease to amaze me.


On the 1st of January, fireworks scared my dog off. We got a call from the local shelter two days later saying they'd picked him up that very same day but just didn't have the time to check his microchip and call us. When we got him back, he just wasn't the same.

He spent the following weeks deteriorating, not eating, lethargic. He was so energetic just one month ago. I took him to the veterinarian two days ago because that's the earliest I could get an appointment anywhere. They found cancer everywhere.

I don't know how he maintained so much energy but I know that I'm grateful for the 13 years I got to spend with him. I don't think I'll ever be the same without him, and that's a good thing. Even now without him, I continue learning lessons in life, love, and what it means to be healthy and happy.

This session reminds me the sunrise that day and how excited he was to eat some new food I'd gotten him, while he wore the new neon vest I'd gotten him. I'm still teary-eyed but now have a smile on my face. Thank you.


This piece has taken me out from a dark place, thank you.


This music reminds me of listening to Music From The Hearts Of Space back in the 80's, with Stephen Hill and Anna Turner as hosts. It usually played at around 10PM CDT on National Public Radio (Minnesota Public Radio here) once a week. Would always listen to that as a kid. It was pure bliss and introduced me to ambient music.


This is a beautiful example of technology tamed by humanity. Bravo.


I listened to this while high last night and fell into the deepest, most relaxing sleep I've had in months.


I told my wife that I call your channel Headphone Heaven. She just gives me one of those looks like I am being a geek again with my equipment.


This might be the only reason for the internet to exist. Beautiful.


What I like is that the panel and wires are REAL. Not CGI. When you see the person walk in front of the panel in the beginning of the clip. AWESOME! Great composition! Thank you!


After having a ROUGH DAY at work...turned this on, and my stress started to wash away. I told my boss about this piece and said that he should defiantly try it out. THANK YOU for giving me my sanity back on a day that I thought I would not make it through.


I just read the description and still have no idea what I read. It was like another language entirely. I'm in awe of this, not only the music but what goes into it... The intelligence and time
It's genius.
