Heil PR40 Vs SM7B RE320 RE20 Podmic Mic Comparison

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Actually quite blown away by this microphone.
Yes, it is quite bright, but not in any way that distorts, or diminishes the audio.
This may not be the right mic for everyone, but I can honestly say it is definitely worth trying out if you are in the market for a new one!

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Nice job on giving coverage to Bob Heil's amazing life and contributions to music. I am told that he developed the 'voice box' that Peter Frampton used to affect his voice on tour and on Frampton Comes Alive. I'm a career radio guy and have used the Heil PR40 in all the studios I've built and in several for clients. For spoken word and talk shows, it's a great value and a real unsung hero mic. And, yes the high frequency boost won't work on all voices, but that's easily fixable with an EQ tweak. I was not surprised to hear that Sirius/XM ordered the PR40 for all their studios. Another under-rated mic is the Audio Technica BP40. It's a dynamic with similar EQ curve to the PR40 that shines on talk radio. Thanks for the good work on this review.


I have a PR-40. I think it is fantastic in a noisy environment (untreated room). In fact, it is the best mic I have found for rejecting off-axis sound. I also like its sound with deeper or darker-sounding voices. The big bump on the high-end brings a lot of brightness and makes it sound up-front. That can be a good thing for some voices. I have to EQ mine to tame some sibilance, but I even do that with my Sennheiser MHK 416 (which also has a bump on the high-end, but not as much). It is a great mic - especially for deeper voices.
I have used Heil products with Ham Radio for over 25 years. Bob Heil knows his stuff. He is fun to listen to, and if you get a chance, check out his story.
I also liked the sound of the RE20.


I have the HEIL too and what I like about it is that "natural" tone that it gives. It sounds clearer and more alive than many others. If you really want the "radio sound" with it you can EQ it. But giving its presence I find it more versatile. Thanks for the comparison! :-)


I like it in comparison to all the others. They are all different and the PR 40 has a different vocal characteristic, perhaps more different from the others than they are from each other. It's very cleanly crisp. I like it. Just like all other mics in the good/excellent range, the desired result is subjective according to the voice talent, producer, and the actual voice. I've used one. I've used the SM 7B. I've used the RE 320, RE 27N/D, and RE 20. I've used the Rode Procaster. I've used AT BP 40. I particularly like the RE 27N/D and RE 320 with my voice from amongst the others and I like the PR 40 equally as well -- especially if I want a little extra crispness and some very useable proximity effect.

For my voice, a bit of scooping plus a bit of crispness helps. The PR40 is good with my voice with some tweaks. I really like the proximity effect -- it's clean and very responsive to using it. I have good mic discipline and know how to move my head whilst maintaining distance and axis. One note, it's sweet spot is fairly narrow. So, once I found it, I had to practice at maintaining it.

I'm in Amateur Radio and have been continuously since 1967. Bob Heil is a major contributor to the art of good communications audio in Amateur Radio voice modes (there's a whole huge wold of morse, RTTY, digital, etc besides voice in Amateur Radio) -- an art that prioritizes intelligibility over high-fidelity in harshly sub-optimal communication circumstances -- an art that Bob Heil had totally nailed.

Thanks for the great review.


I think the pr40 really does suit your voice much more than the other microphones


The Heil microphone is nice.
I use the Neumann TLM 103, Shure SM58, and EV RE20. For broadcasting, the RE20 is perfect for the job. Remember, all microphones need to run through equalization before going into the final mix. Use the EQ to fine tune the microphone's output to suit your ears.


On your voice, I thought the RE20 and RE320 sounded better than the Heil.


I watched this for a second time, maybe I was getting buyers remorse after so much PR40 hating. Over time, I have come to love the Heil PR40 and now I own 3. As I become more familiar with audio (and I am an amateur at best) the bright sound seems easier and clearer to fit into video. The SM7b seems muffled and bla sounding, but that could be my age. I think this mic brings out what's best in your voice.


I used the PR40 on every kick drum I ever recorded. It’s lovely.


Have the PR-40, and love it. Especially considering I use it for HAM radio, so the highs serve an important purpose for radio use. With that said the Rode Podmic is an amazing mic, especially for the price. Im not sure that there is a better mic in that price range


In our record room that is primarily used for book narration, there has been an issue with noise leakage into the room - especially low end noise. The Heil PR40 seems to reject this off-axis noise even better than the Shure SM7B.


I know most of Bob Heil's history already – but I deeply appreciate that you shared some of the facts that cement his legacy and legitimacy 👌 Credot where credit is due. To both you, and Bob Heil 🤗


Use a PR40 for my channel and I love it, I don't think it works for everyone's voice but I like the way it makes mine sound. Gets a ton of hate that it doesn't deserve.


Listening to the PR-40 in this youtube video sounds great for his voice although you can hear the boost in the midrange on this mic. I am also impressed with listening to the Electrovoice re-20 in his voice as well. I have the Heil PR37 and it sounds great when I pair it with the Focusrite Clarett + 4pre with no EQ. I think I will give the PR-40 and the Electrovoice re-20 a try.


Always depends on your own voice. I have the RE20, SM7, and the Heil PR40. They all sound good, but I found the Heil PR40 sounds the best on my voice. And on the used market they are a GREAT deal! Unfortunately I bought the PR40 last.


Buel ler here... The RE320 has a 1kHz impedance of 150-ohms vs the PR40's 600-ohms. Additionally, the RE320 has a sensitivity of -52 dB vs a slightly less sensitive PR40 at -54 dB. Not knowing the input impedance of your particular preamp, I'd say you'd need to gain adjust the RE320 down by 3 to 5 dB to account for these differences. Other than that, I couldn't really tell much difference between the PR40, the RE320, and the SM7B. I love my PR40. But as you say, it depends on one's particular voice. My voice is naturally low, so the PR40 fits.


You call the Heil "brighter." I call it the "most natural-sounding" of all shown. Great A-B comparison. I am feeding my PR40 into a PreSonus TubePre with Tung-Sol tube - in to either a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. Listeners tell me I sound great, and your tests show me I don't have to invest in anything else. THANK YOU!


I always loved using a PR-40 on a kick drum. Especially 24 inch boomers. Just amazing results. When I started a podcast, the Heil bested my SM7B. By far.


With the Heil it is easier to hear what you are saying versus the muddy sounding shure and electro voice. Not everyone has perfect hearing.


The Heil picks up a fuller range of frequencies where’s as the SM7B mutes the sound making it sound a bit too closety.
