What's The Best 'You Messed With The Wrong Person' Moment You've Seen ? | Viewer Edition

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What's The Best "You Messed With The Wrong Person" Moment You've Seen ? | Viewer Edition
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Police, What Absurd Crime You Let Slip?
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One time my grandma took me to the doctor to get a refill on my medicine. Well for some reason the doctor starts to get a attitude with my grandma and just be a butt towards her. So my grandma raises her voice and starts being talking back and tell her to shut up. The doctor shuts up and proceeds with the appointment like nothing happened.


Some of these are good, but some of you live in a fever dream world. "I black out" LMAO. Ok Goku relax


How dare you not endorse violence as a first solution!


So I didn't witness this personally, but my dad *loves* to tell this story. His buddy was huge into LARPing when they were in college, and he had a suit of chainmail that he wore during events. After one of their events, they were back at the house and the dude decided to go for a walk to the store while having a cigarette, so he just threw a jacket over the chainmail. On his way back from the store, he got hit in the back and stumbled forward. He turned around and there was a black dude standing there with a shocked expression. He asked him for some help, and the guy turned as white as a ghost and ran off. My dad's friend kept going back to the house and told the guys there what happened and they had him turn around. When he did, they found a switchblade sticking out of his back, caught in the chainmail he was wearing


Oo! I actually have a story for once.
I lost sight in both eyes at about 18 months old so this story about a year later was made worse by the blindness being a new thing for everyone. Anyway, around 3-ish I was hospitalized for severe RSV (all the children on the ward were going downhill and nothing was working). So one night I'm sleeping with all the ivs and monitors hooked up and my Mom was sleeping there with me. Dad worked security at the time and was home that night watching my brother. The nurses would come in periodically to do percussion treatments where they bang on your back and chest with a rubber cup thing to break up the mucous. They were all aware that they should announce themselves when coming in so I'd know someone was there. The nurse on call that night did no such thing, but just quietly snuck in without waking either of us and without any warning started beating on my back. I woke up screaming bloody murder naturally, trying to fight confused and ripping out all the tubes. My mother wakes up scared to death because I'm screaming and bleeding and she has no idea what happened. So she lays into the nurse who calls the head nurse who also received a verbal beating. At some point my Dad was called and sped to the hospital. He is usually a professional person but when you upset his family, hell hath no fury. Idk what the details were that made them eventually call security, except that there was no physical attack. My parents are still livid and loudly expressing it as the security guard comes on scene. The guard looks at the nurses, looks at my parents and just stands by the wall with his arms crossed. The original nurse demands to know why he's not getting rid of the crazy people and the guard shruggs and goes, "Ma'm, I'm not touching him. That's my boss."
The incident made it all the way up to the head nun (it was a catholic hospital) and in the end the nurse was not fired but moved permanently off the children's floor.
PS: My Dad was a weapons master in the Navy and has the dirty fighting knowledge to back that up if necessary. Naturally, he makes sure I know how to fight dirty because I'm already at a disadvantage.


I have a non violent story.
When I was an apprentice, I was a bit older then the rest of my class, I actually finished school and just didn't think Uni was for me at the time, and my dad and his brothers were blacksmiths so it just seem like a good idea.
I learned to weld as a kids, so I had a leg up on everyone and as a former victim of bullies I tried my best to stop it whenever I could.
I'd help out people who struggled and in years 3, I was pretty much the go to if people couldn't get an instructor to help, which was fun.
Enter Douchecanoe.
And all around dumbf*ck who like nothing more then do as little work as possible, and do a lot of speed.
Welp, one day my nice, very expensive welding helmet is gone, and douchecanoe has one, freshly painted, exactly like mine.
I know it's mine, you know theese things.
Some stern words made him 'agree' to gift me 'his' helmet, but seeing as it was worth about as much as Iphone 1, I aged myself, I am not ashamed of being old. It thought it prudent to try and get the school involved - I HATE theives.
They did nothing.
The rest of my fellow apprentices, well not so much.
They never told me about what they did, but for some reason nothing in his locked locker was ever there. And sometimes his clothes were wet and he smelled like a urinal.
Sometimes it just pays to be friendly.


I have one story that I didn’t witness, but a family friend told me about one he witnessed. He was working a booth at some big concert some years back, and had a pretty good view of the concert. However, in this performance (at least around where his booth was) you weren’t supposed to be standing up since it obstructs the view of people behind you. Anyway, so this big, burly 6’5” ish guy is standing up and is of course blocking the view of the people behind him. And it wasn’t that he was briefly standing up to move or stretch or anything, he’d been like that for a few minutes. Eventually, this tiny police lady, around 4’11”-5’ came up and asked him to sit down. He refused, and the woman kept saying he had to sit down or he’d be escorted out by security. This guy doesn’t like that and tries to take a swing at her. She dodges, and manages to somehow flip him over her shoulder and throw him onto the floor. He wasn’t unconscious or even all that hurt, just really winded. I don’t remember exactly what happened next; either he was escorted out by security or arrested for attempting to assault a cop.
This was a long time ago, and I heard the story a good few years ago, so I might’ve gotten a few of the details wrong, but I know that it still ended with a big guy swinging at a tiny cop and she knocking him flat on his butt


I would definitely say I'm adept verbal combatant, and exceptionally good at bravado (given that I am a short female). I managed to really unnerve bullies in high school simply by calling their bluff when they threatened violence, as most of them were all bluster and show. I distinctly remember one incident when some chick threatened to punch me in the face (don't remember why she decided to pick on me, as it all felt very random). I looked at her, smiled, and just said, "Okay." See, I had had braces at the time, and I knew that even if she didn't pack much of a punch, it was going to bleed a lot. I also think that I might have looked just a tad bit insane as I was looking up at her over the rims of my glasses (my friends say I have a really effective "slasher smile", so I can easily picture it). Shockingly, she just walked away. I was actually scared witless, just really good at hiding it. It has served me well in customer service.


I'm not exactly proud of how hostile I was as a little kid, but I do have one story that I find amusing to this day despite it being kinda dumb lol. So, my older brother is severely autistic, mostly nonverbal, definitely stood out as strange, especially back in the '90s when it was less heard-of. I was a bratty little sister to him, but I had NO tolerance for anyone who talked crap about him, especially about him being disabled.

One day I was in my backyard with this neighbor dude, we played with him and his little sister sometimes (they were a bit older than us, this guy was 14 and I was like 7 iirc, so in retrospect idk why he ever hung with us at all ... They never came over again after this event though lol). We were yelling and talking crap, presumably over nothing, like dumb kids do. I called his sister a b-tch (in my defense, as my mom agreed later, that girl WAS a total b-tch) and this dude responded by calling my brother a "f-cking r-tard".

Now, of course, it's classless edgebaby trash to use "r-tard" as an insult, but nowadays idrc if people do it, let 'em be edgebabies, whatever, I've lightened up a lot about language overall. But back then I absolutely FLIPPED THE ENTIRE F OUT anytime people used it to insult my brother.

As you might imagine, a 7ish-year-old doesn't exactly have much power against a 14ish-year-old. But the thing is, we owned a croquet set, and for some reason, for a few years around that time, there are an awful lot of stories involving me wandering around casually wielding a croquet mallet, like some noob character in a goofy suburban RPG. This happened to be an occasion when I had a croquet mallet equipped, and the douche who called my brother a "f-cking r-tard" evidently didn't consider that variable.

So anyway I broke his collarbone--


I have a couple of times that comes to my mind. ONe time I was in sixth grade. There was this 8th grader who kept insulting and just picking on my best friend. My best friend was going through some bad shit at home during that year. I told the 8th grader THREE times to leave her alone. I guess since I was only in the 6th grade, she didn't think I would do anything. I blacked out. I had friends tell me this part. (The best part in my opinion.) I had wrapped her ponytail around myhand and throw her down the hall like a bowling ball. She hit some lockers at the end of the hallway. Her and her stupid little friends didn't bother me or my friends again.
THe second time was when I was between 19 and 20. I was at Job Corps (look it up if you don't know what it is). ANd this one guy kept saying the N-word. I had asked him not to say it when I was around him. (Outside smoking.) I have cousins that are half black, and I just don't like that word. So, I asked him THREE DIFFERENT times to not sat that word around me. He didn't listen... I got fed up with it. I"m five foot 7 inches tall. He was about six foot 3 three inches tall. I got up in his face, about three inches apart and yelled "I swear to mother fucking GOd! If you don't stop saying that fucking word around me I"m gonna shove my foot so far up your fucking ass that you;ll lick my toes for breakfast!! Do I make myself clear?!?" After that he would always send people out to make sure I wasn't out there before going down to smoke.


A friend of mine and I were sitting in the hallway one morning waiting for homeroom to open, the door was kept locked until it was class time in this high school. She was a big girl and was doing my hair as she liked to and I didn't mind feels good. The guy built like a line-backer, one Gary bye name, decides to sit on the floor opposite us and starts insulting my friend more then I. I simply growled at him as she had all of my hair in her hand.
The next day or a few days later not sure, though it was the same week, Im sitting in that same hallway after lunch waiting for class to start as the door was locked until start of class then too. I was writing while sitting on the floor, so I was minding my own and was solo and the only female in the hallway.
Suddenly from the very end of the hallway Gary comes stomping up the stairs as loud as he could, we were on the top floor, saw me and started stomping down the hallway screaming at me saying things like: You fecking sloot! Fecking hoore! God dame itch! Fecking piece of shite! and so on. Teacher all the way down the hallway are opening their door wondering what was going on.
I quickly slipped the my notebook into my backpack, got up and went to the nearby time out room. the heavy metal door closing gently behind me. I stood with my head down in front of the desk where there was a male teachers aide. I wasn't scared I was very angry.
The teacher had enough time to say my name in a questioning way before Gary kicked the open hard enough to dent the wall from it flying open to continue his tirade. I snapped around, whipped my backpack in a half circle slamming it into the floor causing a gunshot level crack sound and screamed "FECK YOU!" at Gary before getting into a ready stance as I presumed Gary was going to swing on me. I wont swing first but I will swing last though i have never actually been in a fight I do know how from taking classes in the past.
To my shock he just stood there and stared at me along with the floors worth of teachers for a good ten seconds at least, though it felt like much longer. The teachers aide from behind the desk now behind me and another teacher in the hallway in front of me then calmly took Gary away. He went without a problem. Then the bell rang and I was complete fine again and went to class jovily saying hi to my teacher as I headed into his classroom. He was still staring at me as i went from extreme anger to happily bubbly in a few seconds. I later found out that Gary had gotten expelled and had to go to an alternitive school that being the final straw for him.


I’m one of those super petty sidewinding types of chicks that will take you the F OUT if you mess with me. I had a girl and her friends relentlessly bully me at the local pool when we were teens. I had never spoken to her before. I did nothing to her. She singled me out and I wasn’t sure why or what I did. At the end of the day I had had enough. I looked her in the eyes and said “I know you’re older than me, but let me tell you I will find a way to make so sorry for this”. Her and her friends just laughed at me. I left on a mission. She had this slime of a boyfriend who was hot but dumb and he had the old “wandering eye” syndrome. I went home and got dressed to slay dragons or men. I went downtown and found him and his boys. I just looked at him and said “why on earth would you be with your girlfriend when you could be with someone like me?” His jaw dropped and his friends guffawed. So he spent the next three days with me where I gave him hope but kept him at bay. She was losing her mind trying to find him. Last day we pulled into the gas station in his car (top down and music ringing) and she was right behind us in another car. She got out and started yelling and crying in a rage when she saw us both asking what the hell was going on. I walked by her into the station and said with an evil grin “I’m all done with him. You can have him back now. Remember this the next time you want to be a b-tch to me. It won’t end well for you.” 100% true story. Sorry not sorry. She started it.


I have a great story for this, its a bit different than the normal ones though. There was this girl in my English class who was super cool, super sweet, but she was super shy and couldn't bring herself to even talk in front of people, the class was taking turns reading and when the person finished they would elect the next person to read, this one class douche tried to elect her, I was about to yell at this kid but before I could the entire rest of the class let loose on this dude calling him an asshole for calling on her and even the teacher said "that was dick move Evan" and called on someone else


One time my uncle was out on a walk with his dog. He was hunched over to look at something on his phone when a random guy thought that he was just an old defenseless man and tried to steal his phone. When my uncle looked at him, now standing up straight the guy new he messed up because my uncle is an absolute giant ( I don't know exactly how tall he is but he's taller then my older brother who's 6'5 so very tall). He also didn't realise that my uncles dog was massive. Let's just say that the guy didn't have a very good experience for messing with my uncle.


Back in High school 2010-2011 I think, my best friend saw me getting bullied by a kid who wouldn’t stop showing me graphic images of neglected or beaten animals, so I leave the class room due to my IEP. By the time I returned the bully was in tears and apologizing to me for what he did, my friend who is REALLY shy, said she handled him… to this day I don’t know what she told him by I knew she said something because she isn’t a physical person due to health issues.


The first time I went to an NHL game, my dad almost started a brawl.
We were in the nosebleed seats, super high up and usually the cheapest. I was with my parents and sister (both her and I were young teens at the time).
Partway through the game, a group of around 5 college kids had gotten fairly drunk and were shouting obscenities. Some real vulgar stuff.
Now that wouldn’t have been much of an issue for just my family, but about two rows ahead of us there was another family with kids ranging from 5-9 years old.
My dad, a retired military man who was still very much an intimidating guy, turns around and asks the punks to keep it down and clean up their language.
I guess those guys had a bit too much liquid courage (or liquid stupidity in this case) and they started to get riled up, poking my dad in the chest and saying things like “Well what’re YOU gonna do about it, old man?” — very tame version of what they actually said — and one guy in particular came down one row closer to my dad to get in his face. That was a big mistake.
My dad grabbed this guy by the shirt, dragged him down another row, and brought out what we call his ‘master chief voice’. It’s the kind of tone that triggers an almost primal sense of fear in people, and that drunk idiot definitely felt it along with all his buddies who leapt down to cover their friend’s face while begging for my dad not to k*ll him.
Knowing he had sufficiently terrified them, my dad released the guy and repeated what he said the first time about watching their language. And with a chorus of “Yes sir”s and scrambling back to their seats, we spent the rest of the game listening to them yelling the equivalent of preschool taunts.


My dad is a medically retired veteran who lived in California for several years due to his wife’s work. He’s got a jeep which he proudly keeps his unit’s insignia and a sticker CIB on the back. One day, he was in his jeep and he noticed this car was tailgating him very aggressively and following him, but he thought it was just a coincidence they were following them and that they were just a shitty driver. He gets out of his jeep at the grocery store, and this lady comes out and starts screeching at him about how he’s a baby killer and a murderer who kills without thought. He sits there and waits for her to wind down while he doesn’t react. When she gets a little quieter, he asks “so if I’m anything like what you said, a murderer who kills without thinking, why do you think it would be a good idea to provoke me?”

She paled and scrambled back to her car and peeled out of the parking lot. Unfortunately, that kind of thing isn’t uncommon in California which is why they moved away when they could.


Nonviolent here. I was quiet in college. A guy decided that he would call me out and threaten me. I smiled and said "oh I won't fight you now. You better watch your back though." I left. Apparently the women in my class taunted him for the next two weeks. They spread rumors about what I had prepared for him. He would avoid me and jumped if I moved too fast in class. He apologized shortly after.


3:45 from the perspective of a kid you have to know how to fight because often you are forbidden to leave whatever room/ situation you're in.

As an adult if a guy is robbing a gas station I leave and never have to see that guy again.
As a child the school bully is going to be with me all the way until I graduate and you were usually forced to be in the same room as them.
There could be a school shooter on campus and I would still be forced to stay at school.


I mean ... yes berserker syndrome is an illness and all but MAN does it sound cool as hell
