Ugly Truths About Love , No One Wants to Admit

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Love is a complex phenomena of brain that has intrigued scientists, poets, and philosophers for centuries. Over the years, researchers have identified various factors that contribute to the experience of love, including desire fulfillment, scarcity, attachment, affection, familiarity, and ocean personality traits.

Desire fulfillment is an important factor in romantic relationships. When our desires are fulfilled by our partners, we feel happy and satisfied, which strengthens our bond. This is backed up by research showing that the brain's pleasure centers are activated when our desires are met, which reinforces positive behaviors.

Scarcity also plays a role in love. When something is scarce or rare, we tend to value it more highly. This phenomenon is known as the scarcity principle, and it applies to love as well. When we feel like our partner is unique or hard to come by, we are more likely to become deeply attached to them.

Attachment is another critical factor in love. Attachment theory posits that our early experiences with caregivers shape our ability to form attachments later in life. This theory has been supported by numerous studies showing that individuals with secure attachment styles are more likely to have healthy, long-lasting relationships.

Affection is another essential component of love. Physical touch, such as hugging, kissing, and holding hands, releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and intimacy. This hormone plays a vital role in promoting feelings of closeness and connection.

Familiarity is another important factor in love. People tend to prefer things that are familiar to them, including people. This is known as the mere-exposure effect, and it helps to explain why we often feel more comfortable around people we've known for a long time.

Finally, personality traits also play a role in love. The five-factor model of personality, also known as the "ocean" model, has been used to study the link between personality and relationship satisfaction. Research has found that individuals who score high in agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience are more likely to have successful relationships.

In conclusion, love is a complex emotion that is influenced by a variety of factors, including desire fulfillment, scarcity, attachment, affection, familiarity, and personality traits. By understanding these factors, we can gain insights into the science of love and develop strategies to build and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships.


#psychology #love #motivation
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True love is actually when both people know that they have some mental issues and need support to solve them and are ready to be honest with each other, even about the darkest truths of themselves. True love is a decision to grow together in most aspects of life :)


2)good looks +mental stability
4)affection (touch nd all)oxytocin release
5)personality traits
6) Familiarity


Unconditional sirf surrender hota hai, love nahi.


As a 16 year old who is going to enter the real phase of life. This video seem more like a guidance.


As per my view

It means accept yourself as you are
It means accept other's as they are

In short

Let me know who are agree with me


आचार्य प्रशांत सही तो कह रहे हैं।
असली प्यार अगर कुछ है तो वह कभी हमारे मन को बंधने नही देगा । हमारा मन freedom (हल्कापन) का अनुभव करेगा।🤔


I'm in a relationship from the past 8 years from my 11th to my MBA..she's a journey . I can simplify love in one word . Attachment+you can take her or his everything bad, good, depression, success without any hesitation. maybe some time you can fight also .. but after all it's all about acceptances . And practice, to be with each other in every situation which makes you one identity . This is love . ❤️
Love can't happen within a day or in a year it's a process which lasts till the end .


That means: true love doesn't exist
Even love doesn't exist


1:56-Why do we like someone:

2:10-Desire Paradigm :
For Example Men Like 1)Mentally Stable Girl 2)Attractive Girls 3:00-Reason why men like attractive women is because of evolutionary theory because attractiveness means clean and healthy body which corresponds to healthier child.
4:11-Scarcity: More Rarer the person is in terms of desirable qualities then higher his demand gets
5:02-Attachment: When you spend more time with someone and you enjoy the time you spend with them then dopamine is realised due to which your brain forces you do spend more time with them again for dopamine and due to which you spend more time and you get dependent to them for dopamine secretion and if that person is not able to be around then you will become sad.
6:30-Affection: It is characterized by release of oxytocin from pituitary gland which motivates us to care for somebody and if we will care for somebody then we will form strong bond with them and hence create a community which was essential for survival.
8:10-OCEAN Traits


🌟Video Request : why do people have natural attraction towards Caucasoid facial features? for eg, when women like Tall men it has evolutionary reason, When men like big breast it has evolutionary reason. but why is Slim Nose (common amount Caucasians) considered attractive & Broad nose (common among Africans) isn't considered attractive and many more facial features are the beauty standard around the world which are the natural features of Caucasians. All of the Most Handsome Bollywood Actors are the one's who actually don't have Indian Features eg. Hrithik Roshan, Raj Kapoor, Amir Khan. Is there a scientific reason why Caucasoid facial features are more attractive?


This man changed my finally founded the best on YouTube


Actually there's nothing like love ....its just some type of temporary attachment or attraction or selfishness that we hide under name of love 😊😊😊


1:28 to 1:33 Ranveer Bhai Face Reaction😂😂😂


I'm just 17 so I don't know much about love but from what I gathered love can be broken down to just one desire that is to do good for another even at your own expense, basically you are happy in their happiness and sad in their sadness. I believe that the highest joy one can experience is the joy of loving someone else and to love someone else you must love yourself that is you should be able to do good for your own well being so that you are able enough to make someone else happy. However it's very hard to truly love someone because we have an innate instinct to want something in return which gives rise to mistrust because you are doubting that your actions won't make the other person love you, most people who say they are in "love" are actually desiring love from someone else and not actually loving that person. The highest form of love is one where it simply doesn't matter to you whether you are loved by the other person or not as long as the other person is happy. You can see in many religions the way to escape suffering is to love God, loving God is much more easier because he is anything you want him to be, a perfect being so in the beginning its much more easier to believe that God will love you otherwise why would you exist, he made you right? But slowly slowly with deeper faith the person realises that the greatest gift he has is the ability to love without doubts and not to be loved, it's very similar to how a person's sense of what is love changes as he matures, first he wants love from his parents and its easy to believe that they love you because they gave birth to you, then you realise that for everyone this is not the case, you get doubts then you look for a relationship where you are loved but find that loving the other person is much more fulfilling than being loved then you yourself become a parent and indulge in the purest act of loving because this child can't give you anything and then you find true joy in the family life. Some brave individuals find joy in loving other more abstract things.


Dont stop making videos like you did.. You do a very good research to make the content... I love it man


If u accept your self first then u find true love


As a Diehard fan of Acharya Prashant... I can relate to the heaviness of the words he said... 😂❤😇


Harsh reality: looks are the most important thing 💔


Why he is using puneet superstar as a bad example 😭😂


Wow! He mentioned all of my favourite Psychologists ❤️🙌✨
