Dockerizing an Angular application with Nodejs Postgres and NginX | dev and prod | step by step

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In this tutorial we are going to create a multicontainer application which will be running in docker containers.
We will create both the development and production version of Docker files.
Locally we will use a docker-compose file that will run the backend, front-end, postgres and nginx proxy. And you will be able to start the whole construction with one command.
For front-end we're going to use Angular, for backend we are going to use Node.Js
and we are going to use Postgres to store the data in the database.

00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Prerequisites
01:55 - Architecture overview
05:34 - Front-end overview (Angular)
07:33 - Tryout the back-end with front-end locally
09:45 - Creating the dev env Docker files
15:53 - Creating the docker-compose file
22:11 - Tryout hot-reloading
22:44 - Creating the prod env Docker files - build images and push them to Docker hub
26:36 - Tryout the docker-compose with prod Docker files
27:34 - Summary

My name is László Leber
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Additional information that I forgot to record:
- It's a very important note that in newer Angular versions you have to put "cli": { "analytics": false} into the angular.json to stop angular cli asking for collecting analytics, it could be disturbing when we build our application inside docker container.
- In docker-compose file at the volume section with the first line Docker will create an own volume where it stores the node_modules folder. With the second line we map everything from the outside server/client folders to inside the container to some folder. So the first line is an exception too from some point of view because the Docker will use the node_modules from it's own volume, not from the mapped one.


hello please could you help me please? i get this error : "failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: "/app/dist/client" not found: not found"
can i get a solution to fix it ? Thanks
