Python | Session - 12 | Ashok IT

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#the code for the date change which you have taken the example give blunder mistake while run time it dont show the error but logic is wrong .i have solved to it took me 2 hours.
as per your code if we enter the date beyond 31 will give 32 and above it taking and adding the day, and feb 29, 30, 31also it taking, and leep year taking the day 30, 31.
the folowing is solved code. sir
day, month, year = [int(x) for x in input(' enter the date:dd/mm/yyyy: ').split('/')]
if ((month == 12) and (day<=31)):
if day == 31:
day = 1
month = 1
year = year+1

day = day+1
print (' the next date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))
elif month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10]:
if day == 31:
day = 1
month = month + 1
day = day+1
print('the next date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))
elif month in [4, 6, 9, 11] and day<31:

if day == 30:
day = 1
month = month + 1
day = day+1
print('the date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))
elif month in [4, 6, 9, 11] and day >=31:
print('hyy fool the enterd date is not comes in the month check the date')

elif month == 2:

if( (year%4==0) and not (year%100==0) and (day<=29) or (year%100==0) and (day<=29) ):
if (day == 29) :
day = 1
month = month+1
# print('the date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))
day = day+1
print('the date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))
if (day == 28):
day = 1
print('the date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))

if ((day==29) or (day==30) or (day==31)):
print('are you mad 2 month has no day that you have entered')
day = day+1
print('the date is {}/{}/{}'.format(day, month, year))

print ('check the date that you have enterd')
