SketchRetopo tutorial #07 (move vertex & edgeloop insertion)
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Data-Driven Interactive Quadrangulation (SIGGRAPH 2015)
Executable (Windows / Mac / Ubuntu 14 / Ubuntu 15) and source code:
Database of learned patches:
SketchRetopo tutorial #01 (importing mesh, camera control)
SketchRetopo tutorial #02 (basic usage)
SketchRetopo tutorial #03 (edit topology)
SketchRetopo tutorial #04 (deform curve)
SketchRetopo tutorial #05 (edit corner)
SketchRetopo tutorial #06 (laser cutting & cylinder sketching)
SketchRetopo tutorial #07 (move vertex & edgeloop insertion)
SketchRetopo tutorial #08 (query database)
SketchRetopo tutorial #09 (some additional features in basic sketching)
SketchRetopo tutorial #10 (symmetry, some configs)
SketchRetopo tutorial #11 (edge counts parity issue)
SketchRetopo tutorial #12 (tweaking visuals)
Executable (Windows / Mac / Ubuntu 14 / Ubuntu 15) and source code:
Database of learned patches:
SketchRetopo tutorial #01 (importing mesh, camera control)
SketchRetopo tutorial #02 (basic usage)
SketchRetopo tutorial #03 (edit topology)
SketchRetopo tutorial #04 (deform curve)
SketchRetopo tutorial #05 (edit corner)
SketchRetopo tutorial #06 (laser cutting & cylinder sketching)
SketchRetopo tutorial #07 (move vertex & edgeloop insertion)
SketchRetopo tutorial #08 (query database)
SketchRetopo tutorial #09 (some additional features in basic sketching)
SketchRetopo tutorial #10 (symmetry, some configs)
SketchRetopo tutorial #11 (edge counts parity issue)
SketchRetopo tutorial #12 (tweaking visuals)