Revenge of the Superbugs: How Can We Outsmart Killer Microbes?

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They're creepy ... they're crawly ... they're deadly ... and they're everywhere! Potentially fatal pathogens are in our hospitals, where they infect one in 20 patients, resulting in almost 100,000 deaths and $45 billion in excess medical costs each year. They're on our plates: Although we expect a safe food supply, nearly 50 million Americans get sick and 3,000 die from contaminated food annually, with costs up to $77 billion. They're in the hands of our human enemies: The threat of bioterrorism is ever-present. Their impact shows up on financial statements: Influenza costs American businesses $11 billion a year, to say nothing of the human toll. And perhaps most worrisome, they're defeating one of our strongest weapons. Antibiotics are miracle drugs, but bacteria are devising new ways to outsmart them. Breakthroughs in advanced molecular detection hold great promise, but in the meantime what steps should each of us take to protect ourselves, our families and our businesses? This panel's medical experts offer practical advice and insights on the scientific advances to defeat superbugs.
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