Is being a gig worker BETTER than working a 'real' job?

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In today's video we are talking about the different of being a gig worker and doing full time gig work or working that real job where you work with a company working a 8 hour or more schedule. Regardless if you are a Uber Eats driver, DoorDash driver, Skip the Dishes driver, Instacart Shopper or a GrubHub driver...Some people actually PREFER being a gig worker in the gig economy because it simply does better for them.

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Gig work is better for me. I can work around my music gigs/rehearsals. And I'm making way more money with the food delivery gigs than a 9-5 job. 👍🏾😊👍🏾


Some days I think I would be happier going back to W2, then I remember what it’s like to have a boss & always having to request days off… I HATE that type stuff.


With my day job(truck driver) there are things I like and don't like. I'm not thrilled with having to get up at 3 or 4 in the morning and the long days can wear me down. But the positive is I get paid at that same rate whether I'm hooking up hoses at a site, sitting at a site on standby with nothing to do, or driving. With gig work the big advantage is flexibility, but the disadvantage is there's no guaranteed income, so there's more pressure to make correct decisions so I'm maximizing my income. Gig work is also limited with the amount of income that can be made. A gig worker making $30-$35/hr is in the top few %. Both the day job and gig work have their pluses and minuses as far as mental health.


I was making 23.17 an hour at the shipyard. It's laborious and back breaking work. 6AM - 3:30pm with just a 30min break.

I switch to gig work and make just as much if not more, just delivering food and packages.

I have freedom to take as many breaks as I want, I don't have to wake up at 4Am and fight for a parking spot at 5AM in the morning. I have more time for my family.

Yeah imma going to miss the healthcare n crap but my wife get healthcare and food snaps now. I'm happy and the kids are happy! Im not going to slaving away my life for an company who doesn't value my time


Gig work 100% 😀 I am a Mum of 1. Gig work means I can work during school times and over the weekend when my little guy is with his Dad. I can be there for all the events in his life, as well as sick days - both mine and his - with kids U just seem to always have someone sick lol. I don't have to explain to anyone why I can't come in today. To me that is everything.


It is so refreshing to hear someone say I make more than I need 😌 truly selfless comment ash great video as always.


Big on self awareness and knowing what a person needs when it comes to mental health. Then aiming not to sacrifice your well being doing what you have to do.

I've done the 9-5 as a pharm tech and ran my own side gig as a digital marketer. Everything has its benefits and stressors when it comes to work and then including what goes down in life.

Like currently raising my 13 year old brother now and the clocking in clocking out for gig work has been amazing for me.


Great topic
My mental health is much better now iv been doing food deliveries for almost 1 year and I love it
Im still learning I would like to work more I find that I work in the morning and evening
Gig work is better for mental health I would like to earn more money it's different everyday


I like gig work because of flexibility but I recently went back to a 9-5 job because of gas prices. As of right now, I am not doing gig work. Keep up the good work Ash!


Good morning Ash 🐻 I hope you have a awesome week. I can see how gig work would make ppl need time off. Our mental health is most important part of health we can work on. Great content Ash you are appreciated 😀😄♥️


Hey Ash! I also do gig work part time, i work tech support from home 3-11 pm mon-fri ! I do food deliveries around 2-3 days during lunch time before work and super sat and sunday. I only started a month ago but it fits me well! The amount of km i do per week doing deliveries is still lower than my previous job when I had to drive to the city 5 days a week 80km round trip, so not complaining too much! I started doing gig work like you to add to my savings for future plans and since I cannot do overtime at my full time job! But now that I see how easy and relaxed food delivery is… I’m not sure I would want to do overtime at my full time job! I’m mentally exhausted after my shift after speaking to customers all evening and explaining to a 90 years old customer how to change the tv source or connect their computer to wifi!!! Gig work for me is relaxing 😌 and like you said you don’t have to answer to anyone or constantly justify everything you do! I think we are all different though and we have to find whatever makes us happy! Thanks for your videos!! I always enjoy watching them hun !! Take care of yourself!


Just like you mentioned in your video. There are some advantages in having a full time job such as getting a guaranteed paycheck no matter how much work you do. In addition, you get paid for sick and vacation time which is great. Unfortunately, that does not happen in gig work. Health insurance is another benefit from a full time job and this one is a necessity.


Mentally? Gig. I started gig work as a side hustle but started "full time" after joining the great resignation because my last job sucked. Gig work has allowed me to not take a crap job while I'm looking for another 9 to 5 though.


I do gig work part time and I enjoy it but fulltime I think it can be stressful


Most of the negative comments are from ppl who are scared to rely on themselves. They have a false sense of security at a 9 - 5.🤷🏾‍♂️


You are 100% right .
Being your own boss of all time is best way of making money.
God bless you


It better if you find a good employer. Some employers give flexible days off. Some employers give bank days off. I think gig work is good if you are a student or as a second job. Some "gig" work I do is looking for investment opportunities. I think right now with the high interest rates. Buying fixed income and locking on those interest rates is good.


Short answer: yes long answer: hell yeah for the simple fact I can work whenever and choose how long I want to work but the best part of it all is I'm my own boss and I ain't got to worry about a manager or supervisor bitching and complaining. So, hell yeah being a gig worker is way better than a having a 9-5 job.


Best thing on gig working is supposed to be the flexibility in the hours, and no one to report to. Working for delivery app can be some time very very frustrating, and yes you work WHEN, WHERE and HOW you want, BUT you have to put the hours to make it worth it and this is where to me it is a very bad point comparatively to regular job. Regular job, you do the hours, and then you're at home. Gig apps is very unstable and sometime you will work 8 hours a day but some other days to meet your goals you will have to work10, 12, 15 hours...and it is easy to slide :) ....Today I have a regular job, well paid, and I have asked myself several times, ok should I quit my job and by on gig apps as a main stream of income...and just by doing some quick math to have the same amount of money I am making today (regular+partial time gig app), basically I would have to work at least 15 to 20 hours a day, 7 day/week...No way...Anyway my main point is that gig app can also lead to burn out since you have to put the hours, you are in control of almost nothing (how many other drivers? Slow restaurants?Bad customer/bad ratings?App crashes?etc, etc), and can be very exhausting...You can rely at least and in average on a 20$/h when you work full time but for how long, those days I can wait 1 hour to receive an order...


I recently switched from 9 to 5 and back to gig work for mental health ans family balance
